
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

Shelter and food

Now that they've found water and even assigned the little lightheaded Haruka to the duty of getting the water ready for them to drink, what needed to be done next was out up a shelter and procure done proper food.

After all, they had spent the entire past month on this island by eating Ready To Eat emergency meals which tasted worse than they looked.

Thus, even someone like Haruka who always looked like a gentle woman who wouldn't even hurt an ant was willing to personally hunt any eatable beast.

Unfortunately, on this island it was impossible to find creatures which gave them chicken, meat, pork and what not due to which they'd have to settle for rabbit meat or dive into the sea for some seafood.

Still, that was for later because Ryu and Amanda decided to focus on having a shelter set up as soon as possible because the clouds above the island were thickening and looked like they'd burst out with rain at any moment.

"Hmmm... What type of a shelter do you want to build?"

"How about a small cosy and comfortable cabin?"

Looking towards Haruka who made it clear that this was most likely her first time experience in the wild, Ryu and Amanda went back to discussing what they should do.

"Why did you look at me like that? I really think it'd be good to live in one of those small cabins made of logs."

"Do you want to take this?"

Nodding his head towards Amanda's question, Ryu said, "Building a wooden cabin is indeed a good idea if you look at it with a long term perspective. But, it is also a very hard and labour intense job Haruka."

"It really isn't something we can finish doing in anything less than a few months. And definitely not possible with just tyre three of us."

Nodding her head in understanding, Haruka asked, "Then what should we do? I really can't climb on these trees and sleep during the night."

Chuckling and shaking his head, Ryu said, "You don't have to worry, we'll set up a small tent big enough for the three of us to sleep inside of."

Accepting the idea, Haruka at first appreciated having some sort of roof over her head after spending the entire month sleeping on the shore but quickly realized that all three of them would be sleeping inside it.

That meant, she'd be sleeping beside Ryu!

Lightly blushing because she had never slept so close to a man until now, Haruka turned her face away to not let Ryu see her expression.

Ignoring Haruka who looked absorbed in her work, Ryu and Amanda who had some knowledge about camping quickly decided that they'd get started with building a Tepee Shelter.

Even though building one in such a short time wouldn't be easy, it was better than having to build a Lean-To Shelter which offered little to no privacy to those inside it.

And surprisingly enough, Amanda insisted to build the Tepee Shelter because she wanted what happened inside to stay private and out of the eyes of anyone that may come here.

So, while Haruka kept on boiling the water from the stream and filled the empty bottles she had with the boiled water, Ryu and Amanda started looking for the items they needed. Namely, thick branches and big leaves.

Plucking the big leaves and using their body weight to break around 35 or 40 long and thick branches, the duo who got started when the sun was right above their head managed to finish setting up the shelter when the sun was very close to setting.

Now in front of them was what looked like a huge cone covered in enough leaves to keep rain and sunlight outside while there was more than enough space for the three of them to easily fit inside it.

This was when Haruka who was watching the two of them work the entire time stepped near them and handed a bottle of water each to drink

Unfortunately, Ryu who took the bottle almost revealed his true behaviour when he saw the angel-like Haruka so close to him and trying to wipe the sweat away on his face.

Taking hold of her waist unconsciously, Ryu's face went so close near Haruka's face that it really looked like he was about to kiss her.

But, since Ryu who was feeling a little uncertain didn't directly do so, Amanda who was watching ft the side interrupted the two of them and completely ruined the moment making it impossible for him to kiss her anymore.

Thus, he could only let Haruka's waist go and chose to wash himself while Amanda imitated the same thing he did by hugging the red-faced Haruka before saying that she would be joining him.

"Stop doing that Amanda, Haruka's mine."

"What are you talking about? You aren't in a relationship with her. So why can't I try seducing her."

"You're not even a lesbian."

Snorting and hugging Ryu from the side, Amanda turned him around with her to look towards Haruka who was exploring the inside of their shelter while crawling on all four.

"Did you see that ass? I don't mind turning into a lesbian if I could just hug that to sleep one night."


Unable to say anything since Ryu wasn't sure if Amanda was kidding or serious, he could only look at her with narrowed eyes before deciding that should make a move on Haruka sooner rather than later.

As for food, the two of them had set up some traps where they found animal footprints with hope that they'd manage to trap some rabbits.

After all, given how much work they did today, they felt like they should definitely consume some sort of meat and not sleep on an empty stomach.

Read ahead till the story's end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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