
Sex System in Solo Leveling

"Hmm? What is this blue floating screen?" I was always a bottom feeder, always acting kind, always pleasing people.... why? Because I had no influential background. I didn't expect to get everything handed to me on a silver platter suddenly. {Monarch of Lust System} {Congratulations on activating the 'Monarch of Lust System'!} {Note- "The system will not assist in obtaining girls for the user. Instead, it will empower the user with enough strength to stand on top of the food chain. How the user chooses to pursue their sexual desires is entirely up to them.".} {The System wishes the host a joyful journey!} "....... It's like, I'm the MC of some degenerate's FanFic" ______ Brief Description- A very degenerate piece of work only being written because the Author is horny. Tags-OP MC, Invincible MC, Evil MC, Perverted Protagonist, Smart Protagonist, Scum Protagonist, Blackmail, An@l, BDSM, R-18, R@pe, Incest, Netori, System, Harem, Large Harem, Smut, Sex... And various other fetishes, you can probably find everything here. BUT NO Gay stuff and Femboy stuff. **NO YURI, NO NTR. Me myself being a Reader, will never provide content that will destroy reader's mood. Support me on: patreon.com/MilkLoverFanfics The idea of writing this shit came to me while reading my favorite FanFic [Multiversal] Sex System in The Class Room of The Elite by AlmightySkyDxddy. The story will be different coz it is set in SoloLeveling but the system is kinda same Also, there are No traps. *** Remember do not compare reality to fiction. If you're as trashy as me then enjoy the work. If you're a snowflake then kindly leave. Thank you for reading. To read ahead—> pa treon.com/MilkLoverFanfics

MilkLover · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 7 Despair(*)

Author Note:

@AlmightySkyDxddy, thank you for teaching me the ways!



"H-Hunters Guild! Why are you-" Jin-woo was flabbergasted, At first, he thought they were from the Guild Association, then he thought they could be from the media, trying to get a scoop about a double dungeon appearing inside a lower-rank dungeon.

But why would the nation's number one guild come to visit him, he was the weakest hunter of mankind, not even in his wildest dreams, he would have thought that he would even come closer to the janitors of the Hunters Guild, but what the tall man said after made him even more baffled.

"We want to recruit you for our new team as a supply support potter " was what he said next.

Getting chosen as a potter to one of their teams is not easy, if it were me from four days back, I would have accepted the offer and have even sucked their dic-ehm! But not now.

Now I have this... system? well a floating panel kind of thing, I have a way to become stronger, being bounded and under surveillance, it would only become har-

The more aged-looking one continued, "As you are a promising individual, we would sign you up initially for 2.2 Million won a month (Around 1600 American dollars at that time), and after the first month is over, you could sign up for another one, which we guarantee to provide, or you could just quit... So, what do you say?"

That fitted very well with Jin Woo, he could get stronger in his free time, get money to support his family, get experience inside high-ranking gates, and can just leave after getting strong!

"T-That..." Jin-woo's eyes widened as he processed the unexpected proposition.

 The sudden attention left him grappling with disbelief. First, he is somehow alive after being left inside that dungeon to die alone, then he suddenly gets this mysterious game-like screen, and now he is being escorted by the nation's top Guild?

What's going on? Was finally his good days coming?

"Why me?" Jin-woo finally managed to ask, his voice a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. "I'm just a low-ranked hunter. There are plenty of stronger hunters out there."

The taller man, likely in his thirties, adjusted his glasses and gave Jin-woo a thoughtful look. "Strength is not the only factor we consider when recruiting. We see potential, determination, and a unique set of skills in you."

The other one said, "Yes, we have been monitoring you for quite some time now. You have been in many deadly situations but have always managed to survive somehow.... If that's not something unique in you then I don't know what is"

Were they saying all that from the bottom of their heart? Oh hell no!

They got assigned a task by the manager 30 minutes ago! He said to butter the boy named Sung Jin Woo and somehow recruit him within a week and not make it obvious.

They were just saying whatever they concluded after seeing Sung's track record..... But Jin Woo doesn't need to know that!

"I-I appreciate the offer," he began cautiously, "but I need some time to think about it. I recently came out of a life-threatening situation. C-Can I tell you guys after I get discharged?"

The Hunters Guild representatives exchanged glances, 'At least he is not declining... we still have a week's time.'

The older man nodded, understanding evident in his eyes.

"We understand, Sung Jin-woo. Take your time. However, know that this is a rare opportunity. We believe in fostering talent, and we're confident you have the potential to rise above your current status. When you've made your decision, contact us."

With that, the two guild members handed him a business card, the emblem of the Hunters Guild embossed on its surface.

They bid him farewell and left the room, leaving Jin-woo alone with his thoughts.

'Their offer seemed nice and I could also do my quests in my free time, and most importantly, I need money.....'


Back inside the VIP lounge....

Azaroth sat on the sofa and looked at Song Yi's shaking figure, She was standing in front of him while tears were dripping nonstop from her eyes.

"...Do you now realize your situation?... yes?" He asked her in a comforting tone to which she nodded in affirmative.

"Remove the school blazer and that stupid cap you are wearing." His voice this time was authoritative. She knew fully well what was about to happen.

How could she not see his true nature before, how could she come somewhere with practically a young master she just met yesterday?

His good looks, fun demeanor, and the excitement of meeting the S-ranked hunters had clouded her judgment. But what could she do now? If she disobeys him.... her father might not reach home tonight.

"Heok! heok!..." She nodded while crying and removed her blazer and cap, now she was in her pink huddie and blue shorts,

"Also lose the ponytail.." Azaroth said.

She obeyed his orders then looked at him with her big watery eyes.

Azaroth found that look very pleasing.

"Now... Loose the hoodie as well and stop crying"

Song Yi couldn't take it longer and fell to her knees in despair.

"Enough wasting time, your mom is alone in the house you know~ If you don't want then it's fine, I can always take what I want from the OG, after all, ~" He said while showing her his phone screen,

The recording was live and was being filmed in front of.... her house.

She took out her hoodie and now her ping bra was in full view.

The atmosphere in the room became more haunting. Azaroth put the phone in his pocket and then opened his legs, still sitting on the sofa.

He pointed in between his legs and said, "Come over here while crawling on all fours."

Song Yi's mind was now overloaded. She looked at him in a daze.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" His yell startled her and she started crawling towards him like a dog. It didn't take her long to reach his legs and Azaroth grabbed her chin lifting her face up.

Her fair and pretty face was now red and soaked in tears.

It made Azaroth shiver in pleasure. He cupped her soft supple face with both hands, kneading her face to his liking.

He rubbed his finger over SongYi's soft lips as she powerlessly sat on her knees in front of him.

"You look cute like this," He said in a charming tone and kissed her rosy lips. They were incredibly soft, not to mention her mouth was tasting salty due to her tears which he liked.

He grabbed her head firmly from both of his hands and kissed her however he liked. He didn't care if she was feeling good or not but he could tell that she was not at least hating it... NO,

Her body was not hating it.

After a long and deep kiss, he slowly withdrew his tongue from her mouth creating a thin bridge of saliva.

Song Yi was panting for breath, her mind had stopped working, she was too confused- too confused to understand what was happening.

She only knew that she had to obey Azaroth's all commands or something bad would happen.

She looked at Azaroth through her unfocused moist eyes. Was it over? Can she rest? what were they doing here?

But all she heard was his slightly hoarse voice.

"Open my pants."

She remembered what they were doing, she knew she could do nothing but follow his orders.

With her shaky delicate small hands, she opened his pants.

Soon she saw his underwear struggling to retain the beast within. The shape was distinct and.... Big.

He stroked her hair and said, "Keep going"

Her fair and dainty fingers shook as she pulled his underwear down and all of a sudden a soring long meat with bulging veins came out with a pop as its long shadow covered her face.

She looked up in despair.