
Seven Spirits Douluo

Fallen monarch of Western Empire, exiled and assassins sent for his head. But they didn't need to he was already dead with a spear through his throat. Sealing himself inside a cocoon he aims to reincarnate himself. Through this, he ends up in a land without battle chi or magic. The only things here are Spirit Beasts and Spirit Masters. ------------------------------------------------------ First time writing so there should be mistakes, please provide criticism so I can aim to fix it. ------------------------------------------------------- Temporary hiatus for me to adjust my sleep schedule. ------------------------------------------------------- I do not own anything except the main character in this fan fiction.

Josephmemes · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 17 Canteen

This weekend we have to get a Spirit Ring ring, if we don't we can get it on our own time, but I want to surpass my older brother as soon as possible.

Five days have been wasted on "resting" turns out their was like twenty kids with Full Innate Spirit Power out of thousands, the rest had to spend the week cultivating, Rank 9 kids make it easily. While Rank 8 kids barely made it, everyone below that is the shame of their family and are not admitted into this academy.

But more importantly they clogged up the time I could spend cultivating, spirit cultivation is so inefficient but it's the best I have to keep my cool points.

I can use pills but immortal herbs are too valuable and I can't actually buy them without shaming my "master's" image.

Stealing is out and killing and using is out, I need to cultivate fast but without Immortal herbs and three more Martial Spirits then him I can't really do that.

As such I still need to be able to convert mana into tangible power instead of one time spells, mind you I can spam so many of them I can fights gods but I don't actually know their power. Speculation is fun and all but it's also a waste of your time.

It's better to spend that time actually investigating or doing something else.

I can't investigate so I just hope before I turn eleven that I find an immortal herb or an immortal object but it's very unlikely so I won't be able to make a Divine Shroud to protect myself.

I mean a Heaven's Tribulation won't kill me, I may have too do it so I'm cooler then that damn older brother of mine. Then I'll finally be Xiao Wu's role model.

I should wake up though, I need set a good example plus my older brother is going to try to compete for best older brother, again.

Tonight I won't be so dumb and don't sleep even though I have a lot of time to upgrade the time realm. What was it even called, Dalik Von Valison, no that's not it. He's the creator of this type of time realm, previous version were only like fifty times speed of the outside.

He was a genius, not as talented as me but definitely wiser and smarter as he has lived for far longer, a thousand years to my thirty. That's counting this life, without it he's almost forty times older then I am.

No stop, wake up you have responsibility to guide your siblings and "friends" today, I wouldn't hate the word friend so much if that bitch stopped insisting she's our friend. Hopefully she is embarrassed enough that she'll leave us alone.

Taking my prepared clothing, I go to take my shower, walking to my rooms shower I wash up quickly and run into the dining hall. Maneuvering myself around the mass of tables and chairs.

Moving around for a few minutes I find my little brothers with Jiang Xue sitting around each eating their own favorites, Xiao Wu is eating some strawberry shortcake dusted with powdered sugar. While Little Tiger has dark circles under his eyes and is eating some sandwiches.

Jiang Xue is teasing him about something, I can't see but it should be about love seeing as his face is red, while doing this she's eating a bowl of ice cream.

It looks white but I'm not so sure it's vanilla flavored, maybe coconut flavored? Truly our ability to be unhealthy.

When I take a chair from an empty table and pull up their Xiao Wu starts eating his cake slowly rather than his usual speed. While Little Tiger finishes one half of his sandwich cut diagonally and stares at me.

I feel some emotion close to love, but I'm his brother he won't have indecent thoughts about me, plus I'm straight even if I haven't made it clear I don't seem to be homosexual.

So it shouldn't be love right, it should familial love, definitely it can't be actual can it? Right?

Jiang Xue seeing us pause has long stopped but now opened to hopefully clear up the situation.

"Yu Hao did you do anything that would make him so mad that he stayed awake the whole night?"

I feel both offended and warmth, I feel warm that she cares about my brother. I can feel genuine affection from her sentence, and offended that she would think I would hurt Little Tiger.

"No I don't think I did anything to hurt him, if I did I would have apologized. And I feel offended that you would think I would hurt him." At this Little Tiger's right eye twitched.

Oh god I did do something, "Actually I wasn't able to see you for a bit, I didn't sleep so well because of it. It's not your fault it's my problem."

That sentence is my bane, him hurting himself for me is worse than me hurting him, inhaling deeply to calm my nerves I bring both my arms out.

Taking them and wrapping my precious little brother in them I bring him to hug, "It is my problem. Even if it doesn't affect me directly your still my little brother and I am responsible for you."

Hugging me back he backs off with a blush, aww he's so cute I can't myself from giving him a smile, looking down he moves back into his seat and taking small bites of the other half of his sandwich.

See it's just familial love nothing indecent is going to happen here.

Seeing the commotion is over Xiao Wu takes goes back to eating cake without restraint and stares at me, "Big Brother, usually you wake up early so why did you wake up late?" Keeping both his eyes on me while quickly eating his slice of cake.

Preparing to say the reason Jiang Xue opened her mouth first, "he probably woke up late or forgot to set a alarm."

That's a good excuse, I won't deny it nor confirm it's true, nodding my head I move away but move my head so my eyes are looking at them, "I haven't eaten anything yet so I'll go get a sandwich to eat. I'll come back in like ten minutes? Anyway I'll be back soon."

I wait for Xiao Wu's nod and leave when he gives it, moving to the counter for The Canteen I move in line for some food.

"Mister?" Not moving his head he responds sharply, "Mister is fine when you kids come here again it might be thirty years and I won't be working here."

He's a servant that has bad impression of nobles I guess but acknowledges their power, I'm hungry so I'll not worry," Mister can I get a sandwich with fifteen thin slices of sausage, tomatoes and two large pieces of lettuce on top of it."

Nodding his head he quickly went to the fresh cooked sausages I assume he made, bringing out a cutting board.

Placing an long but thin sausage onto it and using a sharp knife he cuts it into fifteen slices and leaves it there, he goes into the door to his right and moves to open it.

Opening it and moving into the kitchen which is filled with the smell of fresh bread and sweet smells, probably from the pastries baked or the cake.

Waiting for a few minutes he comes out along with the tomato slices and lettuce on a plate, and the toasted bread in hand.

First placing the sausage slices on the plate and moving the toasted bread onto the cutting board he cut the sausage on.

Quickly he moved, bread, lettuce, sausage slices, tomatoes, bread. Finishing it he puts the sandwich on the plate.

I receive it in my hand and we both move away, but not before slipping some pocket change, four coins in total. Each one given for each minute he made it faster then ten minutes.

He made it in six minutes, he gets four coins. Leaving quickly after dropping the coins on the counter I carry the plate with me and I move back to the table.

Xiao Wu is lounging around, Little Tiger is back to his normal cold expression and is eating his sandwich, Jiang Xue is eating some more of her ice cream.

Nothing really happened, so I just sat down and start eating my sandwich in silence, "Yu Hao can you make me a Martial Spirit?"

Both me and Little Tiger does a spit take, how does she know I can do that? "Little Tiger told me your master can make them."

She thinks I'm a god but seeing as she has a little faith probably because of my fright for her, but otherwise she would probably not have any faith towards "my" church.

If I didn't know any better I would think she can read minds, "I can ask my master." The twitching of my face is apparent.

Little Tiger just pretends he didn't do what we just did, "can we agree that nothing had just happened?" Little tiger nods his heads and throws away the last bit of his sandwich into the trash.

"What are you talking about, as long as I get my Martial Spirit nothing would have happened." I like smart people, but I don't like them as my enemies or threatening me.

But I can't hurt her so I'm following her demand. Man this time crunch is tight, I need to set up and high-level program for creating a Martial Spirit. My energy is drained from upgrading the time realm already so that's going to be annoying.

Xiao Wu is just watching this lazily, he looks like he's asleep, he's asleep. Seeing him awake I'll play a little joke on him. Pinching his nose he wakes up.

Pouting a little a he wakes up, "Big Brother couldn't you let me sleep for a little more?" responding to his question with my own question, "Xiao Wu, what time is it?"

Keeping my face blank with my compatriots playing the act straight, checking the clock Xiao Wu looks back to us, "Two O'clock."

"What do we have at Two O'clock?" Mumbling a bit his hair perks up, "We have a demonstration for our trip into the forest!"

Smiling I bring up the important topic, "Well shouldn't we get going then?" Nodding his head vigorously he ran to class with us following behind him.

Each of us smiling follows his pace and we ran out of The Canteen.

I read a comment I found it pretty funny, the MC is really creepy. I agree he is really creepy but I want portray in this manner so the story would make more sense.

He's a outsider and has terrible karma so he'll definitely die a terrible death, he just might sacrfice himself to make up for his sins.

Josephmemescreators' thoughts