

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Battle of Lumines: Boss Battle

In the continued heart-pounding clash between the two forces, the charged atmosphere crackled with raw energy as Princess Yasuline and the White Reaper surged forward, their footsteps echoing off the marble floors of the Grand Hall. Apophis, its eyes gleaming with malice, unleashed torrents of arcane energy that streaked through the air like deadly comets. The Reaper, undeterred, brandished his chain with dagger tip, expertly deflecting the oncoming magical onslaught. Each clash between the two forces created a dazzling display of sparks and illumination as if the very fabric of reality was being challenged.

The Reaper's movements were as precise as they were fluid, his chain a whirling extension of his unyielding will. The dagger danced and spun, striking the arcane projectiles with uncanny accuracy, creating a protective curtain that enveloped Princess Yasuline. The air itself seemed to vibrate with each deflection, an orchestration of defensive maneuvers choreographed to shield the young royal from the malevolent magic.

Yet amidst this dance of chains and sorcery, the King's heartrending actions cast a shadow over the scene. His greatsword, once an emblem of his valor, now swung with an eerie determination that was more puppetry than volition. Each swipe was heavy with the weight of betrayal, each strike a heart-wrenching reminder of the familial bonds shattered by Apophis's influence.

Her breaths came in ragged gasps, the exertion of parrying her father's strikes taking its toll. In her mind's eye, she replayed the tales of her father's youthful escapades, the daring feats he had accomplished with seemingly insurmountable odds. The memory of his unwavering resolve ignited a spark of determination within her. While she might not possess the same level of power, she could draw strength from his legacy and her spirit.

As the clashes continued, the dance of steel and magic painted a portrait of struggle and perseverance. Yasuline's arms trembled under the weight of her father's strikes, but she refused to yield. Her eyes locked onto his, a silent promise echoing within her gaze. The runeblade glowed brighter, its magical aura pulsating with her unyielding resolve.

Yasuline's eyes blazed with determination as she faced her father, who was under the control of an unknown force. She took a deep breath, her voice resolute and filled with inner strength.

"I can't stand by and watch you suffer, Dad. You've always been there for me, my hero. I won't let him have you. I won't let it snuff one of the few things I actually like about my home!"

As Princess Yasuline continued to parry her father's powerful strikes, she found herself reaching into the depths of their shared memories. Amidst the din of battle, her voice cracked with a mix of desperation and love, each outcry a plea to break through the malevolent hold that gripped him. Through the haze of mind control, she summoned fragments of the bedtime stories he had woven for her, tales of heroism and adventure that had kindled her desire for exploration.

As she spoke, a faint glow enveloped her, emanating from the depths of her being. It grew brighter with each word, a manifestation of her unwavering resolve.

A new Miracle Skill has been unlocked.

"I am your daughter, Yasuline Mona Lights, and I won't back down. I won't let fear or doubt cloud my purpose. I have the power to save you, to bring you back from the depths of this darkness."

Her voice echoed with conviction, filling the space around them. The glow intensified, casting a radiant aura that surrounded her.

"I will tap into the strength that flows within me, the love that binds us together. I will be the beacon that guides you back, the shield that protects you. Nothing will stand in my way."

Miracle Series Skill, Miracle Cleansing, has been activated.

Description: A divine miracle skill that embodies the purest essence of benevolence and healing. The practitioner becomes a beacon of luminous energy, wielding the power to dispel curses and liberate others from the shackles of malevolence. The skill possesses the remarkable ability to identify and purge curses and malevolent influences that have taken root within a person's soul. Not only does it dispel curses, but it also bestows a profound revitalization upon those it touches.

As her self-motivating speech reached its peak, Yasuline's glow reached its pinnacle. It enveloped her completely, casting a brilliant light that illuminated the battlefield.

"Here I stand, fueled by you and mom's love and both of your unwavering faith. I will save you, Dad. I will bring you back. And I will show you that I can be a better adventurer than you were. I'll show you and all."

With her proclamation, Yasuline surged forward, her radiant form leading the charge. The power of her determination radiated from every inch of her being, infusing her strikes with an otherworldly strength. A faint glow illuminated in the room. And it did not come from the flames of the White Reaper nor from her blade.

She fought with a ferocity fueled by love, her sword dancing through the air with precision and grace. As she clashed with her father, the glow continued to emanate from her, illuminating their struggle and symbolizing her unyielding resolve.

In the midst of the tumultuous clash, Apophis found himself caught in a web of uncertainty. The onslaught of the White Reaper's relentless attacks had forced the Daemon to recalibrate its strategy. Each strike, each deft maneuver of the chain and blade, seemed like a well-choreographed dance designed to keep Apophis at bay. The Daemon's serpentine form twisted and dodged, but the onslaught was unrelenting, leaving little room for offense.

But as the battle waged on, Apophis's attention was divided. The princess's persistent outcries, imbued with the power of cherished memories, continued to erode the hold it had over the king. The tendrils of mind control that had ensnared him seemed to falter, giving way to the bonds of familial love that Apophis could not comprehend nor replicate.

Apophis's calculations wavered. The temptation to concentrate on amplifying the spells that held the king under its sway tugged at the Daemon's focus. It recognized the urgency of the situation, the need to preserve the grip it had worked so hard to establish. The arcane power it wielded surged through its being, a dark maelstrom of energy that sought to ensnare the king's mind once more.

And yet, the White Reaper's relentless assault could not be ignored. The assassin's maneuvers were precise, calculated to keep Apophis pinned, to prevent it from refocusing its efforts on the mind control spells. Each attack was a declaration of intent, a reminder that the balance of power had shifted, if only temporarily.

Caught in this intricate dance of choices, Apophis found itself torn. The desperate cries of the princess reverberated in its ears, a poignant reminder of the bonds that even its malevolent magic could not sever. The Daemon's mind struggled to process this new development, to understand how these intangible emotions could be a force more potent than its own.

Yasuline's speech had ignited a powerful force within her, a force that would guide her on this perilous journey to save her father. And with every swing of her sword, she drew closer to freeing him from the grip of darkness and restoring their bond once more. Yasuline gracefully dodged her father's attacks, her movements fluid and agile. But her movements were gradually getting slower as she was tiring fairly quickly. Her hands pulsed in ache from the repeated banging of the attacks whenever she luckily deflected his attacks. She pleaded with a mix of desperation and love in her voice, in the hopes that she could just somehow have reached her father who she suspected was still inside his own mind.

"Come on, Dad! Snap out of it! It's me, your daughter. Your favorite and only daughter!? Don't let this jerk control you!"

She deftly blocked his strikes, their swords clashing with a resounding clang.

"Lil' Sprout? Is that really you?" her father questioned, his voice filled with confusion.

Yasuline's eyes widened at the sound of her nickname being uttered by her father once more. She seized the moment, launching a swift counterattack that forced her father to step back and defend himself.

"Yeah, Dad! It's me, your beloved Lil' Sprout. Remember all the fun times we had? The bedtime stories of your adventures, the laughter when we pull pranks on one another?"

Their blades clashed and sparks flew as Yasuline fought to break the hold of the mind control. Each attack somehow wore down the control that took her father away. Not only was his attacks growing weaker by the second, but his eyes disturbingly would blink in an unhealthy amount.

"M-memories... they're coming back to me," her father muttered, his grip on the sword weakening.

Yasuline pressed on, her strikes becoming more precise and forceful. "You're King Aldric, Dad! The fearless ruler of this land and who traveled all around Atlas! I'm Yasuline, your daughter. Princess and definitely, going to be the next Adventure King. And mom's name is Noria. Us three, we make the best team in this world!"

Their swords clashed one final time, and Yasuline disarmed her father, their eyes meeting in a moment of clarity.

"Dad, you can beat this thing! I know you've got the strength. You've faced tougher challenges before. You told me so yourself!"

Her father's determination ignited, and he shook off the influence of darkness. He falls onto his knees and hands. Gasping for air like he was holding his breath. His muscles, heavy but gradually are regaining their strength back. Yasuline gently puts a hand on his back to comfort him as he recovers. Once he gains his composure, he looks at her with that cocky grin she always sees him wear every day. "You're right, Lil' Sprout! I won't let this darkness define me. I'll protect you, no matter what!"

A sense of hope washed over Yasuline's face, and she reached out to embrace her father. their arms lock around each other.

"That's my Dad! Together, we'll overcome anything!"

In that heartfelt embrace, father and daughter reaffirmed their unbreakable bond, ready to face any obstacle that stood in their way. With love and determination, they stood side by side, ready to conquer whatever challenges lay ahead.

Apophis's eyes widened in disbelief and fury as he realized the king had broken free from his mind control. His serpentine form coiled and writhed with anger, scales shimmering with dark energy. A guttural roar erupted from deep within his throat, reverberating through the chamber.

"No! No, no, no, no, NO! How dare you defy me! No mortal shall defy me! All you kings shall bow to me! Everyone should bow before me!" Apophis's voice echoed with a mix of rage and desperation. His sinister gaze locked onto the king, seething with a malevolence that sent chills down the spines of all who witnessed it.

"First the White Reaper stands in my way. Now this girl dares to get rid of my spell? My own power!?" His control slipping away, Apophis lashed out with a frenzy of destructive magic, sending tendrils of dark energy crackling through the air. The room trembled under his wrath, ancient artifacts shattering into shards as the sheer force of his fury consumed him. "You will pay for this insolence!" he hissed, venom dripping from his words. With each passing moment, Apophis's anger intensified, fueling his powers and distorting the very fabric of reality around him. His serpentine body contorted and twisted, coiling and uncoiling with unhinged agitation. The ground beneath him cracked and crumbled as his rage manifested in a cataclysmic display of power.

The rage and spill of magic power was dangerous to say the least. The royal dual of father and daughter focused all their senses in merely avoiding being hit. The White Reaper also had trouble. As luck would have it, one of the magic missiles land their mark and send him toward one of the corners of the chamber. Stunned, but not out. But this allowed him being too far to intervene when the snake daemon would slither to the king with an outreached claw. A swipe of his powerful tail sends the princess flying across the room, but overall still conscious. Just weakened enough to only be able to watch as the villain grabs her father. A loud groan escapes her father as he fails to put up a fight against his adversary.

"Let him go!" She cries out.

But she is ignored by the daemon, "Submit, King, for you are nothing compared to the might of Apophis!" he bellowed, his voice a terrifying symphony of menace and madness. His eyes burned with a sinister light, their once hypnotic allure now a smoldering pit of malice. He knew he could no longer afford to hold back anymore.

Hellfire Series Skill, Primordial Ascendance, has been activated.