

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

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50 Chs

A World Called Atlas - Records

Yasuline closes the book with both hands, her eyes softly shut, portraying the essence of a talented storyteller. However, the White Reaper noticed that she was mostly pretending, relying on memory. This was evident from her smile, which looked more like a proud grin of a child who believes they are the best.

"So, how'd you like that?" She asks him, likely referring to the storytelling tone she was using when reading through the book aloud to him. He answers back with a quick round of applause.

"See, I can read just as well as my mother. Of course, I don't like reading every book. Just the ones that keep me interested." The princess would place the book on the table and trade it for one of the sweets that were made for her for the day. Baked goods like cookies, small dry cakes, bread decorated with sugar and melted chocolate, and other pastries were made to last the day for her. As an option to quench her thirst, a large pot of milk tea was brewed for her.

While pouring herself a drink, she notices the stacked books the White Reaper has collected for himself to read.

"Records of the Champions," a book that contains information and documented records about the Champions from the past as well as the current ones that are in present times. And that would include Caliber itself.

"The Hellfire Gang Files," another book that collects records and information on a group known as the Hellfire Gang. It is an organization composed of only daemons. Both daemons and the organization are recognized as an enemy similar to the White Reaper for attempting to dominate the world. But thanks to the efforts of the Church of the Divine King and the opposing organization known as the Heavenice Brotherhood, they were stopped in their tracks.

"The Churches Guide to the Light: Grade 1" is an official guidebook created, manufactured, and distributed by the Church of the Divine King. It details steps, guidance, and lessons for those who have an affinity for Light. Mostly used for their in-church schooling to teach their members on becoming the best Clerics. Thanks to being the Royal Family of Lumines, the castle was allowed to have a copy.

"The Legends of the Skill Master: Volume 1" is A book describing the many tales of an adventurer who was rumored to have known all the skills in the world during the early years. Since then, the number of skills has grown exceptionally and it has been nearly impossible to know how many truly exist.

"Huh, didn't pick you as the bookworm type. But then again, you do have that hood on. And are pulling off the brooding type. So I guess I can't be able to read you so well. Oh! I made an unintentional pun! I'm going to have some good luck today!"

Most of those books seemed interesting to the princess, the kinds of ones she enjoyed reading herself tell stories from the adventurers. Like what her father used to be.

Adventurers are a courageous and skilled group that fearlessly embarks on quests of all kinds. They undertake tasks ranging from safeguarding designated areas, accompanying individuals between towns, tracking down specific targets or items, and eliminating local monster threats. In addition to their regular quests, they also engage in exploration and are renowned for their remarkable discoveries and treasure hunts that have made a significant mark in history. At least, that is what her father has told her of them.

But out of the various books there were stacked, there was one particular title that captured her attention so much, she yanked it from the bottom of the pile and let the others fumble onto one another to make a mess.

"Records of the White Reaper, huh?" She reads the title aloud as he would tend to the pile and stacks them up once more. "Looks like someone has a bit of an ego, who even reads stuff about themselves anyways?" She says with a snicker as she looks at him. Having the kind of expression one makes when they find something embarrassing about their friend.

She opens the book up and begins to skim through the pages, occasionally looking up from them to look back at him. After finding a good entry to start reading aloud, she begins to speak in that storytelling voice again.

Long ago, in a village that now lies forgotten, there lived a community of people who thrived on the land they cultivated and the bounties of nature. They were happy, content, and led peaceful lives. However, one day, something terrible happened. An earthquake shook the ground, and boulders the size of houses came tumbling down from the mountains, burying the village beneath a sea of debris.

For many years, the villagers' fate remained a mystery, and their village became a mere legend passed down through generations. But some people could not shake the feeling that something more sinister had befallen the villagers. They searched and searched for the village's location, and all they found was a small pond surrounded by large boulders.

Rumors began to spread that the village was cursed and that anyone who dared to go near it would meet a terrible fate. The bravest of the brave dared to venture forth to uncover the truth, and they discovered a person in a white coat wandering aimlessly around the area before the earthquake. Some say that this person may have been a powerful sorcerer who brought the disaster upon the village, while others believe that they may have been a messenger of the gods, trying to warn the villagers of their impending doom.

Despite the many theories, the truth of what happened to the village remains a mystery. The pond still exists, and the boulders still stand as a testament to the tragedy that occurred long ago. Some say that if you listen carefully on a quiet night, you can still hear the echoes of the villagers' cries for help.

The added in details that seemed to connect the White Reaper to this story. According to the accounts of neighboring villages, there may have been a village among them at some point. However, there is no concrete evidence to support this claim, only the story passed around them. When they went to search for the village's location, all they found was a small pond surrounded by large boulders that seemed to have tumbled down from the nearby mountains. Some speculate that a landslide may have wiped out the village, but there is no definitive proof of this. While no official death toll exists, some estimate that up to 300 people may have perished in the disaster. Additionally, some villagers recall seeing a person in a white coat in the area before an earthquake, though the veracity of this claim is uncertain.

Yasuline pauses after finishing that entry and looks up at the White Reaper, "Not something that should even be on here. So they blame this rockslide on you because they happen to see you there?" The White Reaper didn't have an answer for that and simply shrugged.

She continued to look through other entries and there were a good amount of them where some disaster occurred and the sighting of the White Reaper was mentioned. Indeed, as she said, the sighting of him was enough to link him to the event. Only one of the entries excused itself by mentioning how the sight of him was considered an omen.

The other kind of entries Yasuline can see were assassinations. and one of the most prominent ones was the one that got everyone's eyes on him.

"On the night following the conclusion of the Duel Between Leaders in Finnoe, where the various clans compete to determine the ruler of the dark lands, the Lycan Queen emerged victorious over the Bloodfang King, who had held the title for many years. The occasion was marked with a festive celebration to honor her ascension to the throne. However, as she retired to her chambers to rest, her peace was disturbed by the sudden appearance of intruders who launched a surprise attack, ultimately overpowering and subduing her. The noise of the fight had drawn attention to her mate and the guards. They entered the chamber in time to witness the moment that the White Reaper had pierced the body of his beloved with his blade. He laid her to die on her floor and escaped the scene of the crime. It was later that evidence of strength-enhancing drugs was found in her body which put her victory and title into question. The dark lands vetoed her title and it returned to the Bloodfang King. Even then, the King issued a bounty on the White Reaper."

Yasuline avoided a few of the words in the entry that overly explained the aftermath of the killing but got the gist of it all. The White Reaper didn't interact with her at all as she was reading it aloud. He simply sat on one of the other chairs and silently ate and drank.

She halted her storytelling and continued to read through the documented entries in the book. Though, from the sounds of them, it was more so just a criminal record he has created since that assassination. One mentioned how he infiltrated a mansion and slayed the noble there. Another of how he raided the Magic Academy in Glacia, which warranted the wrath of the nation there. The Military Academy in Flamorse, not only did he raid, but he fought against the students and teachers there, which hindered their reputation greatly. Almost every place in the world of Atlas has a bone to pick with him and his antics.

"Ugh, that was such a downer." She mutters as she shuts the book, realizing it was just going to keep describing more murders. She quickly grabs a drink and gulps it, only now noticing how uneasy and parched the reading had made her feel.

"Okay, let's switch things up. I've got an idea," Yasuline says as she heads back to the shelves. While she's distracted, The White Reaper quickly snags back the records and tucks them away under his coat.

The unnoticing Yasuline returns with her stack of books. None of them have a title on it and more so seemed weary than the others. Battered and beaten from weather conditions.

"Let's get this party started with these, my dad's adventure diaries."