
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

True personality

Walking beside Ryu, Amanda was also looking towards Haruka's swaying ass because honestly that's how attractive the woman was.

In fact, Amanda felt like she wouldn't be surprised even if Haruka suddenly said that she was a model or an actress in the past.

That's how beautiful she was from the top to bottom.

"Tell me something Ryu, what is it about that woman that attracted you? I mean other than her physical appearance."


Other than her outer appearance? Didn't she properly look at Haruka?

The woman looked like a goddess who was born or earth by mistake. What else did anyone need other than her appearance to take up an interest in her?

Even if the woman had a bad personality, which she actually didn't, no man would care even if she was a gold digger who was just after their money as long as they could be with her.

That was how attractive the woman was.

"Let me guess, you've got the Oedipus complex as well, don't you?"

Sighing loudly, Ryu couldn't help it as his head titled back and he muttered, "How... How is it that you're guessing everything correctly? Am I an open book or something?"

Shaking her head and chuckling, Amanda said, "Nah, this one was just a guess due to how much porn is targeted on incest these days. But it's good to see that you're so on the edge that you admitted the truth right away."

Once she said that Amanda huddled Ryu from the side and whispered, "Though I can see what it is about her that attracted you. I'm rooting for you boy, get one in for the both of us."

Patting Ryu's shoulder and picking up pace to walk ahead, Amanda made him feel as if he had just been given advice on what to do.

Smiling a little, Ryu also picked up pace so as to not lag too far behind the two women.

Quickly reaching them and walking each beside the other, Haruka was starting to feel as if something was weird and the two of them on either side of her were planning to prank her in some way.

Luckily nothing of that sort happened while the three of them quickly entered what looked like the lushest part of the entire forest they walked until now.

It was also as if fate was with them because very close to the streak of clear water was an empty patch of land without any big trees or plants.

Though there were little shrubs, Ryu and Amanda were confident in clearing all of them and setting up a shelter for them.

The only thing they'd have to worry about was the wild animals which would come here to drink on the water.

Still, since this kind of islands very rarely had huge and scary animals the three of them who knew their science guessed that only creatures like monkeys, sloths and so could be on the island.

Of course, this was while excluding the various species of lizards, spiders and snakes that were destined to be on it with many of them being highly venomous as well.

With this, the three of them had found a source of water for them to drink. What needed to be done now was boil the water to make sure that it was consumable and didn't cause them any health issues.

They all had some sort of vessels for the job to be done in their backpacks after they scavenged the shore, but the question was who was going to do it.

While all of them could do it and it wasn't any sort of demeaning job, any one of them could do a simple thing like boiling the water.

But to Ryu and Amanda who always enjoyed relaxing and not doing any work unless they had no other choice, they wanted to push this responsibility onto someone else.

Therefore, even before Haruka could say anything, the two of them said in union, "Haruka should be the one who does it."

"Huh? Why me?"

"It's because Haruka is a biology teacher and better at this than the both us."

Rolling her eyes Haruka wanted to say that she didn't get a PhD in science to boil water, but due to being a little flustered from Ryu who was calling her by her name for the first time ever she ended up agreeing to it.

Until now, Ryu always called her by her family name and her designation. He did this even after all of them were stranded on the island and most of the students stopped following the social norms.

So, she couldn't help feel a little flustered when he called her just by her name.

Don't get her wrong, Haruka didn't hate him for doing this and rather felt that this made them closer. It was just that she couldn't understand what was it that brought this sudden change in him.

Was it due to that Amanda whom he was walking so close with?

Like this while Haruka was lost in thought, Ryu walked near her and playfully hit her on the ass and said, "You should get started before something happens that would cause us trouble."

Doing the same thing, Amanda spanked Haruka's other ass cheek and said, "Yeah. It is very likely that it could start raining so you should finish before something like that happens."

Moving forward while looking blankly at how Ryu was suddenly behaving and that Amanda was also behaving like a thug, Haruka was more and more feeling that something weird was definitely happening.

Glaring towards Amanda who was sticking her tongue out towards him, Ryu despite knowing that she was doing this to rile him up was unable to stop his lips from twitching.

Turns out his true personality was very possessive to everything he considered as his own.

Read ahead till the story's end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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