
Sex System in Solo Leveling

"Hmm? What is this blue floating screen?" I was always a bottom feeder, always acting kind, always pleasing people.... why? Because I had no influential background. I didn't expect to get everything handed to me on a silver platter suddenly. {Monarch of Lust System} {Congratulations on activating the 'Monarch of Lust System'!} {Note- "The system will not assist in obtaining girls for the user. Instead, it will empower the user with enough strength to stand on top of the food chain. How the user chooses to pursue their sexual desires is entirely up to them.".} {The System wishes the host a joyful journey!} "....... It's like, I'm the MC of some degenerate's FanFic" ______ Brief Description- A very degenerate piece of work only being written because the Author is horny. Tags-OP MC, Invincible MC, Evil MC, Perverted Protagonist, Smart Protagonist, Scum Protagonist, Blackmail, An@l, BDSM, R-18, R@pe, Incest, Netori, System, Harem, Large Harem, Smut, Sex... And various other fetishes, you can probably find everything here. BUT NO Gay stuff and Femboy stuff. **NO YURI, NO NTR. Me myself being a Reader, will never provide content that will destroy reader's mood. Support me on: patreon.com/MilkLoverFanfics The idea of writing this shit came to me while reading my favorite FanFic [Multiversal] Sex System in The Class Room of The Elite by AlmightySkyDxddy. The story will be different coz it is set in SoloLeveling but the system is kinda same Also, there are No traps. *** Remember do not compare reality to fiction. If you're as trashy as me then enjoy the work. If you're a snowflake then kindly leave. Thank you for reading. To read ahead—> pa treon.com/MilkLoverFanfics

MilkLover · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 8 Wet & Warm(*)

"Keep going."

Song Yi's fair and dainty teenage fingers shook as she pulled his underwear down and all of a sudden with a pop a long shadow covered her face.

She looked up in despair.

His... Was veiny and pulsated every few seconds much to her horror.

Why was it so big?

'It- it looks ugly... I-I can't!' She thought with fear but Azaroth didn't care what she thought as he grabbed her small fair hand, forcefully placing it on his cock.


Song Yi trembled as she held his dick, feeling the intense heat radiating from it. It was almost too much to handle, and she was afraid of it thinking her hand would burn.

"Move your hand!"

The Demon demanded and Song Yi complied immediately. "Good! Be more delicate or else~ you are an intelligent girl, right?" Song Yi nodded weakly as she stared at his dick and delicately handled it. 

Azaroth smiled slightly and reached for her head and grabbed her hair forcefully

"Ugh," Song Yi gasped. His grip was strong, and painful to say the least Song Yi bit her lip, 

"You have two hands right?" Azaroth asked while eyeing her like prey.

She silently nodded, "Then use both of them" He spat on her.

Song Yi shakingly placed her other hand on his member and wrapped it between her pretty hands and started stroking and massaging it to which he again said "Good Girl" and relesed her hair.

His dick was veiny and ugly and now Song Yi's hands were sloppy and wet due to the pre cum his dick was releasing.

The air was filled with a musky and fishy smell but the smell was oddly.... pleasant?

She felt her crotch area feeling tingly and her body heating up. She didn't want to acknowledge the fact that her body was getting aroused because of him.

Azaroth stopped her and she looked at him with her face covered with tears. He looked at her pleasant face and internally praised himself for creating such a sloppy masterpiece out of her pretty face.

He cupped her face with both his hands while twirling his tongue under his mouth, trying to produce as much saliva as possible.

He then grabbed her nose making her open her mouth to breathe, he smirked seeing her cute mouth opening, and opened his own mouth on top of it, making all his saliva fall into her mouth.

She was disgusted and just when she was going to spit it out he said "Swallow" in a gentle tone and released her nose as she nodded and *Gulp* gulped his saliva down her throat.

Seeing her swallowing his spit obediently like a child made his dick twitch in ecstasy.

The sheer amount of pleasure he was having while tormenting the girl in front of him was immeasurable.

He grabbed one of her ears and then twisted it to which a low moan escaped Song Yi's mouth. He grabbed his dick from the other hand and slapped it on her face a few times as she instinctively closed her eyes.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

That terrified expression of hers.... so cute.

Seeing her expression, he released his dick and slapped her cheeks till they became red.

Smack! smack! smack!

Her tears had now dried leaving white traces, her face was covered with snot with Azaroth's palm prints on both of her cheeks. Her eyes had swollen due to her crying and she looked...

She looked Beautifull...

No, there was something more! He had many more things to try to make his Masterpiece more perfect in every sense.

He placed his dick on her lips and started brushing it against her teeth as a toothbrush. His mind had never known this kind of pleasure even existed.

"How do you feel, Song Yi?" He asked an unexpectant Song Yi.

Her shivering body froze again and she looked down in silence. What was she feeling right now? She was powerless, weak, and being r@ped by the boy she trusted, it was hurting, hurting so bad-

"I asked, how do you feel silly?" Azaroth asked again looking at his pet with a loving gaze.

She slowly looked at him with puppy eyes and muttered "I-It hurts." in a low tone.

"My bad."

Since Azaroth was a gentleman, he apologized.

He crouched down a little and gently tucked some stray strands of her hair behind her ear.

"If you act like a bad kitten, the master needs to punish you right?" He asked in a gentle voice but to Song Yi, he looked like a psycho.

His words and his gentle eerie tone made her fear grow even more towards him.

"So you will act like a good kitten, right? RIGHT!?" He yelled the last part making her flinch as she nodded nonstop in affirmation.

"Hmm, so be a good girl and suck it," Azaroth said while pointing toward his cock.

Soon he felt a soft sensation on his cock, Song Yi was softly licking it while looking towards him with her lazy swollen eyes, trying to see if he is dissatisfied.

She carefully licked the large cock and placed it inside her mouth, it tasted bad, she wanted to through up. But as time passed she got used to its taste.


She heard his words and froze before moving her head back and forth while producing sloppy choking sounds.


She repeated this movement.

Azaroth looked at the first friend he made in this life cutely choking on his cock buried in between her cute little lips as she was bobbing her face up and down on it.


Lwed sounds echoed in the lounge.

Azaroth grinned in pleasure and placed his hand on the back of her head and stuffed his whole cock in her throat and locked her in place, making her unable to breathe.

Her mouth was wet and warm.

His cock twitched in her mouth, her throat constricted around his large member and he couldn't take it anymore. He pulled his cock from her throat and when the tip reached her tongue, he filled her mouth with his thick white cum.

He then pulled his cock out of her mouth with a pop and smiled "You know what to do right?"

Song Yi knew what he wanted and Gulped down his entire load without spilling a drop.

Her face was covered in tear markings, cheeks covered in palm prints, eyes swollen, hairs unkempt, lower face full of drool.

She was a complete mess, ah no..

Now, she looked completely perfect.

She was breathing heavily, her mind in a mess, then she heard him speak again.

"Do you hate me?"

It was an unexpected question. What did he want her to say? That she didn't? But she knew better and shook her head which made Azaroth smile widely.

"Aww, how cute~ " He said as he looked at her messed-up state. "Now take that bra and your shorts off...."

Hearing that she shuddered and subtly glanced towards the clock but her eyes widened, it had only been 30 minutes which felt like an eternity of torture to her!

There were still 30 minutes left...


Advanced Chapters- p@treon.com/MilkLoverFanfics

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Change the @ to a.

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