

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

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A World Called Atlas - Origins

In the beginning, before the world of Atlas came to be, there were only two primal forces in existence: Light and Darkness. From the merging of these two elements emerged the immortals, beings of immense power and divine origin who existed in a realm beyond mortal comprehension.

Deus Rex, the mightiest and most respected of all immortals, was the first to awaken. His radiance and regal bearing were unmatched, and his wisdom and knowledge were unsurpassed by any other being. As the creator of all immortals, he knew the secrets of the universe that even the wisest among them could not fathom.

For ages, Deus Rex ruled over the realm of the immortals, shaping and molding the very fabric of existence with his vast powers. But as eons passed, he began to grow weary of his solitary existence, and so he set forth to create companions in his own image.

And so, the Godbeasts were born. These powerful creatures were imbued with the essence of Deus Rex himself, possessing divine strength and abilities beyond mortal understanding. They roamed the cosmos, forging their own paths and creating their own destinies, while Deus Rex watched over them from afar, ever the benevolent creator and protector of his creations.

In the world of non-existence, there existed a vast number of godbeasts, each with their own unique abilities and blessings from the divine. However, none could compare to the power and wisdom of the Divine King. While the lesser godbeasts were created to serve the needs of the major gods, they could never match the status of their creators. It was only through the blessing of the Divine King that these godbeasts could exist, and their power was unrivaled among mortals.

As the ages passed, the godbeasts played an important role in shaping the void, by crafting worlds for themselves, much like the Divine King himself. Among them were the Fire Godbeast Ifrit, the Water Godbeast Undyne, the Earth Godbeast Leviathan, the Wind Godbeast Garuda, the Nature Godbeast Fenrir, the Ice Godbeast Shiva, and the Lightning Godbeast Machinima. Each of these divine beings was created by the Divine King to rule over their respective domains, and tasked with the responsibility of creating more of their kind.

Though the godbeasts were powerful and held great influence over the many worlds, they all understood that the Divine King was their creator and stood above them all. They all heeded his words and worked to aid him in his endeavors. Despite not being created by the Divine King, they recognized his supreme power and were bound to his will. The contributions of these divine beings to our world were profound and deserving of respect and admiration, and their influence can still be felt to this day.

The godbeasts held a deep reverence for their king, Deus Rex, who had granted them the gift of life. They were filled with love and gratitude towards him, and as a symbol of their devotion, they presented him with a gift: a world of his own. The major and lesser godbeasts collaborated to create this world, each contributing their unique talents and powers. The result was a breathtaking sight to behold, with royal blue seas, vibrant fields of green and flowers, and towering mountains that rivaled the might of their king.

As time passed, other godbeasts created their own worlds for Deus Rex, but none captured his heart quite like this one did. It was his true home, and he settled in the centermost area of the world, which mortals now know as Atlas. From this vantage point, he oversaw the beauty of the other worlds he had been gifted, which he used to decorate the night sky. The majesty of these worlds illuminated the darkness, serving as a constant reminder of the power and generosity of the Divine King.

As the Divine King settled himself onto the surface of the world, he couldn't help but feel the emptiness that surrounded him. His brethren had not set foot on the world, as they dared not disturb the delicate balance of the clouds that floated above his head.

He longed for the presence of his own kind. And so, he commanded the godbeasts to join him on Atlas, his new home. And so, they came, one by one, to reside in his world.

For a time, peace reigned over Atlas, as the godbeasts roamed the land to find a place they could call their own, even if only temporarily. Each claimed a domain over which they would rule, from the fiery mountains of Ifrit to the icy tundras of Shiva, and all the elements in between. They knew that this world was a precious gift from their king, and they would protect and nurture it with all their might.

As time passed, a dark cloud of conflict loomed over the world of Atlas. The godbeasts, once united in their love for their creator, now harbored an insatiable desire to claim dominion over the land, sea, and sky. Even the Divine King's words could not quell the growing unrest among them.

The godbeasts' covetousness threatened to unleash a terrible war, one that would leave nothing but ruin and destruction in its wake. The Divine King knew that he had to act quickly to prevent such a disaster from unfolding. And so, he decreed that the godbeasts could no longer engage in direct combat with each other.

Instead, they would have to fight through the use of proxies, beings created specifically for the purpose of serving as surrogates in their conflicts. This way, the godbeasts could settle their disputes in a controlled and safe manner, without causing any harm to their beloved worlds.

Although not all godbeasts were pleased with this new decree, they eventually acquiesced to the Divine King's wisdom, knowing that it was for the greater good of their world. And so, the rule of proxies was established, ushering in a new era of peace and stability for the world of Atlas.

And so, the mortals came into existence, created solely to serve as pawns in the endless wars and conflicts between the godbeasts. Blessed with only a minor fragment of their power, we were mere avatars, manipulated to fight and die for their glory.

We had no free will of our own, no say in our own fate. Our purpose was to serve the will of our godbeast masters, to fight in their name and bring them victory. But how long did this war rage on? How many godbeasts fell in battle, their names and deeds forgotten in the mists of time?

Even the Divine King was not spared from the horrors of war. The battles raged on in his own beloved world, a place he cherished above all others, despite the destruction wrought upon it. The toll on our world was immeasurable, but the godbeasts cared not for the mortals caught in the crossfire.

Upon the conclusion of the war, our celestial creators vanished into the ether, leaving us mortals to inherit the world they had wrought. Freed from the shackles of our prior existence as mere war pawns, we were empowered to shape our own destiny, to build anew, and to create a future of our own choosing.

We were grateful for the Divine King's gifts, bestowed upon us to ensure the preservation of Atlas, the world he cherished above all others. Even though some among us harbored doubts about the legitimacy of the war and the role of the godbeasts, we held fast to the belief that our Divine King acted with the best interests of his subjects in mind.

Thus, we resolved to remain vigilant and steadfast, ever-ready to defend Atlas against any threat that might arise. For we were convinced that our Divine King would one day return, bringing with him a new era of peace and prosperity, and resuming his rightful place as the ruler of the Divine Kingdom.