

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Battle of Lumines - Miracle

The resplendent figure of the White Reaper stands proudly at the heart of the opulent Grand Hall within the Castle of Lumines. Moments ago, he emerged from the throes of a direct clash with the colossal serpent, Apophis. The great snake, a malevolent daemon with sinister designs, looms menacingly in the very same chamber. Apophis, a behemoth of malignancy, had aimed to manipulate Yasuline's father in a treacherous bid to seize dominion over the realm. The hall, adorned with glistening tapestries and ornate chandeliers, now bears witness to this epic confrontation between the luminous guardian and the nefarious serpent, as the castle's history trembles beneath their fateful clash.


Apophis recoils in astonishment at the reappearance of the White Reaper, a surge of disbelief sweeping across his visage as he witnesses the figure he believed vanquished standing before him once more. His assumption of the assassin's demise crumbles in the face of this unexpected reality.

"B-BUT HOW!?!"

The White Reaper, unyielding and audacious, responds to the serpent's shock with naught but a sardonic wag of a finger—a gesture that underscores his indomitable nature.

In a display of his unerring dexterity, the White Reaper employs the sinuous chain of his weapon with precision, sending it spiraling toward the fallen princess's weapon—the illustrious runeblade. The mystical weapon is deftly seized by the assassin's calculated maneuver. As the grip of the runeblade meets the White Reaper's hand, the latent magic within it is sparked to life, setting ablaze a cascade of flames that cascade forth in a blaze of intense brilliance. The flames dance and undulate, their ethereal azure hue casting an eerie and familiar glow—a vivid manifestation of the weapon's intrinsic connection to the fallen princess and her legacy within the realm.

The battle rekindles with fervor, as the colossal daemon serpent, Apophis, readies itself for a climactic assault—a tremendous slam of its prodigious tail aimed at finality.


However, the White Reaper, undaunted and swift of thought, masterfully employs the runeblade to his advantage.

Spellblade Skill, Fireblade, and Starfire Skill, Solar Flare, has been Activated.

Description for Solar Flare: A unique Fire Skill that allows a single flame to sudden share energy with the user to give it more potent than normal.

Combo Skill Recognized as: Starfire Thruster, has been achieved.

Summoning the blade's latent magic, he conjures forth a brilliant burst of flames that erupt with forceful intensity, using the fiery propulsion to gracefully propel himself out of the serpent's destructive trajectory.

Empowered by this newfound weapon and the flames that flow from it, the White Reaper's speed attains a new zenith. With an almost supernatural celerity, he darts back and forth like a shadow, his diminutive stature transformed into a vessel of grace and agility. His movements, a symphony of calculated evasion, weave an intricate dance around the monstrous adversary. The serpent's malevolent strikes are met with nothing but the air and a wisp of blue flame, as the small yet formidable assassin evades both the venomous attacks and the malevolent gaze of his adversary. Each nimble step and fluid maneuver demonstrates the White Reaper's mastery over the runeblade and his unparalleled skill in exploiting its enchantments to his advantage.

Growing increasingly frustrated by the elusive and agile White Reaper, Apophis turns to his arcane powers, conjuring mystical projectiles with the intent to strike down his nimble foe.

Dark Magic Skill, Black Meteors, has been Activated.

However, the serpent's aim proves less precise than desired, as the projectiles go astray, inflicting damage upon the grandeur of the hall—walls and ornaments bearing witness to the chaotic ballet of magic and evasion.

As the tension between the two intensifies, Apophis's frustration gives way to an unexpected sensation—a searing burn etched upon his flesh. A dissonant hiss escapes his maw as his gaze zeroes in on the source of his discomfort. There, upon his scaled form, lies a fresh wound—a testament to the potency of the runeblade's magic. The wound radiates an otherworldly blue luminescence, the very same hue that resonates within the flames of the blade itself. The serpent's malevolent presence is marked with this sapphire emblem of conflict—a vivid reminder that the tides of battle have turned, and the wielder of the runeblade stands unyielding against the daemon's onslaught.

The relentless assault of burning slashes continues to rake across the serpent's form, each searing impact exacting a toll on Apophis's energy reserves. The venomous pain inflicted by these ethereal wounds leaves the daemon in a state of grim endurance, as his focus frays between the agony and the elusive presence of the White Reaper.

In a desperate bid to regain control over the tumultuous battle, Apophis's thoughts turn to the princess, Yasuline, as a potential pawn to lure his evasive foe into his grasp. With a calculated resolve, the serpent plots to exploit Yasuline's presence, intending to manipulate her as bait to draw the assassin within his field of vision.

As the serpent lunges forward, intent on enveloping both the king and the princess in its cavernous maw, a shimmering spark of brilliant blue catches Apophis's attention. The sudden incandescence seizes his focus, causing his serpentine head to jerk in its direction. In a swift and calculated motion, Apophis's powerful jaws clamp shut tightly around the source of the spark, enclosing his mouth around it—an enigmatic tableau of primal instinct and mystical force, as the daemon's world narrows to the brilliant beacon of blue amidst the chaos of battle.

For a fleeting instant, the daemon basks in a self-congratulatory notion, believing he has managed to outmaneuver the specter of death itself. However, the euphoria proves ephemeral, quickly dissipating into a shroud of dread that settles upon him like a suffocating fog. The realization dawns upon Apophis with a bone-chilling certainty—though he had consumed the form of the White Reaper, the lingering sight of the blue flame of death still materializes before his eyes, mocking his presumptive victory.

As the moments unfold, the daemon's befuddled certainty shatters, replaced by a realization that strikes with the force of revelation. His serpent-like gaze falls upon his snout, where the supposed conqueror of death, the White Reaper, now perches—sardonic and undeterred. A casual wave from the diminutive figure amplifies the absurdity of the situation, serving as a testament to the cunning wit of the assassin.

However, amidst the absurdity, a notable absence becomes apparent—the runeblade, the source of both power and illusion, is nowhere to be seen. Instead, what remains is a solitary chain that traces a path directly into Apophis's gaping maw—an unwittingly fashioned lifeline that binds the daemon to his folly.

In a moment of clarity, the daemon's consciousness weaves through the web of manipulation and treachery, as the truth strikes him with a force beyond mere comprehension. The daemon had been ensnared in his hubris, ensnared by the very machinations he sought to employ against his foe—a poignant lesson etched into the annals of his doom.

As the daemon, ensnared by the very chain he unwittingly provided, clutches the chain-linked runeblade in desperation, a malevolent impulse surges through his ethereal form. With a mere snap of his metaphysical fingers, the daemon's mastery over the blade is asserted, and the weapon springs to life within his grip. Its magic courses through his being, transforming into an instrument of torment against the serpent's sensitive inner flesh.

A maelstrom of anguish takes hold as the blade, now an extension of the daemon's will ignites with merciless fervor. A searing confluence of pain engulfs Apophis's very core, a visceral torment that transcends his ability to vocalize. If the daemon could scream, the air would surely shatter with its intensity, but the agony remains confined to the rattling thrash of his form as he convulses in anguish.

Against the backdrop of the daemon's torment, the foundations of the chamber begin to crumble further, the grandeur of the hall unraveling in symphony with Apophis's agony. Walls quiver and decor splinters, bearing witness to the cataclysmic dance between the forces of pain and destruction.

Amidst the chaos, the White Reaper stands stoic, a silent observer of the spectacle of a malevolent power ensnared by its machinations. The enemy that once posed a formidable threat now writhes in agony, a symphony of suffering and ruin echoing in response to the daemon's hubris.

Amidst the onslaught of pain and the cacophony of crumbling surroundings, a stark realization pierces through the veil of Apophis's suffering. Reality takes root within his consciousness, an undeniable truth that now resounds with unwavering clarity. Concealing this newfound knowledge behind a facade of desperation, the daemon channels his remaining strength into a final barrage of magical attacks, launching them forth from his arsenal in a futile display of defiance.

Yet, deep within the recesses of his essence, Apophis comprehends the truth that has been laid bare—victory, in this instance, resides not in the perpetuation of the battle, but in a strategic retreat. The daemon's resolute decision crystallizes within his thoughts—defeat the implacable foe that is death itself by evading it, by escaping its grasp.

With this newfound wisdom serving as his compass, Apophis, a creature of cunning and survival, resolves to heed the most primal instinct—to flee. In the face of a reality defined by the relentless inevitability of death, the daemon's ultimate triumph lies in the act of escape—a choice that embraces the profound irony of his existence. In a realm where triumph often hinges on dominion, Apophis embraces victory by yielding to the force that transcends all dominion—the inexorable specter of death.

In a frenzy of desperation, Apophis unleashes a torrent of attacks, a calculated ruse that masks his true intention. Among the onslaught, some of the magical projectiles "misfire," deliberately shattering the ceiling and carving a passage wide enough for his massive form to traverse. The phantom barrage creates a chaotic spectacle, obscuring his true objective from the gaze of the White Reaper.

With one final hiss that echoes with both defiance and a muted acknowledgment of the reality he now faces, Apophis seizes the opportunity he has cunningly crafted. He slithers through the newly opened aperture, a passage that leads him out of the confining walls of the castle and into the realm beyond.

Climbing with a methodical grace, his serpentine form coils around the castle's towering spires, a testament to his relentless determination to escape. Each sinuous movement propels him ever higher, a relentless ascent that carries him to the highest pinnacle of the castle's architecture.

At the zenith of his climb, Apophis surveys the expanse that stretches before him—a realm of uncertainty and possibilities, of unknown destinies that beckon with a paradoxical allure. The daemon, now perched upon the precipice of escape, prepares to venture forth into the vastness beyond, a calculated retreat that stands as his ultimate triumph in the face of the relentless dance with death.

As Apophis's towering form emerges from the castle, the capital city below stands transfixed by the unfolding spectacle. A sea of lights and torches casts an ethereal glow upon the streets, and the collective gaze of the city's residents fixates upon the enigmatic figure that has emerged from the confines of the castle walls.

In a crescendo of malevolent energy, the daemon releases a screech of overwhelming intensity—a sound that reverberates through the air like a symphony of impending doom. As the echoes of the screech permeate the atmosphere, the daemon's insidious magic takes hold, unfurling like a sinister tapestry across the minds of the city's denizens.

Apophis employs his mighty spells with calculated intent, seeking to ensnare the entire city within the folds of his hypnotic influence. The allure of an unwitting army dance before his eyes, a vision that stokes the flames of ambition within the daemon's core—a fleeting hope that perhaps, through manipulation and might, he might stand a chance against the unyielding adversary he faces.

However, even as his vision takes shape, the White Reaper persists as an indomitable force of resistance. With each step forward, the assassin demonstrates the folly of Apophis's designs, dismantling the web of illusion that the daemon attempts to weave. Amidst the unfolding chaos, the ultimate truth remains irrefutable—victory, however fleeting it may be, is a specter that remains elusive within the grasp of the daemon's machinations.

As Apophis seeks to assert his dominance and fortify his power, a visual manifestation of his malevolent energy takes form—an intricate chain of blue flames that coils and constricts around his colossal serpentine body. The ethereal flames, a symbol of his mystic prowess, weave a web of confinement that wraps itself around him—a display of authority that seeks to entrap his adversary in a fiery embrace.

Amidst this ensnaring display, a sensation akin to agony courses through the daemon's form. The runeblade's mystical power, once again awakened and channeled through the ethereal flames, pierces his flesh like a metaphorical nail—one that pins him in place, a captive within his malevolent construct. The intrusion of this arcane force serves as a stark reminder of the implacable force he faces—an adversary whose essence defies his manipulation.

And amid Apophis's struggles, a new sight unfolds—a blur of motion that defies comprehension. The White Reaper, a paragon of rapidity and agility, scales upward with an accelerated urgency. Each fluid movement propels the assassin with relentless speed, an ascent that defies the very forces that the daemon attempts to marshal. As the assassin's presence draws closer, a shadow of impending defeat shrouds Apophis's consciousness, the chain of flames and the runeblade serving as a harbinger of the inevitable—a symbol of the limits of power in the face of an adversary who wields not only physical skill but an intangible mastery over the currents of fate.

In the throes of desperation, Apophis's pleas echo through the vast expanse, a fervent supplication directed toward death itself, and the gods who preside over his destiny. Yet, even amidst his entreaties, the resounding words of the White Reaper reverberate within his consciousness—a poignant observation that encapsulates the irony of his existence.

"For an immortal who thrives around death, afraid to die themselves. How paradoxical."

Starfire Series Skill, Starfire Comet, has been activated.

Description: A devastating attack by the blessing of the Sacred Starfire. It encapsulates the wearer in its warmth and sends them flying straight toward their destination in the image of a shooting star. The impact of the attack can cause craters and yet, leave the user unharmed.

As the White Reaper himself becomes enveloped in the embrace of the blue flames, a transcendent transformation takes place. The flames, once a mere manifestation of the runeblade's magic, expand in magnitude and brilliance, radiating an unparalleled heat that sears the air itself. The assassin's form becomes a vessel of incandescent intensity, the embodiment of a force that defies comprehension.

With an abrupt and awe-inspiring motion, the brilliant cascade of blue flames plummets from the heavens, its trajectory aimed squarely at the stricken daemon below. The flames, an embodiment of both power and retribution, pierce through Apophis's form with a ferocity that transcends the physical. The daemon's being is consumed by the overwhelming heat, each moment etching a searing brand into his very essence—a final testament to the irrevocable power of death's embrace.

And then, as the flames subside and the cataclysmic impact of the assault recedes, a profound stillness descends upon the realm. The space once occupied by Apophis now stands empty, the daemon's presence having yielded to the inexorable force that he both defied and embraced—a paradoxical echo that resounds through the annals of time, a testament to the fleeting triumphs and the ultimate frailty of power in a world where death holds sway.

The aftermath of the battle left the Great Hall in eerie silence, the remnants of the serpent daemon dissipating into the air. The once formidable enemy had been reduced to nothingness, vanquished by the combined might of the White Reaper and the princess's mysterious powers.

The White Reaper stood amidst the aftermath, a surreal landscape of destruction and chaos. His piercing gaze swept across the ravaged hall, taking in the shattered walls, scattered debris, and the lingering scent of burnt magic in the air. It was a sight that weighed heavy on his shoulders, a testament to the fierce battle that had unfolded.

Turning his attention to the princess, he couldn't help but feel a surge of both relief and concern. Her serene countenance, undisturbed in slumber, betrayed the immense toll she had endured. Carefully, he positioned her runeblade by her side, its ethereal glow casting a soft illumination upon her peaceful form. It was a symbol of her resilience and the power she had wielded, even in her unconscious state.

As groans echoed through the chamber, the White Reaper's keen senses detected the stirring of the others. He observed from the shadows, hidden yet attentive, as consciousness returned to those who had fallen victim to the daemon's mind control. They roused, disoriented and battered, yet resilient in their own right. His eyes scanned the faces of the king and Caliber, witnessing the flicker of recognition and gratitude for the battle that had been fought in their defense.

Silently, the White Reaper made his departure. It was not out of a desire for recognition or gratitude, but rather a reflection of his enigmatic nature. He vanished into the shadows, his presence dissipating like a whisper on the wind. The king and Caliber, however, were not oblivious to his departure. Their gazes lingered on the spot where he had stood, a mix of curiosity and suspicion coloring their expressions.

Meanwhile, the others rushed to the princess's side, their voices filled with relief and concern as they checked on her well-being. A chorus of worried inquiries and fragmented memories intertwined, as they pieced together fragments of their identities and shared their limited knowledge. It was a moment of unity born from adversity, their collective strength growing through each shared revelation.