
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

Into the unknown

"Hey, have any of you guys seen Ryu? It's been quite a while since he disappeared. If he went inside the forest, we need to find him before something bad happens to him."

In response to the concerned girl, a boy who wasn't too far from the group snorted and said, "Why would anyone bother looking for that cold guy?"

Honestly, Ryu wasn't all that bad with the others or did anything to anyone either.

Still, when a handsome guy left the group, the average guys wouldn't want him to come back right? Especially when they were a bunch of horny teenagers who were looking for ways to have sex with all the beautiful girls and women stranded on the island with them.

Unfortunately, as soon as the boy spoke he didn't receive any support from his peers and rather the girls who heard him started cursing him.

"What do you know? Being able to look cold is Ryu's charm."

"Huh? Anyone can do that, look!"

Rolling their eyes towards the boy who tried to imitate how Ryu always looked, one of the girls who looked like a naturally born leader stepped forward and said, "You just look like your trying to shit dumbass!"

Ignoring all of them, the girl who first brought up Ryu went back to her mother who was the principal of the school and said, "Mom, we need to go and search for Ryu! I think he's all alone inside the forest."

"Don't be stupid honey. Why would you want to leave everyone here and try to find one boy? Is it just cause he is handsome?"

"It isn't just Ryu, principal. I saw Ms Haruka going after Ryu as well."

"Ooh! I didn't know Ryu was banging her!"

Ignoring the boy who heard their words and started spreading the rumour around, the principal began trying to think if she should go and try to find the two of them.

If it was just Ryu than she could've put him aside, but Haruka wasn't someone she could just ignore.

This was when the other foreigner in the entire group spoke up.

"It isn't just the two of them, Amanda is most likely with them as well."

"Huh? What are those three doing out in the woods?"

Shrugging her shoulder the foreigner said, "The two of them you are talking about most likely followed Amanda because she is the only one who has a gun here."

"She's got a gun?"

At once the entire crowd on the shore turned rowdy because possessing a gun on this island didn't only guarantee them becoming the leader but also allowed them to enter the forest without having to worry about any big wild beasts attacking them.

"I told you we should try and find him mom! Ryu is so much smarter than these idiots! He definitely wouldn't do something without any reason."

"Hey who are you calling idiots? We'll just find them and.. "

"And ask Amanda to give you the gun? Considering she doesn't just shoot you, are you even confident in finding them inside the forest?"

"Ughh.... "

In an instant, the rowdy ones on the shore turned quiet as another question which made them hesitate was spoken out loud.

In their group that planned to enter the forests and search for food, who would be the one walking at the front?


As the three of them resumed walking deeper inside the woods, Ryu asked Amanda, "Do you have a destination in mind, or are we just walking around aimlessly?"

Without turning around Amanda asked Ryu a question back, "Do you know what one should do when they are stranded on an uninhabited island?"

Others might now know such things but Ryu who had the weirdest curiosities and interests did know the exact answer.

But he didn't even have the chance to answer because the biology teacher Haruka started speaking.

"The human body depending on the situation cannot survive without any shelter for at most three days in extreme kinds of weather."

"But since this island feels like a tropical island, our main priority shod be trying to find a source of drinking water. Our bodies can only survive for three days at most without drinking water."

"After that, we need to focus on finding something to eat because in these conditions unable to eat something won't even let us last for two weeks."

Nodding their heads in unions, Ryu and Amanda who more or less had the same assumptions started to think about the source of water they could find.

"Since the trees around us are looking lusher in that direction, it is possible for some kind of stream or river to be in that direction."

Explaining out loud what Ryu and Amanda had already guessed, Haruka had a proud look on her face as if she should be the leader of their group.

That's why she also added the obvious statement that they should first find some item to boil the water before they consumed it because there could parasites and bacteria in it.

Listening to all of this, Ryu found Haruka that was wiping the sweat on her forehead away as she tried to walk without tripping even more sexy than usual.

Ryu always wanted to stay true to his desires.

Have sex with that beautiful mom of his, flirt with every beautiful woman he felt like, be open about how he was someone whose mind was filled with perverted thoughts, have a harem where all the women would treat him like God, have sex whenever he wanted, and so on.

He couldn't do any of those things until now however because they'd end up making him stand out too much and even possibly get him into trouble.

But, now that he was trapped on an island with no way to leave, and he could reveal his true personality which had already been found by Amanda. Even though he couldn't have sex with his mom who wasn't here, Ryu did start thinking that he should now try and stay true to his desires

After all, it was very much possible that they wouldn't be leaving this island any time soon, or ever for that matter.

So, as long as Ryu made sure to not do anything which might get him into trouble in case rescue ever arrives, he could do anything and everything he wanted to do.

Thinking so, Ryu greedily licked his lips while looking towards Haruka's swaying butt which wasn't too far from him.

Read ahead till the end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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