
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

Group of three

Around the same time that Ryu began walking towards Amanda, the woman who had just finished tying her blonde hair began walking towards the forest while not bothering about what the others were doing.

Seeing this, Ryu increased his pace so that he could catch up with the woman who was leaving all alone before she went too far for him to find her.

Luckily, Amanda hadn't ventured too deep inside the forest before Ryu who had broken in a short job caught up with her.

Turning around while maintaining the same intense and serious look she had on her face since the day they had arrived on the island, Amanda asked, "What do you want?"

"I want to stay with you."


"Because I'm in love with you and afraid that something bad will happen to you."

As Ryu said those words without the slightest sign of embarrassment, Amanda narrowed her eyes and said while smirking, "Try again."

Chuckling a little, Ryu said, "You are my best chance at surviving on this island and I want to stick close to you."

Shrugging and turning around to leave, Amanda said, "Sure you've got a benefit, but why should I bother helping you?"

"Because if you don't, I'll tell everyone that you have a gun."

Stopping in her tracks, Amanda turned around and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Smiling a little, Ryu said, "I've seen the bump in your clothes."

Smiling widely, Amanda said, "You're bluffing."


"What gave me away?"

"You're right, boy. I do have a gun on me. But it isn't tucked into my pants."

Immediately looking near Amanda's legs, Ryu guessed that the gum must be strapped to her leg which explained why she wore such baggy and loose pants.

"Sharp. But, I don't care if you tell the others about the gun. In fact, feel free to tell them all. I'm interested in seeing what they'll try and do after learning about this."

Saying so Amanda resumed walking away as she added, "You are also free to come with me. Ryu, was it?"

Blinking his eyes in surprise at how he achieved his end goal even after his plan failed, Ryu didn't waste a single second before he started walking.


"If by why you mean to know why I'm helping you, it's because you're an interesting one."


"Oh please, you don't need to keep up the act anymore."

Stopping and turning around, Amanda said, "You're obviously both a narcissist and a sociopath. This makes you the most interesting one out of everyone here."

"A narcissist and a sociopath? What makes you say that? Your intuition?"

Unlike Ryu who didn't show any emotion and laughed it away, Amanda smirked and said, "You might fool the others but not me."

"You're definitely not as simple as you look. If you want, I can point out the various places you slipped up in maintaining your facade."

Looking towards Amanda through narrowed eyes, Ryu after thinking for a second said, "Do tell."

"I'll just tell you the most important slip-ups."

Continuing to walk deeper inside the forest, Amanda said, "That hair of yours, you take the time to make it look perfect even in such a situation."

"You never once panicked or cried after everything that happened."

"There wasn't the slightest bit empathy in your eyes as you learned about everyone that died."

"You have very few friends."

"You don't care about anyone but yourself."

"You want to fuck that beautiful teacher of yours and think that it'll be very easy to do that regardless of when you want to do so."

"Your eyes are way too intense and never break contact with the eyes of others."

"You're excessively charming."

"Arrogant to the extreme, but you do your best to hide it."

"You disregard the others and everything they say."

"How well you lied about seeing a gun on me."

"Is this enough, or should I continue?"

With an expression of relief surprisingly on his face, Ryu sighed and said, "You've made your point."

"You seem to be relieved."

"Yes. You don't know how hard it is to keep up with that facade every single day. I'm relieved to finally behave like my true self."

"Really? Now do you mind telling me who it is that is following you?"


"Oh, you've changed your tell sign. I can't tell if you really don't know who it is or you are lying anymore. So interesting. Does this mean that tell sign you had was something you did on your volition or were you privy to it and just sloppy?"

Though she didn't receive an answer in response and only saw Ryu smiling mysteriously, she did find out about who it was that was following them.

"What are you doing here?"

"I saw Ryu walking inside the forest and followed him to make sure nothing bad happens to him."

Chuckling in union, Ryu chose to repeat the same words that Amanda had used.

"Try again."

Blushing a little and awkwardly coughing, the woman who followed them said, "I feel safer when I'm near you."

Walking near Ryu with a smile on her face, Amanda whispered into his ears, "Seems like I misread one of the signs, you really can fuck her whenever you want to. What did you do to achieve that, boy?"

Once again smiling mysteriously and not saying anything, Ryu looked towards the teacher who was looking at him and Amanda with a weird look in her eyes.

After all, anyone would be suspicious seeing Ryu be so close with someone like Amanda whom he didn't know a month back.

Ryu was someone who was always calm and kept to himself even when inside the school which made a lot of the teachers have a good impression on him.

This was because he never really used the name of his parents to get out of something or not do something.

This was also what made Endo Haruka think that Ryu was the best student put of everyone on this island, and also the best one to stick with.

And even though he wasn't ranked first in studies or sports, he was pretty good at both of them. So good, that sometime Haruka would think that he was deliberately hiding his true potential for some reason.

Also, Haruka always felt that Ryu seemed to be more interested in her than the others were. It was possible that Ryu was actually in love with her which meant that he'd be willing to help her more than the others.

What she didn't know however was that all of that barely visible love he showed towards her was all an act to make him blend in with the students and not stand out as the only weird one.

All Ryu really wanted however was to possess Haruka as his woman whom he could fuck whenever he wanted and not care much about anything else.

Now with the addition of Haruka to their group, Amanda who only felt that the situation was turning even more exciting continued walking deeper inside the forest with the two of them following behind her.

Read ahead till the end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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