

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Battle of Lumines - Apohis

Hellfire Series Skill, Primordial Ascendance, has been activated.

Description: The transformation skill is a rare and ancient art that taps into the deepest essence of the user's being. When invoked, the user undergoes a breathtaking metamorphosis, their physical form transcending its mortal boundaries. As the transformation progresses, the user's physique undergoes dramatic changes. With this transformation, the user's abilities surge to unprecedented heights.

In his frenzied state, Apophis unleashed wave after wave of dark energy, each strike more ferocious than the last. His roars echoed through the chamber, shattering the tranquility that once enveloped the kingdom. But deep within Apophis's fury, a flicker of fear danced in his eyes. The king's defiance had shattered his illusion of absolute control, leaving him exposed and vulnerable. This realization fueled his rage further, transforming his onslaught into a maelstrom of destruction and chaos.

Apophis's very essence radiated with a frenetic energy, a volatile storm of malevolence and desperation. The once calculated and composed deity had become a tempest of wrath, driven to the brink by the king's unexpected resilience. With each passing moment, Apophis's frenzied assault escalated, as if attempting to break the very fabric of reality itself. The chamber became a battleground, and the forces of darkness swirled around him, a tempestuous storm that threatened to consume everything in its path. In his fit of rage, Apophis embodied the sheer destructive power of a wounded deity, his mind twisted and consumed by the terrifying prospect of his plans unraveling. His fury knew no bounds, and he would stop at nothing to bring about the king's downfall, even if it meant tearing the kingdom apart in the process.

Sorcerer Skills, Mind Drain and Puppet Strings, have been activated.

But no matter how hard the snake daemon tries to use his magic skill on the king, it no longer has any effect.

In a brief action that seemed to be of pure desperation and vengeance. Apophis would snatch something out from under its robe, crushing it in his fist and feeding himself with it.

As Apophis's rage intensified, his form began to undergo a horrific transformation. The once humanoid figure contorted and twisted, bones cracking and reshaping, as he shed his human facade to embrace his true serpentine nature.

His face elongated and morphed into a snarling visage of pure malice, rows of razor-sharp fangs protruding from his maw. His eyes, once filled with a deceptive allure, turned into abyssal pits of burning embers, radiating an unholy glow that pierced through the darkness.

Limbs dissolved and merged with his sinewy, serpentine body, the transition marked by the eruption of scales, slick and glistening with a venomous aura. Massive coils writhed and twisted beneath him, propelling his colossal form forward with unnerving agility.

As Apophis continued to grow in size and power, his body expanded exponentially, becoming a monstrous embodiment of primordial darkness. His head, now towering over the castle walls, could easily reach heights of more than three stories, its monstrous jaws capable of swallowing entire battlements.

His presence alone was suffocating, the air thick with a potent blend of malevolence and ancient power. The ground trembled beneath his immense weight, the earth itself cowering in the face of his overwhelming presence.

Despite his transformation into this gargantuan serpent-like entity, Apophis still retained certain demonic traits. Dark, leathery wings sprouted from his back, their jagged edges flickering with sinister energy. Spines and horns adorned his monstrous form, giving him an even more menacing and otherworldly appearance.

Apophis's body, now of titanic proportions, coiled and slithered with a grace that defied his monstrous nature. He effortlessly encircled the castle, his immense form casting an ominous shadow over the entire kingdom, a grim reminder of his power and the impending doom he represented.

As Apophis's transformation neared its completion, the very fabric of reality seemed to strain under his weight. The realm of mortals quaked before his monstrous manifestation, trembling in fear at the sight of the malevolent deity unleashed in all his terrifying glory.

With each passing moment, Apophis's form grew more monstrous, his presence more overwhelming, until he became an embodiment of pure nightmare. The world around him seemed to shrink in comparison to his colossal figure, dwarfed by the sheer magnitude of his demonic power and insatiable hunger for destruction.

With a flick of its tail, Apophis unleashed a wave of power that sent the White Reaper hurtling through the air, crashing into the wall with a deafening impact. The force was so immense that the very structure of the castle seemed to protest, cracks splintering across the stone as debris rained down upon the fallen assassin.

"White Reaper!" Yasuline shouted, complete shock that stunned her in place. Her father was too weak from escaping such a spell to turn his head around to see what was causing such a ruckus.

The earth quaked beneath the colossal titan of a daemon as it unleashed a deafening roar, its thunderous cry reverberating through the air. The sheer force of its bellow caused windows throughout the once-magnificent castle to shatter, shards of glass raining down like deadly confetti. The cacophony reached the ears of the terrified civilians who dwelled near the crown of the kingdom, their hearts gripped with fear as they realized the magnitude of the impending danger.

The Sorcerer Class Skills, Mind Drain and Puppet Strings, have been activated.

Daemon Race Skill, Paralyzing Gaze, has been activated

Description: The eyes emit a mesmerizing, hypnotic gaze. When locked in eye contact with its prey, the victim falls into a trance-like state, paralyzed and defenseless against the demon's advances. The demon can then leisurely close in for the kill or deliver a venomous bite at its leisure.

With eyes ablaze, the daemon's gaze fixated upon the king, his ruler and father. In that moment, the spell of the daemon's enchantment took hold once more, ensnaring the king's mind in its dark grasp. The light in his eyes faded, replaced by a vacant emptiness that betrayed the loss of his own will. He became a marionette, strings pulled by the daemon's malevolent desires.

A shudder of anguish rippled through Yasuline's body as she witnessed her father's transformation. Her heart sank with a mixture of sorrow, desperation, and an indomitable resolve. She could not bear to see her father, once a pillar of strength and love, reduced to a mere pawn in the daemon's game of manipulation.

The air crackled with an electric tension as the king turned his blade, once a symbol of protection and honor, against his own flesh and blood. Yasuline's eyes widened in disbelief and horror, her voice choked with a mix of anguish and determination.

"No! Dad!" she cried out, her voice trembling with a raw intensity.

In the suffocating aftermath of Apophis's devastating strike, Yasuline's heart clenched with a mixture of desperation and despair. The brief glimmer of her father's release had been cruelly snuffed out, like a candle extinguished by an unrelenting wind. Helplessly, she watched as he was once again ensnared by the Daemon's malevolent magic, his figure swaying like a marionette under its control.

At that moment, Princess Yasuline stood alone, the weight of the situation pressing upon her. The Daemon's newfound strength and magic, coupled with the White Reaper's incapacitation, and her father's return to the enemy's grip, left her facing an adversary whose power now dwarfed anything she had encountered before.

The weight of her impotence pressed heavily upon her, a suffocating sensation that left her feeling as if she were trapped within an invisible cage. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, the remnants of her pleas still echoing in the air, their impact now feeble in the face of this new twist of fate. The transformation of her father, from free to captive, was a bitter reminder of the fickleness of hope.

And then, as if to underscore the depths of her helplessness, the grand doors of the Grand Hall burst open with a thunderous crash. Beyond them stood the denizens of the castle, a sea of familiar faces rendered inscrutable by the weight of their collective gaze. Among them stood the imposing figure of the Champion, Caliber, his presence a silent declaration of the hopelessness of Yasuline's situation.

The denizens, once vibrant and full of life, now seemed like distant specters in the grand scheme of her struggle. Their eyes held an eerie mix of resignation and dread, their expressions echoing the sentiment that had settled upon the room like a thick fog. The Champion, a symbol of protection and strength, stood among them as a testament to how dire the circumstances truly were. Just as helpless as the rest of them.


In that moment, the Grand Hall became a stage for Yasuline's isolation. Her father's return to Apophis's control was a cruel reminder that even the strongest bonds of love could be manipulated and corrupted. The presence of the castle's denizens, once a source of comfort, now served as a stark reminder of the chasm that separated her from the world beyond. And with Caliber's gaze fixed upon her, his stern visage a reflection of the insurmountable odds, Yasuline felt a sense of hopelessness descend upon her like an oppressive weight.

Amidst the sea of doubting murmurs that cascaded from the castle denizens, their words a reflection of their own fears and limitations, Yasuline found an unexpected wellspring of resolve. The cacophony of their collective doubts and admonitions might have shattered a lesser spirit, but Yasuline had spent her life nurturing an unyielding determination, a flame that refused to be quenched.

Each word of doubt that reached her ears was a testament to the confines that society had imposed upon her. The echoes of those who believed she couldn't handle the world beyond the castle walls reverberated in the air, a chorus of dissenting voices that sought to define her path for her. But Yasuline, fueled by the adventurous spirit that had taken root in her heart, had come to understand her own truth.

A Miracle Skill has been unlocked.

As the weight of the situation bore down upon her, a defiant smile curved upon her lips. It was a smile that defied the odds stacked against her, a smile that said, "I know better." In the face of adversity, she had been emboldened by the stories of her father's youth, the daring feats that had ignited her own desire for exploration. Their words might have been meant to suppress her, but they had only stoked the fire of her conviction.

And in that enigmatic smile, Apophis found itself confounded. The Daemon, accustomed to manipulating and subduing the wills of others, struggled to comprehend the unwavering confidence radiating from Yasuline. The juxtaposition of her calm demeanor against the chaotic backdrop of their confrontation was like a riddle that defied solution.

As the winds of doubt howled around her, Yasuline's smile remained a beacon of unwavering certainty. It was a silent retort to those who believed she was bound by the castle's walls, a testament to her unshakable belief in her own capabilities. In the face of a situation that seemed beyond salvation, she chose to stand firm, to embrace her true self with a courage that transcended mere circumstance.

As the echoes of doubt clashed with the flames of her conviction, Yasuline's sense of knowing better grew stronger, like a tempest gathering force within her. It was as if the very essence of her being resonated with an unwavering truth that defied the limitations others sought to impose upon her. The swell of confidence within her was a beacon of defiance against the currents of uncertainty that had surrounded her.

But it wasn't just confidence that surged through her veins. With each heartbeat, she felt the unmistakable surge of power coursing through her, an energy that seemed to respond to her unyielding determination. It was as if the very cosmos itself recognized her resolve, granting her access to a wellspring of strength that had been hidden within her all along.

With every passing moment, that enigmatic feeling surged, its intensity mounting like a rising tide. It stirred something deep within Yasuline's core, fueling a newfound resolve that intertwined with her fears and propelled her forward. It was a glimmer of hope, a flicker of courage that refused to be extinguished. As the chaos threatened to consume her, she clung to this burgeoning sensation, embracing its power and vowing to forge her own path, even within the suffocating grip of her ancestral home.

As Yasuline felt the mysterious sensation intensify, a radiant glow began to emanate from her very being. The encroaching army of her former comrades halted in their tracks, their eyes fixated on the ethereal spectacle before them. Sensing the connection between her growing power and the faltering adversaries, she focused her will, delving deeper into that enigmatic feeling.

With each passing moment, the luminous aura surrounding Yasuline expanded, casting a brilliant light that seemed to bend the will of the opposing forces. The tide of battle began to shift, as if caught in the gravitational pull of her newfound strength. The soldiers, once under the sway of mind control, hesitated, their movements faltering as a glimmer of awareness pierced through the fog of manipulation.

"NO, NOT AGAIN!" Apophis hissed, realizing the threat Yasuline posed. He lunged forward, intent on swiftly neutralizing her before she could unleash her latent power. However, the White Reaper sprang into action, leaping through the air with a fierce determination. He collided with the titan's serpent-like face, his scorching flames searing through the impenetrable scales, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

Apophis recoiled, his massive head jerking back as he attempted to dislodge the relentless assailant. Meanwhile, Yasuline remained steadfast, drawing upon the wellspring of this unknown power within her. She could feel the heat building inside her, intensifying with each passing moment. Yet, she knew she couldn't falter. The weight of their intertwined destinies pressed upon her shoulders, as both enemies and allies alike relied on her to break the shackles of captivity that ensnared their minds.

Driven by an unwavering determination, Yasuline pressed on. The torrent of power surged within her, propelling her forward even as her body grew hotter, an embodiment of the unyielding resolve burning deep within her soul. The stakes were high, and she couldn't afford to waver. With every ounce of her being, she channeled the pulsating energy, ready to confront the darkness that had ensnared them all and reclaim their shattered freedom.

The snake daemon, Apophis, unleashed his fury in a desperate attempt to rid himself of the persistent pest that had burrowed deep within his consciousness. With a thunderous impact, he slammed his serpentine face against the crumbling wall, sending cascades of debris tumbling down. The White Reaper, caught in the chaos, was swallowed by the avalanche of rubble, disappearing from sight.

Apophis, consumed by rage, yearned to crush the relentless foe once and for all. But as he turned his attention to the ever-growing glow emanating from Yasuline, his words were filled with disdain. "YOU! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? YOU ARE JUST A MERE PAWN TO THE GODS, NOT EVEN WORTHY SERVICING THE DIVINE BEASTS THEMSELVES!"

Yasuline defiantly raised her gaze to meet the monstrous titan, her eyes filled with determination and a cocky smirk. "I am the princess of Lumines. An adventurer at heart, destined to leave my mark upon this world!"

Miracle Series Skill, Miracle Blast, has been activated.

Description: A skill that embodies the fusion of divine essence and raw kinetic power. The practitioner channels potent miracle energy within themselves, they emanates a radiant glow, a testament to the boundless energy coursing through their being. With utmost concentration, the user harnesses the concentrated miracle energy, drawing it into their core. They convert this sacred essence into an explosive force of kinetic energy. A resounding shockwave of kinetic force emanates outward in all directions, accompanied by a brilliant cascade of radiant colors. The effects from the expanding power differs on the user's perspective of those around them.

As the words thundered forth, they were fused with the accumulated power she had harnessed within her. A tremendous force surged through the air, sweeping across the capital and beyond. The guards, the champion, and even the king were sent sprawling, unconscious upon the floor. Apophis recoiled, his massive head colliding with the foundation of the castle, causing fractures to ripple through the once-impregnable marble structure.

The wave of energy reached even the buried White Reaper, who was effortlessly pushed free from the debris, his unscathed form a testament to his resilience. Yet, as the last remnants of power escaped Yasuline, her strength waned. The world around her blurred, her muscles betraying her as she stumbled to the ground. Swiftly, someone came to her aid, catching her and gently guiding her to rest. Moonlight poured into the room through the exposed section of the castle, casting a silhouetted figure before her. She recognized her first friend.

"White Reaper, nah, Zero... thanks," Yasuline whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and exhaustion.