

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Day of Rebirth - Home

Stepping into the grand corridor, Yasuline felt herself enveloped by opulence and elegance that seemed to stretch into infinity. The hall was a marvel of architectural splendor, its walls adorned with intricate carvings and gilded moldings that depicted scenes from Lumines' rich history. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a soft, ethereal glow that danced upon the marble floor below.

The hall itself seemed to encircle the heart of the castle, creating a regal pathway that led to various chambers and halls. Arched doorways beckoned like portals to different worlds, each one revealing a glimpse of the kingdom's treasures and secrets. As Yasuline began her journey down the hall, her dainty steps echoed in harmony with the gentle tinkling of the chandeliers, a harmonious symphony of sound and light.

The walls were lined with portraits of generations of rulers and dignitaries who had left their mark on Lumines. Their eyes followed Yasuline, and their expressions were a mixture of solemnity and pride. It was a constant reminder of the legacy she carried and the weight of responsibility that came with her royal lineage.

As Yasuline walked, her fingers lightly brushed against the velvet drapes that adorned the sides of the corridor, the rich fabric a testament to the kingdom's appreciation for artistry and craftsmanship. The sunlight filtered through stained glass windows, casting vibrant patterns of color onto the floor as if the very walls themselves were painted with the stories of the land.

With each step, Yasuline felt a sense of purpose and determination. The frilly dress may have been an unusual choice, but she wore it with the same spirit that had fueled her every day. As she walked down the hall, her heart swelled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. The Great Hall awaited, a place of shared meals, laughter, and familial warmth.

Yasuline's presence, vibrant and unyielding, added a touch of her spirit to the resplendent surroundings. Her playful energy seemed to infuse the very air around her, a reminder that while tradition and grandeur were integral to her world, so too was her indomitable essence. With every step, Yasuline was a living testament to the merging of regal heritage and the boundless spirit of exploration that coursed through her veins.

The maid followed along with the princess. She could be heard murmuring to herself. The soft pattering of the princess' feet on the carpet clicked in the minds of both women. As Yasuline quickened her pace down the ornate corridor, a playful voice echoed behind her. "Oh, Your Highness, don't forget your heels!" The reminder was accompanied by a soft chuckle from the maid, who had suggested the frilly dress.

Yasuline's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but let out an almost involuntary groan under her breath. The dreaded heels She had managed to escape the frilly dress, but now the impending doom of heels threatened to catch up with her. No matter how hard she practiced, she could not run at full speed in those things. Her mind raced, and she briefly contemplated the idea of just pretending she hadn't heard, but her sense of duty and respect for the castle's staff compelled her to turn back.

If she planned to get to breakfast in time, the princess would have to make a break for it. But before she could make her escape, a chorus of cheerful voices reached her ears. A group of maids, each impeccably dressed in their uniforms, appeared around a corner up ahead. They curtsied in unison, their faces brightening with warm smiles.

"Good morning, Your Highness," they greeted in harmonious unison, their demeanor a blend of deference and genuine fondness.

Yasuline's expression brightened as she forced a cheerful smile, her anxiety momentarily masked by her royal demeanor. "Good morning to all of you," she replied with practiced grace. "I hope your day is off to a splendid start."

The maids exchanged knowing glances; their presence was a testament to the interconnectedness of life within the castle. "Indeed, Your Highness, and we trust your day will be just as splendid," one of them replied, her voice a harmonious blend of warmth and deference.

With a polite nod, Yasuline acknowledged their good wishes. "Aw, thanks! That is very kind of you all to say. And back at you."

With the formalities out of the way, one of the maids began idle chatter. "From the looks of it, the day seems to be a lovely one."

"I was just thinking the same thing on my way through Market Street."

The sky was mostly clear, wind brushing in the air. Springtime is always the best in Lumines."

As the conversation continued, Yasuline's mind was struck by the nagging realization that time was slipping away. Her thoughts raced, and her words tumbled out in a hurried cascade. "Yes, lovely day. Now, I have to run. I shouldn't keep my parents waiting, you know. Breakfast. The Great Hall, lovely catching up. But, uh, got to go. Quite a schedule, you see."

The maids exchanged puzzled glances, their expressions a mix of amusement and bemusement.

One of the maids perked up as she realized something. "Oh right, today's the day for you, right?" The others all seemed to get the same idea, as their idle chatter blends into one another and makes it hard for the princess to exactly pick up any specific words.

But Yasuline's frantic energy was palpable, and it seemed her anxiousness was starting to show through her well-practiced façade.

As the conversation drew to a close, Yasuline offered a hasty curtsy, her eyes darting down the hall where the heels awaited. "Thank you for the chat. Must be off now."

"Princess Yasuline, a moment of your time."

Yasuline's heart sank as a voice, like a sudden chill in the air, reached her ears. The tone was familiar and authoritative, and it sent shivers up her spine. She turned, her dread confirmed as her gaze fell upon the figure that had haunted her thoughts—Caliber, the Kingdom's formidable champion and captain of the Royal Guard.

Before she stood the imposing figure of Caliber, his presence commanding attention and respect. A subtle groan escaped Yasuline's lips, her shoulders slumping in resignation. Her escape plan had been thwarted, and her fate was sealed as she saw what Caliber held in his hands—the dreaded heels that she had been trying so desperately to avoid.

Caliber's expression remained stoic, a mixture of formality and a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Your Highness," he greeted, his voice carrying the weight of his position.

Yasuline managed a strained smile, her attempts at composure threatened by the realization that she was cornered. "Caliber," she replied with forced cheerfulness, though the underlying tension was evident.

As if sensing her internal struggle, Caliber extended the heels toward her, a gesture that felt almost symbolic in its significance. "Your footwear, Your Highness. A necessary component to complete your attire

Yasuline's shoulders slumped further, her playful defiance momentarily replaced by a sense of resignation. She accepted the heels with a nod, her fingers gripping them as if they were the instruments of her doom.

Behind Caliber, the maid who had alerted her to the heels earlier suppressed a silent snicker and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. She offered Yasuline a subtle nod, a silent bid of good luck that carried a hidden sense of camaraderie.

With a deep breath and a begrudging acceptance of her fate, Yasuline slipped into the heels, her steps becoming a bit more graceful as she adjusted to the added height. She shot a wry glance at Caliber, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm. "Ah, Caliber, my hero. Always there to make sure I'm properly attired."

Caliber's lips quivered into a half-smile, a rare glimpse of lightheartedness from the usually stern figure. "Indeed, Your Highness. A champion's duty knows no bounds."

Yasuline couldn't help but roll her eyes; the tension of the moment was momentarily lifted by their banter. As she prepared to continue down the hall, her steps now accompanied by the rhythmic click of heels, she spared a final glance at the maid who had helped orchestrate this encounter. A silent exchange of understanding passed between them, a shared acknowledgment of the trials and tribulations that came with being a spirited royal.

With her reluctant weights called high heels and the ever-watchful presence of Caliber, Yasuline continued her journey toward the Great Hall. Her heart raced not only from the heels' unfamiliarity but also from the knowledge that sometimes even a princess must endure a bit of discomfort in the name of tradition—and, perhaps, a hint of playful rebellion.

As Yasuline continued her trek down the corridor, her steps now accompanied by the rhythmic clatter of heels against marble, she chose to remain silent. Her lips pressed into a thin line, her focus fixed on the path ahead as she concentrated on the unfamiliar challenge of walking in heels. With each step, she adjusted her posture and balance, her movements a careful dance that betrayed her internal struggle. She could feel her feet wobble just enough to sharply cut her breathing. She anticipated falling flat on her face like always, but it never came. She can't tell if it's due to her merely becoming accustomed to them or if she just has good luck.

Beside her, Caliber walked with his characteristic air of authority, his gaze forward, and his thoughts seemingly consumed by his responsibilities. His usual stern expression was softened by a contemplative frown, and his voice carried a tone of resignation as he spoke.

"It has been a rather eventful morning," Caliber mused aloud, his voice a low rumble that Yasuline could hear even amidst the clicking of her heels. "The security protocols for today's events required an extensive review, and I must admit, the intricacies of ensuring safety can be quite demanding."

Yasuline couldn't help but notice the subtle fatigue that tugged at the edges of Caliber's words. While her concerns centered around heels and frilly dresses, she was reminded that his duties were of a much weightier nature. She glanced at him, a hint of empathy in her gaze, though she chose to remain silent, not wanting to further complicate their interaction.

Caliber's gaze briefly met hers, his expression momentarily softening as their eyes met. He seemed to sense her unspoken understanding, and his lips curled into a faint, appreciative smile. "But it is, of course, an honor to serve the kingdom and its royal family," he continued, his tone regaining its familiar gravitas. "No matter the challenges that may arise,"

"Your Highness," Caliber spoke, his tone carrying a sense of finality as they reached the entrance to the Great Hall. "Before I depart, I shall oversee one final drilling session for the guards. With the day's events ahead, we must maintain the utmost vigilance."

Yasuline nodded, her appreciation for his dedication evident in her gaze. "Thank you, Caliber. Your diligence ensures our safety and peace of mind."

Caliber inclined his head in acknowledgment. "It is my duty, Your Highness. Farewell for now."

With a parting nod, Yasuline watched as Caliber turned and strode down the corridor, his steps purposeful and his presence a symbol of authority. She stood at the entrance to the Great Hall, the weight of his words lingering in the air. As the doors shifted to unlock before her, revealing the warm and inviting interior, Yasuline took a deep breath.

She silently reminded herself of the importance of the upcoming breakfast with her parents. Their bond was one of love and shared moments, and she couldn't afford to let her minor annoyances steal the joy from their gathering. Yasuline recognized that her parents deserved to see their daughter's cheerful and vibrant side, just as they had seen it countless times before.

A soft smile graced her lips as she acknowledged this truth. "I can't meet them with a scowl on my face," she mused to herself, her voice a quiet affirmation of her commitment. "They deserve to see the Yasuline they know—the spirited and lively soul they raised."