
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

Bathing with a beauty

Walking for quite some time along the stream, Ryu and Amanda arrived near the rock cliff from the top of which water fell down and created the stream.

Having seen this place before was that made Ryu and Amanda hesitant with building something like a wooden cabin so close to the shore.

Sure it would be helpful in case rescue ever arrived. But this Waterfall was proof that there was a river on top of the mountain on this island.

This Waterfall might have been created due to water above overflowing with the rain, but the same beautiful Waterfall would turn deadly in case huge rains showered them non stop leading the same stream they were using to drink water to flood the area around them.

Therefore, if possible the two of them wanted to set up the permanent shelter if and when needed on the higher parts of the mountain and not near its foot.

That way, even if they might lose the beautiful scenery created by the Waterfall, it would be safer for them.

Now that they were here, Ryu asked Amanda who followed him the entire time, "How long do you plan on tagging along with me?"

"What are you talking about? Didn't I say I was going to join you?"

Smiling and proudly pulling the tight t-shirt and pants down to reveal her near-naked body with only the sexy black bra and panties remaining on it.

Putting them down on the rock near them and placing some rocks on them so that they wouldn't fly away, Amanda teasingly said, "What? Are you ashamed of the little snake you have?"

Smirking and ignoring the almost childish taunt, Ryu who had great proud in his own body unhesitantly pulled the t-shirt off to reveal his lean upper body.

"I'm not afraid of showing off. But are you sure you want to tempt me like this? What will you do if I get too turned on and force you into having sex with me."

Raising her leg straight up, Amanda removed the ankle carry which had the gun she was carrying and placed it on the rock.

"If you've got enough guts to do such a thing, try doing it."

Crying out that this was unfair and an obvious threat, Ryu saw Amanda remove everything else of her body and jump inside the cold water while he did the same.

It might have been embarrassing or maybe something special if Ryu was in the water with someone else. But since it was with Amanda who had literally threatened him with the gun she possessed, Ryu despite sharing the bath with such a beautiful woman didn't make a single move on her.

And you should know how hard it was because Amanda would choose to deliberately stand up from time to time to show off her sexy body to Ryu.

Not to forget about how Amanda would bend over and even go as far as spreading her butt cheeks to reveal the sexy and cute holes hidden between them.

Unfortunately, all Ryu could do was see them and gulp hard because it was impossible for even him to bring up enough courage to stretch his hand and touch that smooth ass which looked like it was begging him to do so.

After all, while Ryu was confident in how strong he was due to the obvious muscles on his arms and sexy six-pack, he had zero confidence in doing something to Amanda and then living to tell the tale.

Even if you put aside the fact that she possessed a gun, there was also the matter of how she used to be in special forces.

Therefore, Ryu could only think of this as watching real-life porn while Amanda kept on inventing more sexy ways of washing one's body.

"You like what you see?"

Ignoring this question since Amanda knew the answer from looking at his erect dick through the clear water, Ryu said, "God was very unfair when creating us. He gave us men a dick which makes it easy for women to know if we're turned on, but he gave you woman a pussy which you need to put a finger inside to check if you're turned on."

"Yeah, but he even gave you such a big dick so he isn't completely biased towards us either."

Licking her lips sexily, Amanda offered to help Ryu in washing himself who immediately rejected her.

It was already hard for Ryu to see if his erection would ever go down after what he saw. But if she used her hands to touch him, he was sure that he'd need to spend a few hours jacking off to get his dick to calm down.

Either way, Ryu found himself feeling that Amanda who looked cold was actually a pretty fun woman to hand out with.

And this had a lot to do with how cool she was in bathing naked.

Like this ended Ryu's first proper bath on the stranded island after which the two of them went around to check the traps and found two rabbits caught.

It did feel a little lacking considering they placed seven traps, but beggars can't be choosers.

Therefore, Amanda mercilessly killed the rabbits using the knife which was along with the gun in her ankle carry before giving Ryu the pleasure of carrying the dead beast back to the stream and cleaning them.

What meant by cleaning wasn't washing the dead rabbit in the stream but rather skinning it and then gutting it with the knife she gave him.

This responsibility wasn't given to Ryu by Amanda, but rather he chose to do this himself because volunteered to do it due to having learnt of how to do it when he was reviewing the various ways to survive depending on the situation.

Read ahead till the story's end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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