
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

Unable to stop

Hearing those words was the same as showing something red to a bull.

Because the next moment Ryu started moving even more intensely and in the middle of their bodies slapping against each other he loudly grunted and cummed inside Haruka who was still in the middle of enjoying her orgasm.

"Aaaaahhhhhh... "

Raising her head and biting Ryu's shoulder because this was one of her quirks, Haruka stopped biting around the same time that she ended orgasming as well.

This was when Ryu surprisingly found himself feeling a little weak due to which he fell face forward beside Haruka who was honestly more breathless than exhausted.

What happened caused Ryu to feel very surprised because he knew his body very well and even when he worked out for a few hours straight he never felt like this until now.

"You were so good, Ryu. I really can't believe that this is your first time."

Not answering and only smiling, Ryu turned around as Haruka greedily hugged him and dived into his embrace.

Lying beside his with her head on his chest, Haruka made Ryu feel like she was a clingy woman.

But once he remembered reading about how most women did this after having sex, he didn't think too much about it.

Instead, he started thinking that he should resume working out so that his body would remain fit at all times and not turn so weak after only have sex two times.

Also, this was the moment the two of them had to choose between going outside to eat and staying inside and continuing to have sex.

If the two of them were thinking logically, they would've chosen to first eat something before continuing to have sex if they wanted to.

Because when being stranded on islands it was best to have a stomach fool of food to provide energy whenever needed.

But to Ryu who just got the first taste of what sex felt like and Haruka who was filled with the ecstasy of dating a younger man who was also her student, the only thing they had on their mind was to keep on having sex.

Have sex, take a break, continue, have sex, take a break, continue... Repeating the same cycle until God knows when the two of them fell asleep, Ryu and Haruka spent the night that Amanda left to venture inside the forest as if they were enjoying a festival of some kind.

A weird festival for horny perverts.


"Ughhh... "

Smiling while still sleeping, Ryu who was dreaming of having sex with multiple women was enjoying a blow job by someone in his dream when he suddenly woke up to find his dream turning into a reality.

Not the harem part, but rather only the blow job part.

Lying on the group in between his legs, Haruka's face which was near his crotch had his dick inside it.

Waving her hand to express the greetings which her mouth couldn't, Haruka started sucking his dick even harder.

At the same time, she even began using her warm hands to play with his balls and gently massaged them so that she'd quickly obtain his first load of the day.

Grunting and cumming, Ryu started thinking that all of his life he had been completely right.

Waking up with a woman sucking his dick was truly the best way to do so.

Not only did it make him really good, it even got rid of the morning wood which would usually take quite some time.

Though his dick once again turned hard due to Haruka who wasn't satisfied by just swallowing his cum one time continue to lick it, Ryu still considered this as the best way to wake up.

Patting the woman's head, Ryu asked, "After you exhausted? I'm feeling really hungry."

"Of course I am. That's why I'm feasting on your sperm. Don't you know that a male's semen contains a lot of protein?"

"Yeah, but you sucking me dry is only making me hungrier. So let's get some proper food to eat first."

While Ryu and Haruka were behaving like a newlywed couple who couldn't bear to stay away from each other and kept on touching each other the whole time when they were bathing, eating and so on, Amanda, however, wasn't in the same cheerful mood as them.

Life inside the forest sucked. Even considering her past experience in the special forces, Amanda found that being alone inside a tropical forest was more stressful than those dangerous gunfights she had gotten in.

At least in those situations she knew what to expect and how to properly react depending on what happened.

Right now however she had to stay alert at all times due to the enemies not being full-sized humans and rather venomous animals like slithering snakes and very small spiders which despite being as small as her fingernail could kill her if they managed to bite her.

Due to this, Amanda who couldn't even enjoy a proper sleep decided that she should finish her objectives and leave this place as soon as possible.

Since the biology teacher only asked for various fruits and not the plants/trees they grew on, Amanda wanted to finish doing everything in one or at most two days and leave.

What made her situation worse was that she couldn't consume any sort of fruits obtained inside the forest because they might be poisonous.

So, she needed to finish her job by spending as little energy as possible because the only food for her was the fruits she knew were not poisonous.

Read ahead till the story's end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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