

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Day of Rebirth - Encounter

With a newfound sense of purpose, Yasuline wasted no time in springing to her feet. Her movements were swift and determined, a cascade of energy propelling her into action. The blankets and pillows she had gathered were cast aside as she left her secret spot behind, her steps echoing with urgency as she made her way through the room.

Bounding over the obstacles that lay in her path, Yasuline's nimble form navigated the space with a blend of grace and determination. She moved with an innate agility, her body responding to her every thought and intention as she surged forward.

As she approached the window that had been her entry point, Yasuline's gaze shifted beyond the glass, her focus narrowing on the landscape beyond. The world outside beckoned, its allure heightened by the weight of her mission. With a surge of adrenaline, she propelled herself forward, her form blurring as she launched herself through the window.

The rush of wind against her skin was exhilarating, a reminder of the world she had temporarily left behind. Yasuline's descent was swift, her landing a testament to her athleticism as she absorbed the impact with practiced ease. Without missing a beat, she broke into a sprint, her feet pounding against the ground as she raced toward the castle's entrance.

The grand archway loomed before her, a portal back into the heart of the kingdom she held dear. Yasuline's heart beat in tandem with her footsteps, each pulse a reminder of the urgency that fueled her journey. As she neared the entrance, the imposing doors swung open, revealing the bustling activity within.

Yasuline's form surged forward, her movements a blur of determination as she navigated the familiar corridors. The castle's architecture became a backdrop to her swift passage, her surroundings a blur as she focused on her singular goal – to reach her father's side before his speech concluded.

Passing by guards, maids, and fellow residents of the castle, Yasuline's figure stood out amidst the sea of activity. Her strides were purposeful, her gaze forward as she weaved through the throng with an agility born of years of exploration and adventure.

Finally, Yasuline burst into the grand hall, her breaths coming in quick succession as she surveyed the scene before her. But the Grand Hall stood eerily empty, its grandeur momentarily dimmed as maids and guards worked diligently to restore order. Yasuline's arrival seemed to catch them off guard, their expressions a mixture of surprise and curiosity as they exchanged glances. They had assumed she would be with the king, her absence from his side a deviation from the expected.

One of the guards spoke up, "Princess Yasuline, what a nice surprise to have you visit us. But shouldn't you be with your father right now for the speech?"

Yasuline's playful nature came to the forefront as she subtly played off the confusion, her smile infectious as she met their questioning gazes. "Oh, you know how it is," she remarked with a nonchalant shrug, her voice carrying an air of casualness. "I figured I'd let him have his grand moment and sneak away for a breath of fresh air."

The maids and guards exchanged knowing looks, their amusement evident as they nodded in understanding. Yasuline's reputation for spontaneity and lighthearted mischief was well-known among the castle's staff. However, as Yasuline continued to engage them in conversation, her true motive became clear.

With a playful wink, Yasuline leaned in slightly, her voice lowering conspiratorially. "So, tell me," she began, her tone a blend of curiosity and feigned innocence, "where exactly is my dear father now? I thought I might surprise him with my impeccable timing."

The guards exchanged a glance, a hint of amusement dancing in their eyes as they shared an unspoken understanding, at least one of them blushed underneath their helmet visors. "He's at the main front gates of the castle, Your Highness," one of the guards replied, unable to suppress a small smile.

Yasuline's heart quickened at the revelation, her resolve firm as she thanked them with a gracious nod. "Much appreciated," she chimed, her voice carrying a note of excitement.

With a swift yet graceful turn, Yasuline made her exit from the Grand Hall, her footsteps echoing through the corridors as she raced toward her father's location. Her determination was palpable, her thoughts consumed by the prospect of reuniting with him, her heart set on joining him at the main front gates.

As she ran, her surroundings seemed to blur, the castle's familiar architecture a backdrop to her determined passage. With each step, Yasuline's anticipation grew, her focus unwavering as she closed the distance between herself and her father's presence. The main front gates awaited, a threshold to a moment of connection and shared purpose that she was determined not to miss.

Yasuline's footsteps echoed with a sense of urgency as she drew closer to the main front gates. The sound of her father's speech became clearer with each passing moment, the words resonating through the air and fueling her determination. She could feel the weight of the moment, the significance of her father's proclamation hanging in the air like a tangible force.

Just ahead, her gaze locked onto a familiar figure – the maid from earlier, the one who had playfully insisted on the frilly dress that Yasuline had begrudgingly worn. In her hands, she held a pair of footwear that Yasuline recognized all too well. The heels, a symbol of Yasuline's reluctant conformity, were there, waiting to be donned once more.

With a mix of resignation and haste, Yasuline approached the maid, her breaths coming in quick succession as she extended her hands. There was little time to dwell on her distaste for the uncomfortable shoes; the urgency of the moment superseded her personal preferences.

The maid offered a knowing smile, her eyes reflecting an understanding of Yasuline's predicament. Without a word, she placed the heels into Yasuline's waiting hands, a silent gesture that spoke volumes. Yasuline's fingers curled around the footwear, her grip firm as she acknowledged the necessity of the situation.

With a swift yet practiced motion, Yasuline slipped the heels onto her feet, her movements efficient and determined. As the footwear settled into place, she pushed aside any lingering reservations, her focus unwavering as she prepared to rejoin her father's side.

The echoes of her father's speech reverberated through the air, a reminder of the path she was on and the moment she was about to be a part of. With the heels now a part of her attire, Yasuline's resolve burned brighter than ever.

Her footsteps quickened, the main front gates drawing nearer with each stride. The anticipation of reuniting with her father, of sharing in his pivotal moment, propelled Yasuline forward, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and determination. As she approached the threshold that would lead her to the heart of the kingdom's proclamation, Yasuline's spirit soared, ready to seize the opportunity that lay ahead.

Yasuline adjusted her appearance with the help of her maid, a slight grin playing on her lips as she gazed ahead. The balcony had obstructed her view of the bustling crowd below. With a deliberate step, she moved closer to the edge, and in that moment, she felt a fleeting caress of wind against her face, as though nature itself sought to comfort her.

Suddenly, a collective gasp swept through the crowd, and horrified expressions overtook the faces of those surrounding her. Yasuline's poise faltered, and she froze, her eyes locking onto the bewildered stares of the people. "Huh?" she uttered, confusion etching her features.

Their eyes seemed to veer slightly off target, focusing on something beside her. She followed their line of sight, her heart quickening as shock mirrored across her face. There, imbedded in the castle's marble wall, stood an arrow. Its once-feathery end was ragged from the force of the wind that had propelled it, a chilling testament to its lethal intent.

As if emerging from a spell, a cacophony of sound burst forth. Murmurs, gasps, and shrieks melded into a chaotic symphony as the realization dawned upon the crowd. The revelation struck like lightning—someone had attempted to assassinate the princess.

"Assassin! Hunt down the assassin!" Caliber's voice boomed, commanding the attention of every castle guard and soldier within the premises. Swift and calculated, the guards sprang into action. Armored figures dashed to their designated positions, their steps echoing urgency throughout the grounds. Amid the chaos, a barrage of conflicting orders and frantic exchanges rippled through the crowd, further adding to the confusion and apprehension.

"We need to escape this turmoil!"

"Where are my children? Are they safe?"

"Clear a path! I won't meet my end like this!"

"Who launched that arrow?"

"Look to the rooftops! It came from there!"

Even the once serene balcony was now ensnared by the pandemonium. Caliber seized the royal family, his urgency palpable as he guided them toward the sanctuary of the castle. "This place is no longer secure. Back inside, quickly!"

The queen swiftly retreated, but the King hesitated, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "...there," he announced, his hand rising to point in the direction from which the arrow had come. Despite the King's conviction, the landscape appeared devoid of any immediate threat. Caliber too shifted his attention to that point of interest, a frown creasing his brow.

Amidst the tumult, two guards emerged from within the castle, their grip firm on Yasuline's shoulders as they attempted to guide her to safety. Overwhelmed by the swift succession of events, Yasuline remained dazed, her senses struggling to keep pace with the rapid unraveling of circumstances.

A sudden cry pierced the chaos, shifting the dynamics of the situation.

"There! On the rooftops!" A voice called out, its urgency reverberating through the crowd. Fingers extended and heads swiveled in unison, focusing on the indicated direction. Within moments, the princess, the king, and the resolute Paladin aligned their gazes as well. Atop the roofs adjacent to the castle gate, an agile figure darted and weaved. Their movements bore an innate grace, a display that captivated attention despite the frantic circumstances. Clad in pristine white, the figure stood out starkly against the surroundings.

Caliber's discerning eyes bore witness to a revelation. "It's him," he muttered, his voice carrying a weighty mixture of rage and tension. His fists clenched, knuckles whitening, while the grind of his teeth unveiled the intensity of his emotions. Yasuline, witnessing this volatile blend of fury and fear on Caliber's face, experienced an unfamiliar pang of apprehension.

In less than a heartbeat, the king comprehended the significance of Caliber's identification. A swift metamorphosis overtook his countenance—a draining of color and an emergence of complex emotions that played out across his features. Witnessing her formidable father in such a state of emotional turmoil sent a shiver down Yasuline's spine, her own sense of security rattled to its core.

Once again, the crowd's fervor escalated, a palpable wave of commotion sweeping through the onlookers. The figure draped in white continued to prove elusive, a spectacle in motion as city knights, determined and relentless, nimbly scaled rooftops in pursuit. Despite their concerted efforts, capturing the swift individual remained an elusive endeavor, a testament to their quarry's remarkable agility.

What unfolded was nothing short of astonishing—the sheer number of knights summoned to join the pursuit rivaled the very population that had gathered to witness the king's speech. Castle guards seamlessly collaborated in this extensive manhunt, a collective force intent on apprehension.

"Close in! Do not let them escape!" The command reverberated through the air, its urgency galvanizing the armored ranks. A chorus of voices responded in kind, an audible declaration of their shared commitment to the mission. Blades were unsheathed, glinting ominously in the sunlight as some knights lunged, seeking to strike down the enigmatic figure. Yet, time and again, their blows were thwarted, the white-clad individual's movements akin to an intricate dance, skillfully eluding each attack.

With nimbleness that seemed almost supernatural, the person in white wove through the labyrinthine pursuit, a phantom-like presence that defied the clutches of the swarming law enforcement.

Caliber's reluctance to engage in an attack was palpable, his gaze torn between the unfolding turmoil and the struggling Yasuline who remained immobilized.

"Shoot him down!" A cry erupted from the crowd, a plea fueled by desperation.

"Archers, take aim!" The command resounded, punctuating the urgency. Knights obediently notched arrows to taut bows, their unwavering focus fixed upon the figure in white. Amidst the tension, Caliber hastened to the balcony's edge, his form leaning precariously as his voice boomed in countermand.

"Fools! Hold your fire! You risk innocent lives!" His words fell upon deaf ears, swallowed by the cacophony of panic. Still, the archers remained poised, determination etched into their stances. Meanwhile, the enigmatic figure in white distanced himself from the knights, an agile retreat that guided him toward an impending destination—the castle itself, the very balcony where Yasuline and the royal family stood.

Atop the opened ceremonial gate, the white-clad individual prepared for a leap. A new voice sliced through the turmoil. "Release when he's airborne! He won't escape a barrage in mid-flight!" The command gained traction, rallying the archers to draw their bows tauter. But Caliber's desperation surged, his voice an urgent plea that resonated with a haunting truth.

"Hold your fire! The King and Princess are in the line of fire!" His plea hung heavy in the air as panic etched deep lines upon the Paladin's face. With a swift resolve, he perched atop the balcony railing, shield poised defensively, ready to shield the vulnerable.

In a split second, the figure in white vaulted skyward, and in synchronized response, arrows took flight, streaking upwards to puncture the heavens with shadowed trajectories. In that suspended instant, time seemed to dilate, each heartbeat an eternity. Amidst the tumult, Yasuline found herself jostled by the guards, their desperation mirroring their surroundings. The impact unbalanced her, sending her stumbling, heels teetering on the brink of collapse.

As equilibrium wavered and reality blurred, Yasuline's head met the unyielding wall, an impactful collision that sent her senses into disarray. Darkness encroached, an impending abyss that tugged at her consciousness. She teetered on the precipice of unconsciousness, the battle to remain present a fierce struggle waged amidst the haze of blurred surroundings.

The man in white remained within sight, an enigmatic figure against the backdrop of chaos. Yet, a curious phenomenon unfolded—the flight of arrows that had been released moments prior existed briefly in the air, a fleeting apparition before vanishing into the ether. The cacophony of panic, too, reached her ears, though its once-distinct cadence gradually dissolved into a muffled symphony of confusion. Amidst this auditory disarray, the steadfast voices of Caliber and her father managed to persevere, their words slicing through the auditory haze.

"So it is him," her father's voice cut through the tumult, laden with a mixture of recognition and disdain. "The day has come for your treacherous gaze to fall upon this throne, you malevolent fiend." Caliber's retort seemed to be directed at the enigmatic man in white, the Paladin's visage retreating from the balcony's edge as he yielded his place to the ethereal figure. However, this transitory presence was as brief as a breath, vanishing once more into the tapestry of uncertainty.

"Search for him!" Caliber's command rang out, an urgent rallying cry that pierced the din, aimed at both knights and guards. "Hunt down the White Reaper! Now!" The urgency in his voice intensified, a final directive that echoed in the air just before Yasuline's consciousness succumbed to the encroaching darkness.

With a gradual ebb, her senses dissolved into the abyss, and all sensations—auditory, visual, and tactile—were engulfed by the all-encompassing void.