
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

Nah, still not a psychopath

"I don't understand what is wrong with you idiot. Why do you keep on following me? Did I ever do something to you? It isn't just because Haruka loves my dick more than you, right?"

"Don't you dare speak about my goddess that way!"

"Get to the point."

"Humph! Others might not know this, but I know that you are a psychopath!"

"A sociopath."

Not bothering to ask how he was found out, Ryu guessed that it must have happened when he was outside the school and did something like ignore dying people or dead animals.

"Like there's a difference. You all are the same! I won't let my goddess be tainted by a freak like you."

Smirking a little, Ryu said, "For someone's who been captured by me, don't you sound a little too rude? Aren't you afraid of me killing you? You did call me a psychopath. Also, just so you know Haruka had been more than just tainted by me. She even begs me to taint her."

"Shut up! I'll kill you if you ever hurt her!"

Rolling his eyes, Ryu said, "You truly are fearless. I should just kill you right now."

"Hehehehe, do you think I'm an idiot who'll get scared of your words? I know that you wouldn't dare kill me. For someone as intelligent as you, you wouldn't do anything like committing a murder and get implicated by it when people come to rescue us."

Smiling proudly, Takumi sounded as if he was so confident in his words that he would even bet his life on it.

Nodding his head, Ryu said, "For someone so smart, you are very stupid as well."


"You're correct, I really wouldn't do something like murder or rape which would get me into trouble when I get to leave this place. But, why would I be afraid of being caught as long as I'm confident in keeping everything a secret?"

"You... What are you doing?! Don't come near me."

Ignoring the warning like plead, Ryu continued stepping near Takumi.

"Can you see what is waiting for you down that cliff?"

Coinciding with Ryu's words a huge wave crashed against the huge rock situated under the cliff against which the waves which came out of the sea continuously crashed against.

"If you fall down there, not only will you die for sure due to the fall but even your body and all signs of your death will get washed away by the time rescue comes here. "

"But... Others might find me before that happens.… so... "

Nodding and agreeing with Takumi, Ryu said, "It is possible for that to happen as well. But so what? Everyone would only think that you slipped and fell to your death, or committed suicide. Who'd think that you were murdered? You definitely wouldn't have told anyone else about what you were going to do. After all, your plan wasn't to just hurt me and 'save' Haruka."

"What are you talking about? I did tell... "

Not bothering himself to listen to the obvious lie, Ryu said, "You've always known that it was impossible to get Haruka to love you."

Yup. Even though Takumi didn't look ugly, his face was just average and not something which could compare to Ryu's super model like face.

"So, after injuring me, and if possible disabling me, you wanted to capture Haruka. That was why there were so many vines near that tree you were hiding behind."

"You wanted to capture her and then what? Fuck her till she becomes a slave to your tiny dick?"

"This isn't a hentai manga idiot. You've read way too much of that crap."

"I.... I... "

Walking even closer to Takumi whose face looked stiff and pale from fear, Ryu didn't need to do much.

He could just choose to leave because it was guaranteed that Takumi wouldn't dare try anything like this again in a short time, and it would be fun to see what Amanda would do if he did something like this when she came back.

But, Ryu for some reason didn't feel like letting him go and then come back to harm him with a better plan.

Therefore, he slowly stretched his hand out and placed it on Takumi's shoulder.

Smiling brightly as if this was when someone would start laughing and say that all of this was just a joke, Ryu said, "Goodbye Takumi, I've got no need for two shadows."

Saying so Ryu with the same smile pushed the shocked Takumi backwards so that he fell straight down the cliff and landed on the rock which was a few hundred feet below.

Watching everything without even blinking his eyes, Ryu who was sure that Takumi was dead due to how much blood had already covered the rock he fell on clicked his tongue and said, "Nah, I'm still not a psychopath. I only kill when needed, not for fun or pleasure."

Saying these words, Ryu turned around to leave and get back to shelter where the naked Haruka was still lying without knowing about anything he did.

For some reason, Ryu who just killed someone felt very turned on and wanted to enjoy the excitement by having a few more rounds of sex with Haruka.

Read ahead till the story's end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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