
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

Ryu's shadow

Ryu being the sociopath he was, always expected the worse of others due to which he never really completely trusted anyone.

Other than Amanda whom for some reason he found it hard to not trust, Ryu didn't have anyone else on this island or the entire planet for that matter than he had trust in.

And even Amanda wasn't someone whom Ryu trusted so much that he'd place his life in her hands.

Due to this, Ryu despite having just had so much sex and fallen sleep with such a happy, relaxed and pleasant smile on his face was actually very much alert.

Thus, as soon as he heard some sound in the distance he quickly woke up as his eyes shot wide open.

Seeing that Haruka was still sleeping, Ryu gently moved her so that she wouldn't wake up after which he quickly pulled on his pants and left the tent.

Having heard the sound of someone tripping and cursing out loud before they stopped themselves midway, Ryu expected that whoever it was nearby they were very nervous due to which when they tripped they couldn't help but shout to get rid of their frustration.

But since they quickly recovered and shut their mouth, they couldn't be someone too stupid either.

Walking outside the tent due to how bright it was where they were at due to the full moon shining brightly above them, Ryu didn't even need a few seconds to spot the irregularity which shouldn't exist where they were at right now.

And that was the silhouette of a human trying his best to peak while hiding behind a tree.

Staying silent and not saying anything, Ryu acted like he hadn't seen anything suspicious and went back inside the shelter.

He didn't however sleep and turned more alert to hear sounds of whatever that person was doing outside.

It took quite some time before the mysterious person started moving which made Ryu realize that he was being extra cautious.

Seems like the person was very scared for some reason or they just didn't want to make any mistake.

Walking in the direction of the shelter, Ryu felt that if he wasn't awake he definitely wouldn't have noticed that someone was approaching him.

Because this time the person didn't make any mistake like stepping on the dry twigs and made sure to walk on only the patches of grass and that too on their toes.

Smirking and revealing a look of disdain, Ryu who saw the person's shadow falling on his tent spotted the weapon in his hands.

A rock?

Seriously dumb ass?

Waiting until the perfect moment, Ryu who wasn't ready to reveal his true self to Haruka made his move just as the person's hand was reaching to push the tied leaves to the side and peek inside the shelter.

Bolting out of the shelter, Ryu didn't bother going for the weapon and instead caught the person by his neck first.

Then, he moved to the back of him and used a chokehold to restrict oxygen from entering his body.

Doing his best to make sure that the person didn't make any sounds or movements which would cause Haruka to wake up, Ryu began slowly walking backwards as the person inside his arms quickly fainted due to the lack of oxygen.

This was when Ryu finally released the chokehold and rather started pulling him by the collar to a specific spot.


Having already seen the person's face, Ryu had not just figured out who it was but what his intention was as well.

Therefore, he once he reached his location Ryu threw him on the ground and kicked him in the stomach to wake him up.

Seems like he was too nervous and considered this fool as a possible threat.

"Stop acting idiot. I'll throw you inside the sea if you keep this up."

"No, you're not."

Opening his eyes after sating those words, the boy quickly sat upright and said, "You wouldn't dare kill me."

"When you're ready to kill me, why wouldn't I be ready to do the same?"


"Don't worry, I know that you don't have the balls to kill me. Let me guess what your naive plan was. You planned to injure me and then escape by taking Haruka with you, right?"

Laughing as he spoke, Ryu didn't forget to rub in the fact about how much he enjoyed having sex with Haruka.

"Shut up you bastard! I know that you're forcing Ms Haruka into having sex with you! I'll definitely free her from your evil claws!"

"Evil claws? Can't you say some words which are less embarrassing? You're going to spoil my reputation since you're called Ryu's shadow anyway."

Nishiwaka Takumi was one of the students in Ryu's class who other than being good at studies was known as the biggest otaku in class. At the same time, he was also very famous for always following Ryu.

By following Ryu it didn't mean the way close friends did and rather the way a stalker did.

Takumi would always be not too far behind Ryu regardless of where he was at.

If others didn't know any better about Takumi they would've thought that he was a killer who was planning on murdering Ryu.

What was happening however was completely opposite.

Takumi who once witnessed Ryu walk away from the scene of an accident after someone who was hit by a car died while begging for his help, he had both grown scared and suspicious of Ryu's true personality due to which he kept on following him.

This was when he saw Ryu behaving very closely with the woman he loved whenever he was talking alone with her.

Since then, regardless of whether Ryu was truly a sociopath like he guessed or not, Takumi tried to turn himself into Ryu because this way he'd be able to get close to Haruka by imitating him.

This was the reason why he was nicknamed Ryu's shadow by everyone in the class.

Read ahead till the story's end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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