

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Lumines Kingdom - Escape

As the sun rose over the Castle of Lumines, another day began to unfold. Without any specific plans in mind, Yasuline and the White Reaper found themselves spending the day within the confines of her room. The White Reaper had naturally visited her as the morning light seeped through, prompting a continuation of their activities from the previous day. The princess was engrossed in her reading, picking up where they had left off before, her attention focused on deciphering the fading ink of her father's adventure diaries.

The room was illuminated by a single candle, Yasuline's only source of light against the waning ink. Lost in her search for the last entry she had read, she felt the weight of time bearing down on her. It was then that the White Reaper, his presence almost seamless in the background, took it upon himself to pour a cup of tea, accompanied by a plate of tempting sweets. However, Yasuline's appetite seemed to have waned, and she politely declined the offering, opting instead to cradle the tea in her hands.

Her voice, tinged with a hint of restlessness, broke the brief silence. "Not really hungry now. Honestly, I'm starting to get antsy," she confessed, taking a brisk sip of the tea before setting it down alongside the open diary. Her movements were fluid as she rose from her seat, her gaze drawn to the open balcony door that beckoned with a promise of fresh air and open skies. The breeze that drifted in was a gentle caress, soothing her nerves slightly, yet a lingering feeling still gnawed at the corners of her mind.

Stepping out onto the balcony, Yasuline's gaze swept across the expansive landscape before her. The verdant grounds of the castle stretched beneath, embracing the elegant architecture in a tapestry of nature and civilization. As she stood there, her mind working to decipher the elusive sensation, a spark of recognition flared within her. The familiarity of the feeling slowly crystalized into a memory from her past.

She turned her attention back to the room, a wistful smile dancing on her lips as she addressed the White Reaper. "You know, it's strange. This feeling... I've had it before, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it until now." Her voice was reflective, carrying a sense of nostalgia as she continued, "It reminds me of those carefree days when I used to sneak out of the castle, exploring the kingdom without a care in the world."

With a contemplative sigh, Yasuline leaned against the balcony railing, her eyes fixed on the horizon. "Back then, my adventures were innocent, fueled by curiosity and the thrill of the unknown. Now, it's like that same spirit is calling out to me again." She glanced back at the White Reaper, her expression earnest as she extended an invitation. "What do you say, White Reaper? Want to join me on a different kind of adventure today?"

Yasuline's narrative flowed with animated enthusiasm, her words carrying the vibrant echo of cherished memories. Her eyes sparkled with life as she recounted an event from her past, a tale of youthful curiosity and daring escapades. "Back before my tenth birthday," she began, her voice brimming with excitement, "I remember one of the princesses from Bloodfang visiting our castle. It was during a grand ball held in my honor. I mustered the courage to approach her and shared my earnest desire – I wanted to experience the sensation of flying."

As she spoke, Yasuline's gestures became more animated, her hands gesturing as if to emphasize the soaring feeling of flight. "In response, she manifested her majestic wings and cast spells that allowed us to glide through the skies. It was utterly exhilarating," she exclaimed, her smile growing wider with each passing word. "I could feel the wind rushing against my skin, the thrill of freedom coursing through my veins. It was as if the very heavens had opened up for me."

Yasuline's voice carried a mixture of joy and nostalgia as she continued, recounting the euphoric sensation of that night. "However, our daring adventure didn't come without consequences," she confessed, her expression turning more somber. "Upon our return to the castle, we were met with scolding and reprimands. My innocent request was seen as a breach of the castle's boundaries, and I found myself caught in the web of punishment."

With a wistful sigh, Yasuline's demeanor shifted as she began to pace back and forth, her arms wrapping around herself in a subconscious attempt to relive the moment. "Initially, I viewed it as a challenge, a test of my endurance. I wanted to prove that I could handle any trial thrown my way," she explained, her voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability. "But as the days dragged on, the walls of my room felt like a cage. Each minute stretched into an eternity, and the confinement became suffocating."

Her pacing became more pronounced, a physical manifestation of the restlessness she described. "By the fourth day," Yasuline continued, her voice quickening with a sense of urgency, "time seemed to warp. Hours blurred into days, and the isolation gnawed at me. I found myself counting the seconds, desperate for the world beyond my room."

A moment of silence hung in the air, broken only by the soft sound of Yasuline's fingers fidgeting. "Guess it's starting to happen again," she admitted quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. The White Reaper's presence offered some comfort, a steady anchor amidst the tide of her emotions, yet even that couldn't entirely dispel the sense of restlessness that threatened to engulf her.

Yasuline moved back inside her room, retrieving her cup of tea and her father's journal. The White Reaper followed her, observing as she gazed longingly at the cityscape beyond the castle walls. Sensing a hint of fatigue, Yasuline leaned against the balcony railing, her gaze fixed on the bustling city below. The White Reaper remained by her side, a silent companion in her contemplation of the world beyond.

In a swift and seemingly effortless motion, the White Reaper propelled himself onto the balcony's railing, showcasing an agile grace that bordered on the surreal. Yasuline's gaze remained fixed on him, her eyes widening in a mix of awe and amusement. The thought crossed her mind that he might be indulging in a bit of showmanship, a playful display of his exceptional abilities. Her attention tracked his movements as he bounded along the castle wall, mirroring her own line of sight toward the city beyond. With a casual wave of his hand, he beckoned her, an enigmatic invitation that tugged at the edges of her curiosity. "Huh?" she uttered, momentarily puzzled by his cryptic gesture.

As realization dawned upon her, Yasuline's voice chimed with a mix of recognition and mild envy. "Oh, right. You're not stuck like I am. You can explore to your heart's content. Lucky you," she mused, a playful smirk gracing her features. Yet, her initial misinterpretation didn't escape her notice, prompting the White Reaper to swiftly close the distance between them. He gestured toward the balcony railing, a silent suggestion that tugged Yasuline out of her reverie. Startled but intrigued, she hastily set down her cup of tea and her father's journal.

Gingerly, Yasuline positioned herself on the railing, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The White Reaper's arms opened, and in a daring move, she embraced him, her form molded against his as if they were poised to dance in the winds. The sensation of his arms encircling her added a layer of reassurance, and then, with a powerful leap, they were airborne. Yasuline instinctively pressed herself closer, her feet resting atop his boots as they made contact with the ground. A quick turn of her head revealed their elevated vantage point – the expansive expanse of the castle walls stretched out before them.

But the White Reaper's actions were far from over. Maintaining his hold on Yasuline, his arm now cradling the back of her knees, he began a fluid dash along the wall's edge, racing toward the horizon of the capital city. A sense of realization coursed through Yasuline's thoughts, her previous confusion dissipating as understanding set in. "I'm leaving the castle? I'm finally going to see the streets of the capital?" she exclaimed, her voice infused with a mixture of disbelief and elation. It was a revelation that seemed almost too good to be true, an unexpected opportunity to step beyond the castle's confines.

Their sprint led them to the edge of the castle wall, and with an agile hop, the White Reaper seamlessly transitioned onto a nearby rooftop. Yasuline clung to him, her heart pounding in her chest as they navigated the urban landscape with a practiced ease. He maneuvered through the rooftops with an uncanny familiarity, guiding them toward a seemingly inconspicuous destination. As they arrived at a dead-end alley, stacks of crates serving as makeshift walls, Yasuline's eyes widened with intrigue. It was an unexpected sanctuary hidden within the city's bustling heart, a secret haven nestled amidst the chaos.

With hesitant steps, Yasuline cautiously ventured onto the unfamiliar ground, her grip on the White Reaper's shirt betraying a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. Her fingers clung tightly, as if seeking an anchor amidst the sea of new sensations washing over her. Yet, despite her apprehension, there was an unmistakable spark in her eyes, a glimmer of wonder that betrayed her vibrant spirit.

She scanned her surroundings with a blend of awe and disbelief, her gaze darting from one point to another like a child in a wondrous dream. The princess was far from fearful; instead, her emotions were a swirling concoction of bewilderment, curiosity, and a touch of disbelief. It was as if a piece of the world she had long yearned to explore was suddenly laid bare before her.

As the initial astonishment gradually ebbed, Yasuline's movements became more fluid and assertive. She extended a hand to touch the rough texture of the alley's wall, fingers grazing over the surface as if seeking a tactile connection to this newfound reality. With each deliberate breath she took, a sense of calm overcame her, casting aside the earlier swell of emotions. Her steps grew more confident, and a sense of lightness settled upon her as if the burdens of castle life were temporarily lifted.

"I'm outside," she whispered to herself, her voice tinged with amazement. The words seemed to hang in the air, her vocalization serving as a reaffirmation of her liberation. "Outside the castle. Outside the walls. I'm at the capital," she continued, her voice growing louder with each proclamation. The words spilled forth like a cascade, the sheer magnitude of the moment escaping her control. "I'm out, I'm free! I'm here!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying an exuberance that seemed to echo through the narrow confines of the alley.

Yasuline stood in the heart of the bustling capital city, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and disbelief. She gazed around in wonder, her eyes wide and shimmering with unshed tears. "I... I'm really here," she whispered to herself, her voice filled with awe.

A wave of emotion washed over her, and she took a moment to absorb the reality of her surroundings. "Eighteen years... I've been waiting for this moment for eighteen years," she murmured, her voice quivering with a combination of joy and liberation.

The vibrant energy of the city enveloped her, and a radiant smile broke across her face. "I'm free! Free to explore, to experience, to be a part of this incredible world," she exclaimed, her words carrying a sense of euphoria that she had never felt before.

Her fingers brushed against the fabric of her dress, and she marveled at the simple sensation. "I can wear whatever I want, go wherever I please... It's like a dream come true," she mused, her eyes shimmering with tears of happiness.

She couldn't help but engage in animated conversations with the White Reaper, her only witness to this life event. "Can you believe it!? I've never been here before! This is all so new to me," she shared with a twinkle in her eyes.

Every sight, sound, and scent was a revelation to Yasuline. "The colors, the sounds, the delicious aromas... It's like I'm discovering a whole new world," she said, her tone a mix of amazement and gratitude.

Deep within her, a sense of fulfillment blossomed. "I've always wanted to experience this, to be a part of the world beyond the castle walls," she thought, her inner voice a gentle whisper of contentment.

As the sun bathed the streets in a warm glow, Yasuline closed her eyes for a brief moment, letting the sensation of freedom wash over her. "I never thought this day would come. And yet, here I am, finally living it," she reflected, her heart swelling with emotion.

With newfound determination, she looked ahead, ready to embrace every moment that lay ahead. "I'm going to make the most of every second out here. After all these years, I'm finally writing my own adventure," she declared with a determined glint in her eyes.