

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Day of Rebirth - Awakening

The princess' eyes suddenly fluttered open. She could barely hear her ragged breathing behind the drumming of her heart in her ears. She could feel the beads of sweat cling to her forehead. Glistening as the morning sunlight begins seeping into the room

She lay in bed, staring at the white ceiling of her room. The particular shade of white changed as her room lit up more. If she wanted to, she could make out the few dents and scratches on the wall created by the rapscallion tenant.

The remnants of the nightmare she escaped from still lingered in her mind. She could feel the weight of fear paralyze her to her bed. No matter how she wanted, she failed to move a single finger or toe.

A sense of dread wanted to make her scream as her body felt another standing just outside of her view, threatening her. The drumming kept going.

With just a narrow release of fear's grip, she took a heavy breath. Felt her strength return, just enough to move her arm and grip the nightstand. With a shift, she turned her head in its direction. There was no one there; that should relieve her. But the fear persisted.

The intricately carved wooden bed frame stood tall, draped with transparent white curtains that billowed softly in the faint breeze. A plush velvet chaise lounge rested elegantly by the window, its upholstery a shade of pale lavender that contrasted beautifully with the room's golden accents.

Against one wall, an ornate vanity gleamed, adorned with delicate porcelain jars and an assortment of shimmering jewelry that never touched her body. The tall bookshelves that lined another corner held volumes of history, poetry, and adventure, a testament to the kingdom's appreciation for knowledge and culture. A majestic painting of Lumines' rolling hills and vibrant landscapes adorned the wall opposite her bed, a reminder of the beauty beyond the castle walls.

Yasuline's gaze lingered on the painting, her mind tracing the contours of the rolling hills and endless horizons. In those brushstrokes, she saw the embodiment of the freedom she desired—the kind her father had once known as an adventurer. The memory of his tales and the sparkle in his eyes, as he recounted his daring escapades, fueled her determination.

The image of her father's adventurous spirit intertwined with her yearning for freedom, and Yasuline felt a newfound strength welling up within her. The fear that had once gripped her began to loosen its hold, its icy fingers slowly releasing their tight grasp. With each steady breath, she fought back against the suffocating weight, drawing courage from the legacy of her family, the vibrant spirit that ran through her veins, and the aspirations that burned within her heart. Nonetheless, Yasuline's determination didn't waver. Recognizing the need for more than just her spirit's strength, she recalled her mother's teachings. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her breathing, just as her mother had once guided her. Inhale deeply, hold and exhale slowly. The rhythm of her breath became a lifeline, a connection to the soothing wisdom her mother had imparted.

With each intentional inhale and exhale, Yasuline felt a sense of tranquility wash over her, like a gentle wave lapping at the shore. Her mother's voice echoed in her mind, a steady presence guiding her through the storm. She visualized her mother's serene smile, the way she had always known just what to say or do to bring comfort.

As Yasuline focused on her breath, the intensity of the fear began to recede further. Her body relaxed, tension melting away like snow under a warm sun. The combination of her mother's teachings and her determination will allow Yasuline to regain control over her racing heart and quivering limbs.

With each intentional inhale and exhale, Yasuline felt a sense of tranquility wash over her, like a gentle wave lapping at the shore. Her mother's voice echoed in her mind, a steady presence guiding her through the storm. She visualized her mother's serene smile, the way she had always known just what to say or do to bring comfort.

In her mind's eye, Yasuline conjured vivid images of her parents, their forms radiant and strong. Her father, a beacon of adventurous spirit, stood tall and resolute, his eyes alight with the thrill of the unknown. By his side, her mother exuded a quiet strength, her aura a blend of wisdom and power that seemed to shape the very world around them.

As Yasuline envisioned them, she felt a surge of pride and inspiration. Her father's fearless determination and her mother's unwavering guidance formed the foundation upon which she stood. And then, with a gentle shift of her imagination, she saw herself among them—a harmonious convergence of their traits, a bridge between the thrill of adventure and the grounding force of wisdom.

In this mental tapestry, Yasuline felt the weight of the legacy she carried—a lineage of explorers and thinkers, each contributing a unique piece to the puzzle of her identity. She could sense the presence of something within her—a potential yet untapped, a quality that was distinctly her own, waiting to be discovered.

For now, though, just being a part of this imagined trio was enough. Yasuline drew strength from the unity of her family, the blend of her parents' characteristics, and the promise of her untold potential. As she embraced this vision, the remnants of fear continued to fade, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and a flicker of anticipation for the adventures that awaited her, both within and beyond the confines of her royal existence.

Yasuline's breaths became a rhythmic cadence, each exhalation carrying away the remnants of fear like leaves carried away by a gentle breeze. The room felt brighter, with the shadows of her nightmare dissolving into nothingness. With a lighthearted chuckle, she spoke aloud to herself, her voice filled with a sense of playful curiosity.

"Well, that was quite unexpected." Yasuline mused, a mischievous glint returning to her eyes. "One moment I'm tangled in the clutches of fear, and the next, I'm conjuring up images of my parents as some ultimate power duo. I gotta say, my mind has a rather whimsical way of coping."

She leaned back against her pillows, her fingers absently tracing patterns on the sheets as she continued her playful self-dialogue. "Perhaps in the back of my mind, I was just longing for a bit of excitement, a touch of the unknown, even in the realm of dreams. Or maybe I've unknowingly become a participant in some kind of grand divine theater, starring yours truly."

Yasuline's laughter rang out softly, a musical counterpoint to the silence that had once been filled with fear. "Oh, but I do wonder what Mom and Dad would say if they knew I was having night terrors at my age. Mom would probably raise an eyebrow. Ah, well, that was then and the time is now!"

With a contented sigh, Yasuline settled deeper into her pillows, the weight of the night's turmoil now replaced by the lightness of her playful musings. The room felt cozier and more inviting as if her laughter had banished any lingering shadows.

With a burst of exuberance, Yasuline kicked herself off the bed, her movements swift and fluid. She practically glided across the room, her vibrant spirit shining through every step. Her pink hair, vibrant like a field of blooming cherry blossoms, bounced with each movement, exuding an air of liveliness that seemed to defy gravity itself.

Her eyes, a brilliant shade of sparkling green, held a mischievous glint that reflected her boundless energy. They brimmed with life, curiosity, and an unquenchable thirst for adventure. As she entered the private washroom, the soft illumination revealed her fair skin, flawless and kissed by a hint of sun-kissed warmth, a testament to her love for the outdoors.

Yasuline's playful nature was etched not only in her eyes but also in the subtle details that adorned her form. Small scratches and barely noticeable scrapes adorned her palms and arms, telling stories of her daring escapades and impulsive antics. These minor marks were badges of honor, reminders of the exhilaration she felt when venturing beyond the confines of her royal identity.

She moved around with a sense of purpose, her actions deliberate as she cleansed herself from the sweat that clung to her skin. The sound of water splashing and the gentle scent of soap filled the air, a cleansing ritual that mirrored her inner resolve to wash away any lingering traces of fear.

Emerging back to her room, Yasuline appeared refreshed, her energy even more palpable now that she had shed the remnants of her ordeal. Her pink hair cascaded down her shoulders, a vibrant cascade of color that seemed to radiate vitality. Her green eyes held a renewed sparkle, a testament to her ability to conquer her anxieties and emerge stronger on the other side. With a confident smile, she was ready to face whatever new adventures awaited her, embodying the very essence of her spirited and adventurous nature.

Yasuline's room became a whirlwind of fabrics and colors as she rummaged through her clothes, her energy and enthusiasm evident in her every movement. She grinned as she finally settled on a flowing sundress, its hues reminiscent of a summer meadow, a perfect reflection of her vibrant spirit.

Just as she was about to slip into the dress, a soft knock sounded at the door. Yasuline turned, her playful demeanor undiminished, as the door swung open to reveal a maid, her presence a picture of genteel efficiency.

"Well, well, look who's risen early enough to greet the day." The maid teased with a playful twinkle in her eyes, feigning mock surprise. "It's a genuine rarity to not see my princess not unconsciously drooling in her bed.

Yasuline simply responds with a cutely wrinkled expression as she sticks her tongue out just as she finishes changing. The maid couldn't help but chuckle, her lips curving into a warm smile. "Breakfast awaits in the Great Hall, Your Highness. Your parents are already there, eager to start the day."

Yasuline's smile widened as she feigned a dramatic sigh. "Ah, the perils of royalty. It is always expected to be punctual, even when the sun has barely risen."

The maid's laughter chimed like delicate bells. "It is a privilege to share a meal with your esteemed parents, Princess Yasuline."

Yasuline's expression softened at the mention of them. It has been a long time since the last time she joined them for a morning meal. That is usually reserved for special days, like one of their birthdays. He was hesitant to accept the idea, but remembering how they saved her from terror just moments ago, she felt obligated to honor those thoughts by relishing time with them today. "You're right. I'm grateful for the moments I can spend with them." She approached the maid, her voice taking on a conspiratorial tone. "But let's make a deal, shall we? If you promise not to tell them that I accidentally woke up early, I'll save some of those sweet loaves of bread you love so much for breakfast for you."

The maid raised an eyebrow, a playful glint mirroring Yasuline's mischief. "Your secret is safe with me, Your Highness."

As Yasuline was about to stride confidently toward the door, the maid's gentle voice halted her in her tracks. "Your Highness, if I may, there's a dress I believe would be more suitable for this morning's breakfast," she said with a diplomatic tone, her eyes carrying a hint of suggestion.

Yasuline turned to the maid, her brow furrowing slightly in curiosity. "Oh? And what dress might that be?"

The maid's expression brightened as she moved towards a wardrobe and pulled out a delicate, frilly dress in shades of soft pastels. She held it out, the fabric catching the light in a way that made it seem almost ethereal. "This one, Your Highness. It complements your grace and poise perfectly."

Yasuline's eyes widened, a mixture of bemusement and mild horror flickering across her features. "Oh, no, not the frilly one," she groaned, her voice tinged with playful exasperation. "You know how I feel about it. It's like wearing a cage for my legs!" She could already feel the bondage incoming. 

The maid's lips curled into a patient smile. "It is a dress befitting the grandeur of the Great Hall, Your Highness. I understand your concerns, but sometimes a bit of elegance is worth the momentary discomfort."

Yasuline crossed her arms, her expression a playful mix of defiance and resignation. "I've worn it before, and I practically had to waddle my way through the hall. It's not a good look, trust me."

The maid's tone remained unwaveringly gentle. "Princess, I assure you, you carry yourself with grace and poise, no matter the attire. Besides, your parents would be delighted to see you wearing it."

Yasuline's lips formed a mock pout, but she couldn't help a small grin from tugging at the corner of her mouth. "You know how to play the 'parents' card, don't you?"

The maid's eyes twinkled. "It is a tried-and-true strategy, Your Highness."

Yasuline let out a dramatic sigh, with the added eye roll, her shoulders slumping in playful defeat. "Alright, fine. But just this once, alright!? And only because you're insistent and impossible to argue with. After that, it's fisticuffs if you wanna try putting that thing on me again!"

Yasuline groaned as she was handed the dress to change too. She felt a shiver go up her spine at the thought of its patchwork covering her body again. "You are very good at this, but I warn you, I might just trip over my frills and end up causing quite the commotion."

The maid's eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and genuine affection. "I have every faith in your ability to navigate even the frilliest of situations, Your Highness."

As Yasuline changed into the dress, a mixture of annoyance and amusement danced in her eyes. Sometimes, even a spirited princess had to yield to the whims of fashion and tradition, even if it meant temporarily donning a dress that felt more like a beautifully decorated cage.

With a deep breath and a final adjustment of the frilly dress that seemed to have a personality of its own, Yasuline steeled herself and gracefully stepped towards the door. Her fingers lightly brushed the handle, and with a sense of anticipation, she turned it and pushed the door open. As it swung inward, revealing the world beyond her room, Yasuline crossed the threshold with a mixture of familiarity and excitement.