

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

A World Called Atlas - King

"Does, does the princess always talk this much to herself?"

"No, and I would not think about it so much. This is still better than her blowing up in another tangent of hers."

"I guess that is true. But still, is this even healthy for her?"

"It's as healthy as a girl who likes exploring and is now being told she can only stay in one room."

"Yeah, I guess that is true. But still, I worry about her."

"As you should, she is the future leader of this kingdom."

The two guards that were positioned outside the doors of the library were so preoccupied with themselves that they failed to notice the approaching champion. He clears his throat, which stuns them, and gets back into position. He wasn't alone either, standing next to Caliber was the king.

"Champion Caliber and Your Majesty." They both call out in unison, ducking their heads down in respect to the crown.

"At ease, I hope my daughter is doing well in there."

"M'lord, she is doing rather well. She seems to be reading the various books there. Surprisingly loudly."

"It is a relief to know that my daughter has not lost herself amidst the stringent rules we have imposed upon her during this trying time," remarked the King, his countenance tinged with sadness. The attentive guards could discern that he had not been sleeping well since the arrival of the White Reaper, evident from the bags under his eyes. His readiness to face any danger was evident from the sword he carried at his side.

"That's one less thing we can worry about." Caliber comments on the matter. He was still gowning his armor from that night. Some minor scratches were visible, even after the excessive polishing he must have done in order to clean it.

"Come now, we need to go over that report of yours." The King states as he continues on his way with the champion. Once the two guards were far from a hearing distance, the two resumed talking.

"So then, are the reports true then? They ended up missing?"

"Yes, your majesty. The ones that did answer our call have not returned from the depths yet. And it has been more than 24 hours."

"That's no good. I know the Labyrinth is a challenge to explore but to have the entire search party just disappear. It could only mean trouble for us."

"Yes, it means that there is something down there that we will have to be concerned about."

The King sighs, "As if we don't already have enough of our plate as is." Caliber wanted to reassure him, but he continued. "Ever since he first appeared, we have been getting word from the other nations that they wish to send in people into our home to guard us against the White Reaper. Though they say guard, it's just mercenaries that will push around people and break anything in their way to get to him. I can only keep them at bay for long before their patience grows thin and ends up thinking I am protecting him."

"They wouldn't dare..." Caliber quickly replied.

But the King corrects his thoughts, "No they wouldn't, but they would think that, and if not them, then others around them."

"Ah, you're right." Caliber silently admires the King's determination and strength of character. Despite his playful demeanor, the King is a formidable leader who can make swift and decisive decisions in times of need. Caliber is honored to serve under such a leader, and would gladly fight for him if he ever decided to pursue a greater ambition.

As they stepped into the room, their eyes were greeted by a sea of scattered papers and documents that blanketed a lone desk. This humble space served as Caliber's office, where he pored over reports and updates of the castle and the royal family. Interestingly enough, this office was once a closet, and Caliber used to have a more spacious office that could accommodate additional furniture like tables and chairs. Nonetheless, this cozy nook was where Caliber thrived, and his keen eye for detail allowed him to keep a sharp eye on the goings-on within the castle walls. But Caliber hardly used it. And the closet was a key set piece in the handling of the housekeeping. The old office was used for storage, and it worked out well for everyone. That said, the office isn't made for two, let alone one person. This is why Caliber searched the surface of the table for the reports he needed to show.

"Ah." Finally finding them, he gathers them up and hands them to the king, who immediately began reading them.

"Hmm, sightings of some hooded beings just before the ceremony?" "Yes, our gatekeepers recall seeing a few hooded beings entering through the front gate. That is about the most abnormal thing they could recall before the attack." "But who could they be? If one of them is the White Reaper, who could be accompanying him?"

"This would be the first time we have ever heard of accomplices of the White Reaper, this kind of news would warrant a Summit of all the World Leaders."

"To hear how the world's number one enemy is building allies and possibly an organization of assassins? It's only natural. This is why we need to confirm the idea first before anything else. But..."

"Right, the adventurers, if anything, that would suggest our lead is the labyrinth itself." "We should send the knights in, in a small party, with the skills and experience of rescue should they happen to find the lost adventurers."

"I'll recruit the best ones for the job. We should have them ready by tomorrow." "I'll leave it to you. I worry for my brethren down there. Even I had trouble with the labyrinth from time to time. It's just the kind of place it was."

The enigmatic Labyrinth of Lumines, an abyss spanning the entirety of the kingdom's land, has mystified scholars and adventurers alike since its discovery. Despite extensive research and exploration, the creation of this zone remains shrouded in mystery, as does its purpose and the identity of its creator. What secrets lie within its darkened depths remains a subject of endless speculation, yet nothing new has emerged to shed light on this enigmatic marvel.

"Regarding the requests in the Adventuring Guild, have they been taken care of?" The King inquired with a tone of authority.

"Indeed, Your Majesty. The moment the quest was taken by the group, we made sure of it. This way, we eliminate the chance of the White Reaper catching wind of our movements," replied Caliber, the chosen champion.

"Good. However, we cannot continue like this. It has been a week since we started this pursuit, and I am starting to feel the weariness of a long battle or expedition." The King rubbed his temple with his hand, feeling the warmth on his skin.

The King had not been sleeping well since he became determined to engage with the White Reaper alongside Caliber. He knew that neither of them alone would be enough to take down the notorious criminal, and the lack of information about him made him an even more significant threat.

"Your Majesty, you must rest. We cannot afford for you to collapse from exhaustion. I do not wish to face the wrath of the Queen and the Princess for not stopping you sooner," Caliber urged.

The King chuckled, "Indeed, even a man like you cannot withstand the wrath of his worried wife and daughter. Very well, I shall retire for some rest."

Just then, a platoon of knights appeared from the corner of the hall. Caliber extended his hand, signaling them to approach the King and the Champion at once.

"What is it, Champion Caliber?" The leading knight asks as he bangs a metal-gloved fist against the breastplate of his armor, the others mimic the same notion. With such a loud bang, the King winced as it rang up a headache.

"Escort the king to the separate chambers of the Queen, let him rest for the rest of the day. Have extra guards at his door until he awakens again."

It looked like the King wanted to argue about the request, but the more he stood about not resting, the more he felt like he really would collapse soon. He even tried to remember the last time he rested, but can't recall.

"At once." They responded and had two men carry the King on each side and the others encircled them for protection.

Caliber returns to his office and organizes the papers into a pile.

The White Reaper, those possible associates, the threat of mercenaries, the missing adventurers, and now the labyrinth.' He lists all the various elements of their situation. Far too many things were occurring around them too soon, with far too little information about them all. It is enough to frustrate any tactician. He could not make an order without any form of doubt. He almost felt like he was at war with an enemy who was on the aggression and all he could do was go on the defensive and wait for the enemy to make their move.

As he tried to sort it all out, it just came down to one issue that set everything into motion: The White Reaper. His hands that were resting on his desk clenched into fists. He never really felt this negative emotion before, but he knew what it was. It should be natural for him to think of someone who attacked his home, the people he cared about, and the peace everyone worked hard in establishing. He hated him. And he did not feel any hesitation at the thought of executing him for that fact. Caliber would reach for a map that was pinned against the wall and stormed out of his office, he headed down the hall, looking like a man on a mission.

He is going to hunt down the White Reaper himself.