

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Day of Rebirth - Family

As Yasuline stepped into the resplendent expanse of the Grand Hall, she found herself enveloped in an atmosphere of regal magnificence. The room was a testament to the grandeur of the kingdom, a space where tradition and opulence seamlessly intertwined. Tall, intricately carved columns reached towards a ceiling adorned with breathtaking frescoes, depicting scenes of Lumines' history and triumphs.

At the far end of the hall, a majestic throne stood, its imposing presence a symbol of authority and sovereignty. Today, however, the throne remained vacant, a testament to the humble nature of her parents, the King and Queen of Lumines. Their leadership was characterized not only by their regal roles but also by their approachability and genuine connection with their subjects.

The focus of the room was drawn to the long banquet table that dominated the center, a magnificent display of culinary artistry that seemed to stretch endlessly. A symphony of colors, textures, and aromas created a feast for the senses, a tantalizing array of dishes that ranged from delicate pastries to hearty roasts. The table was a celebration of the kingdom's bounty, a reflection of Lumines' rich culture and abundance.

The banquet table was covered in dishes that represented the work of a culinary artist, a testament to the kingdom's abundant resources and the creativity of its chefs. The table seemed to groan under the weight of its delectable offerings, and the air was infused with tantalizing aromas that beckoned to the senses.

Seated at the head of the table were the King and Queen, Yasuline's parents. Their presence exuded a sense of regal grace and warmth, a testament to their deep connection not only as rulers but as a loving couple and devoted parents.

Yasuline's entrance into the Grand Hall was accompanied by a hearty and exuberant proclamation, her voice carrying a bright and joyful cadence.


Her boisterous greeting was met with an immediate and familiar response, a deep and hearty chuckle that resonated from the head of the table. "Ah, there's our Lil' Sprout!" her father's voice boomed, filled with affection and a hint of playful indulgence.

Yasuline's gaze turned toward her father, and her smile widened as she locked eyes with him. His warm presence, characterized by his broad smile and the twinkle in his eyes, never failed to fill her heart with happiness.

Seated at the head of the table, Yasuline's father, the King, exuded a charismatic presence that was both commanding and approachable. His most distinctive feature, his shock of pink hair, was a nod to his adventurous past, a symbol of the vigor and spirit that had defined his youth. His beard, an impressive cascade of matching pink, spoke of a history rich with stories and exploits. However, despite his best efforts, his beard occasionally betrayed him during meals, collecting a stray crumb here and a dollop of sauce there. Yasuline couldn't help but chuckle softly as she watched her father's determined yet somewhat futile attempts to keep his pink beard pristine.

"Good morning, Dad!" she replied, her voice infused with genuine delight.

Seated beside her father was the Queen, her mother, the embodiment of grace and poise. Her demeanor was calm and composed, a gentle contrast to the boisterous energy of her husband and daughter. As Yasuline turned her attention to her mother, she was met with a serene smile.

"Good morning, dear," her mother greeted, her voice carrying a soothing elegance that seemed to wrap around Yasuline like a comforting embrace.

On the other side of the table sat Yasuline's mother, the Queen, a vision of understated elegance and regal poise. Her green eyes, mirroring those of her daughter, were a striking contrast against her flowing black hair – a reminder of her origins in the mountains. It was said that in her youth, the Queen had been hailed as the beauty of the mountains, a captivating presence that had captured the heart of the future king. Her serene grace and composed demeanor spoke of a life lived with purpose and an unwavering commitment to her role as both a ruler and a mother.

Yasuline's response was equally respectful, her tone reflecting the deep respect she held for her mother. "Good morning, Mother."

The exchange of greetings continued, the shared words and smiles weaving a tapestry of familial connection. It was a moment of togetherness, a reminder of the love and unity that bound them as a royal family and as individuals who cherished each other's presence.

As Yasuline settled into her seat, the Grand Hall became a haven of warmth and camaraderie, the clinking of utensils and the rustle of conversation adding to the harmonious symphony of the morning meal.

As Yasuline settled into her seat, her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she surveyed the vast array of delectable offerings spread before her. With an unabashed enthusiasm, she reached for an assortment of sugary delights – pastries adorned with powdered sugar, syrup-drenched waffles, and a plate piled high with fresh, plump berries. Each selection seemed to embody her zest for life and her unapologetic love for indulgence.

"Dad, you're not even going to touch these?" she teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she playfully surveyed her father's plate. The King's preference for hearty and nutrient-packed meals had always been a source of playful banter between them.

Her father, a broad grin spreading across his face, chuckled heartily. "Oh, Lil' Sprout, you know me too well. It's all about the meat and the fuel that kept me going in my younger days."

His dish, a centerpiece of epic proportions, was a succulent wyrm tenderloin lay upon a gilded platter. The meat was perfectly seared to a golden hue, its surface adorned with a delicate lattice of herbs and spices. It was a testament to both culinary skill and the bravery of the hunters who had ventured into the treacherous wilds.

Yasuline's mother, the embodiment of refined elegance, sipped her hot tea with a serene smile, her gaze moving between her husband and daughter with a knowing twinkle in her eyes.

Yasuline could smell the delicate porcelain cups that held the pale, golden hue of elderflower tea. The aroma wafting from the cups was a gentle caress of floral notes, promising a soothing and rejuvenating experience with every sip. The elderflower tea beloved for its calming properties and the sense of serenity it bestowed upon those who partook.

As Yasuline's attention turned to her mother, her demeanor shifted to one of respect and subtle teasing. "And Mother," she began, her tone infused with a touch of playfulness, "staying true to your simple and sophisticated tastes, I see."

Her mother's response was a mere arch of an eyebrow, a silent acknowledgment of the gentle jest. "Indeed, my dear. Simplicity often holds its own charm."

Next to the tea was a collection of baked goods that made Yasuline's mouth water at the colorful sight.

Platters of moonlit lavender scones, lightly dusted with powdered sugar and adorned with sprigs of fragrant lavender, beckoned with their tender crumb and delicate sweetness. The scones offered a harmonious blend of flavors, evoking moonlit nights and tranquil gardens.

Miniature forest berry tarts, their flaky crusts cradling an assortment of forest berries, were a burst of vibrant colors against the pristine white of the table. The berries seemed to exude an aura of magic, their flavors a symphony of sweet and tangy, reminiscent of the depths of some enchanted forest.

A display of stardust macarons shimmered like stardust, their pastel hues reflecting the colors of the cosmos. With each bite, the delicate shell gave way to a luscious filling that offered a dance of flavors, a tribute to the mysteries of the night sky.

Plates of dainty rose petal cakes, their surfaces adorned with a glistening drizzle of golden honey, captured the essence of romance and elegance. The honeyed rose petal cakes combined the subtle sweetness of honey with the floral notes of rose, a union that seemed to transport the taste buds to a realm of pure delight.

With her plate filled with an array of sugary delights, Yasuline settled into the delightful rhythm of the meal. The Grand Hall was alive with the sounds of laughter, the clinking of utensils, and the comforting ambiance of shared moments. It was a scene that captured the essence of their family dynamic – Yasuline's playful spirit, her father's hearty appetite, and her mother's refined presence, each contributing to the harmonious symphony of breakfast.

Midway through their meal, Yasuline's mother couldn't help but notice the enthusiastic manner in which both her husband and daughter were devouring their respective dishes. Her lips curved into a gentle, bemused smile as she addressed the pair. "Must we, dear? Dining with such wild abandon hardly befits a King and Princess."

Yasuline's father, his mouth still half full, managed to shoot an apologetic yet playful look towards his wife. "Ah, my love, you know the allure of a hearty meal is too much to resist. And besides, haven't you heard that the most vibrant spirits are those unafraid to indulge?"

Yasuline, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, chimed in, her voice playful and teasing. "Yes, Mother, haven't you always said that a good appetite is a sign of good health? I'm merely following your wise teachings."

Her mother's gaze shifted from her husband to her daughter, her expression a mix of exasperation and fondness. "Well, I suppose I am partly to blame for both of you developing these voracious appetites. I remember a certain someone insisting on second and third helpings even as a child."

Yasuline's laughter rang out, her eyes dancing with amusement. "And who could forget the endless supply of sweets you provided me, Mother? How could I resist such temptations?"

Her mother's response was accompanied by a mock sigh. "Yes, well, you certainly kept the bakers busy in those days."

Yasuline's mother chuckled softly, her gaze affectionate as she recounted past escapades. "Ah, yes, I remember the days when you'd disappear for hours, only to return covered in dirt and with a wild tale of exploration."

Yasuline's father, a glint of pride in his eyes, interjected, "But those tales were always the highlight of my day! I admired your adventurous spirit, Lil' Sprout."

Yasuline's mother's expression turned mockingly exasperated. "Admired, yes. But let's not forget the countless times your 'admirable' daughter managed to find her way into some rather precarious situations."

Yasuline's laughter bubbled forth as she defended her exploratory nature. "Come now, Mother, you can't deny it was thrilling. And it's all thanks to my fearless upbringing!"

Her father joined in, a playful grin tugging at his lips. "Indeed, she's got a point. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Yasuline's mother raised an eyebrow, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Oh, I see. So you're admitting your own role in encouraging such a fiery spirit, are you?"

Her father leaned back with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Well, I might have been known to recount a few daring tales from my own adventuring days."

Yasuline's laughter rang out again, the joyous sound filling the air as the three engaged in their good-natured banter. Amidst the teasing, Yasuline's voice took on a more serious note. "But really, Mother, you've never let me leave the castle grounds. How can I explore the world when I'm confined to these walls?"

Her mother's gaze softened, her smile tender as she replied, "My dear, your safety has always been my utmost concern. The world beyond these walls can be both wondrous and perilous. But I promise you, when the time is right, you'll have the chance to venture beyond and see the world for yourself."

Yasuline's father nodded in agreement. "Your mother speaks the truth, Lil' Sprout. We want you to experience all that life has to offer, but we also want to ensure you're prepared for whatever challenges may come your way."

Yasuline's eyes lit up with an unexpected burst of excitement as a particular memory resurfaced in her mind. "Oh, speaking of adventures," she exclaimed, her voice alive with fervor, "do you remember that promise, Father? The one you made on my eighteenth birthday?"

Her father, in the midst of a bite, choked ever so slightly, his surprise evident in his widened eyes and a brief pause in his chewing. Beside him, Yasuline's mother remained composed, her eyebrow arched as she observed her husband's reaction with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

With a sheepish grin, Yasuline's father cleared his throat and chuckled. "Ah, that promise. Yes, of course, I remember it well."

Yasuline couldn't help but giggle at her father's response. It was a memory that held a special place in her heart, a promise that had been made in a moment of spontaneity and perhaps a touch of desperation.

Her mother, her expression gently quizzical, turned to her husband. "And what promise might that be, dear?"

Yasuline's eyes danced mischievously as she recounted the memory. "Father promised that when I turned eighteen, I would finally be allowed to venture beyond these castle walls and visit the capital city outside. Imagine that, Mother, me, exploring the capital!"

Her mother's raised eyebrow and composed demeanor only deepened the humor of the situation. "Is that so? How intriguing."

Yasuline's father leaned back, a rueful smile playing at his lips. "Yes, well, it was meant to be a special gift for our Lil' Sprout on her eighteenth birthday, considering I had... er, momentarily forgotten to acquire a proper present."

Yasuline burst into laughter, her amusement echoing through the hall. "You old man! Though, it was the most memorable gift you could have given me! The promise of adventure and exploration – who could ask for more?"

Yasuline's excitement bubbled over as she leaned forward, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Tell me more, Father! What exactly did you have in mind?"

Her father's smile held a hint of mystery as he glanced between his daughter and wife. "Well, my dear, it seems that your father, in all his forgetful wisdom, had actually set things in motion."

Yasuline's gaze widened in surprise, her curiosity piqued. "You mean..."

Her father nodded, his expression both proud and amused. "Yes, indeed. After my speech on the upcoming Kingdom's special day, I've arranged for a proper introduction of our spirited princess to the capital outside these walls."

Yasuline's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and gratitude. "And then what?"

A knowing glint danced in her father's eyes as he continued, "After the introduction, you shall have the opportunity to explore the capital to your heart's content. Visit the bustling markets, engage with the people, and immerse yourself in the vibrant life beyond these castle grounds."

Yasuline's imagination whirred to life, painting vivid images of bustling streets, colorful market stalls, and the hum of a city filled with life. It was a dream she had held onto for years, a dream that was now on the cusp of becoming reality.

However, her father's voice held a touch of caution as he added, "But remember, my adventurous princess, for now, I must insist that you stay within the city walls. We'll save the grand explorations for another time."

Yasuline nodded eagerly, her enthusiasm undeterred. "Of course, Dad, I understand."

As Yasuline indulged in the delectable array of sweets and tea, her focus on the delightful flavors was momentarily interrupted by the entrance of the guards. Their presence was marked by a respectful salute to the royal family before they approached Yasuline's father, engaging in a hushed conversation.

Yasuline's father, his appetite undeterred by the interruption, devoured the remaining contents of his plate with a hearty determination. With a contented sigh and a pat on his stomach, he turned his attention to his family, a warm smile gracing his features.

"Time for me to attend to my royal duties, my dears," he announced, his voice tinged with both satisfaction and a hint of regret. "You know how it is – the kingdom's affairs never rest."

Yasuline's mother nodded in understanding, her expression a mix of pride and support. "Of course, dear. Duty calls."

Yasuline, her mouth still full of a sweet delicacy, managed a muffled affirmation. Her father's devotion to his role as king was a fact of life, one she had grown accustomed to over the years.

With a final nod to his wife and daughter, Yasuline's father rose from his seat, his departure marked by a final salute from the guards and a jovial wave to his family.

As Yasuline's mother poured another cup of tea for her daughter, a quiet moment of connection passed between them. The fragrant steam rose from the cup, carrying with it a sense of comfort and familiarity that Yasuline cherished. Her mother's departure, though expected, held its own sense of poignancy, a reminder of the ebb and flow of royal responsibilities.

With a gentle kiss on Yasuline's forehead, her mother rose from her seat, her elegant grace a testament to her regal bearing. "Enjoy your sweets, my dear," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "I'll return later. Until then, take your time and savor the moment."

Yasuline nodded, a fond smile gracing her lips. "I will, Mother. Thank you."

And with that, her mother departed, leaving Yasuline alone in the grandeur of the Grand Hall. As the echoes of her mother's departure lingered in the air, Yasuline turned her attention to the assortment of sweets that still adorned the table.

In a gesture of gratitude and camaraderie, Yasuline carefully selected a variety of treats, arranging them on a plate. She had a special destination in mind – the maid who had shared the playful banter with her earlier in the day. With deft hands, she assembled a second plate, one that held her own personal favorites, destined to bring her joy and indulgence.

Timed perfectly, the maid's sudden appearance elicited a knowing smile from Yasuline, and as she held up the plate of sweets, a silent understanding passed between them. Like a playful secret shared, Yasuline handed over the plate, her expression a mix of camaraderie and amusement.

With a nod of gratitude, the maid accepted the plate and began to enjoy the treat, a glimmer of delight in her eyes. Yet, even as she indulged, she took a moment to share a piece of information that piqued Yasuline's interest.

"The knights are in the courtyard, training," the maid mentioned, her voice a soft undertone. Hiding her chews with a hand.

Yasuline's eyes sparkled with intrigue as she considered the tidbit of information. After a thoughtful pause, she made up her mind. "Ah, perfect timing. I think I'll make my way to my special spot, then." Yasuline rose from her seat, her tray of sweets in hand.