
Seven Spirits Douluo

Fallen monarch of Western Empire, exiled and assassins sent for his head. But they didn't need to he was already dead with a spear through his throat. Sealing himself inside a cocoon he aims to reincarnate himself. Through this, he ends up in a land without battle chi or magic. The only things here are Spirit Beasts and Spirit Masters. ------------------------------------------------------ First time writing so there should be mistakes, please provide criticism so I can aim to fix it. ------------------------------------------------------- Temporary hiatus for me to adjust my sleep schedule. ------------------------------------------------------- I do not own anything except the main character in this fan fiction.

Josephmemes · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 16 Outpost

Going to class and meeting up a absolute bitch, and a spy. God what have I let into my court? He definitely won't answer but rhetorical questions are always so refreshing.

Moving past my regrets of not killing her house while his attachment was low, I continue to lead my brothers to the cafeteria to get some food. We can get cake or actual food anytime were not having class, made in the kitchen immediately by top class chefs.

There's also some prepared some healthy stuff, but it's not really healthy, it's as healthy as a steak can be.

Moving through the myriad of small groups of tables and chairs in the lobby we make our way to the usual spot near the right corner of the cafeteria, there are separate rooms but I like staying in the open as it let's me show off my baby brother and how precious he is.

And of course separate rooms for students only fits up to four people, seeing how including our group and that bitch, there's five people.

She'd just no listen and annoy us for no reason besides marriage, we're six you creep, no I'm not six, my brothers are six you creep. Even if your engaged why are you so shameless, my brother may hold more scruples for your actions. But even if I can't send you away now, you will not have a good end.

Inhaling deeply at the anger, I really can't understand why my baby brother would get attached to her, The Spy I can understand, the feelings of affection came off of her strongly.

Where as that bitch has only some love for my little brother and basically none at all for my baby brother, sprinkled in with some disdain. I can't let that stand, I will need to give her strongly worded threat-criticism. I can't follow up a threat by killing off her family so it is only criticism.

I feel as if I should have risked it and just done it, knowing how abundant the magic here is, I don't understand why I didn't do linking. That way I can have a Hero of The Empire backing me too.

My father doesn't count, he can't be controlled, he can only be threatened. He's no clone and he's no subordinate. We come and wait for like minute but afterward the door opened up.

"Hua Bin!" That bitch's face lights up and goes to hug Little Tiger, everyone here besides Xiao Wu expressing their distaste of her simultaneously by acting cold to her, each giving her a acknowledging nod or an "En".

Where as Little Tiger just calmly avoids the hug.

"Zhu Lu, you know we don't welcome you here. So why are you here?" Little Tigers sharp voice rang out. She acting hurt in completely fake manner, "Really, Xiao Wu likes me here." Smiling with dimples at my precious baby brother, only to have him do the same to her. "And where engaged after all, aren't we?"

I can wipe the memory of her from my family and kill her, but that's too easy of death for her, "Jiang Xue what do you think?" Turning my face from my little brother speaking to the person addressed in question, "Not really anything, she's just annoying fly, nothing more then that."

She sends an annoyed glance at that bitch, but it doesn't fit, most jealous people look like their about to hurt someone, she looks too normal.

"Oh I was in understanding that you don't have the status to speak to me peasant." Oh that's it, Xiao Wu definitely won't keep his good intention towards her, she's having a long prolonged death in the forest.

Jiang Xue holds her gaze, but it turns sharp and cold, Xiao Wu moves away from her with a troubled expression, while both us elder brother's face turns unsightly.

"Zhu Lu you should understand even if we're illegitimate children, your status is lower than ours. You may be a true noble, but your also not someone with Full Innate Spirit Rank nor a child of The White Tiger Duke!" Her face flushes red with anger and her eyes is directs itself towards me.

She clenches her teeth taut but leaves, Jiang Xue snorts further improving my impression of her while Little Tiger goes and brings Xiao Wu into his lap and cuddles his head.

Xiao Wu being only three fourths of his height is brought in and quickly comforted until his expression returns to how it usually is. Whispering something to Little Tiger, presumably something ensuring he's fine, he let's him out of his grasp.

I watch this with interest while I hold up my hand and lay my head on it, Jiang Xue being even less extreme and simply placed her head on the table, moving her eyes to view him.

My gaze following Xiao Wu path, he leaves our area and he goes to the counter to get some cake, everything baked fresh with the help of Food Type Spirit Masters.

I follow him to get some food too, following us behind Jiang Xue after she yawned and Little Tiger follows with solemn expression. But I overhear them talk about a competition that urns his expression soft.

Something about, "Whoever eats the most rice is Xiao Wu's second favorite." I don't magnify any of my senses out of combat usually so I had to add some words to make it sound right but it should right, after all what else what they'd be competing for? My affection? What a joke.

After Xiao Wu got his slice of cake a some cutlery he scurried back to our table, looking back occasionally to spot us. Asking around, each of us started picking out the food we like, with the plagiarism done to the plagiarizers we now have some of their technology fueled by Spirit Energy.

Refrigerators, stoves, countertops, a lot of advancements, maybe thousands of year into the future.

Really good job me, spreading technology to a less advanced world, except all of it is stolen, but besides that I did good.

The reputation I gain from this might balance the points I lose for killing that bitch. Still this gave us the opportunity to eat sea food even though we're nowhere near the shore.

I took some fried fish while I saw Xiao Wu took some baby shrimp with rice along with the slice of cake, Jiang Xue took a bowl soup and a plate filled with jade, jasmine, brown and white rice.

Little Tiger being the one most concerned about his health took the same amount of rice and some caviar, and to top it off, two types of salads. I thought most children wouldn't like caviar or salads, both are refreshing but one is bitter and the other is vegetables.

Everyone I knew hated it deeply, our mother just didn't listen and forced more different types of vegetables down our throats. In both lives our mother was like this and we still don't listen about her preaching about health.

Truly amazing our ability to be unhealthy.

Except this time I'm eating something, that's different. Eating with family is warm fluffy experience unlike my former family's grave and very short experience at the dinner table.

Everyone was too busy for it and I was often the only one there.

Waving aside that, taking the fresh done meals back to our seats we ate in relative silence after everyone gathered with cursory nod. Xiao Wu was the first to start and last to finish as her had a dessert and some actual food.

I ate relatively fast. While Jiang Xue with Little Tiger competed to see who ate the most rice the quickest until Little Tiger ran out and Jiang Xue showed a jealous almost envious glare his way while his spirit is high.

Jiang Xue finished next while Little Tiger looked my way with his years and cheeks a rosy red. He ate slower after a bit presumably from eating too fast.

Taking a look outside I saw the time, "Alright, it's twelve thirty, since were done eating we should to class, right Xiao Wu?" Looking up and moving hi head towards he makes a noise, "Ehm!" My surprise and panic I rushed to the desk for a pitcher of water.

Running back to counter I ask the chefs for a pitcher of water and I bring it to Xiao Wu, he simply nods his head while gulping all the water in it down his throat.

Both Little Tiger and Jiang Xue sat their on his sides both looking on while their incapacitated by their bad eating habits. Slowly he started gaining color on his face, "Thank you Big Brother..." Looking him in the eyes his apology was lost.

But I sigh and embrace him, "It's ok were children, as long as you eat less at slower pace so you don't choke it's fine. Your my favorite, I can't bear to have you die."

A few tears slipped out unnoticed while I immediately dried them using magic, my image can't be stained like this. The same could be said for Xiao Wu, hugging a bit more I place him back into his seat while I place myself back in mine.

Meanwhile out the corned of my eyes I saw them share a glance with bitter smiles.

"Alright you guys, after this we have class, so if you want I can cover for you and you don't need to go, anyone doing this?" Jiang Xue and Little Tiger takes a look at each other again and nods toward each other.

Each of them started leaving at their own pace, with Xiao Wu still here I look to him for his answer. When I looked at him and I saw him asleep. Showing a smile at his cute expression when sleeping, poking his cheeks few times to satisfy my growing demons.

After it has been sufficiently fed, I take Xiao Wu to the dorms, opening our room I bring in my brother, placing him on the bed and folding the blanket onto him.

Hearing his slow but even and soft breathing I close the door, with my eyes formed into slits before I even noticed. Opening my eyes again I started the teleportation magic.

Going back to The Cafeteria I saw Little Tiger sleeping too, with my eyes twitching I do the same for him as I did for Xiao Wu.

Seeing his face when I tucked him in, as if perpetual happiness. I wanted to pamper these adorable little brothers of mine for a lifetime, but I would one of them in a relationship so I would have my nieces and nephews play with my own children, after all their bound to grow up.

And their children will likely be like their parents when they're a child.

Leaving the room, he doesn't even realize the blue eyes on him the whole time, unknowingly he sprouted the first part out, and boy in blonde hair small little tiger teeth shone as he smiled and tucked himself in like his brother would have done.

But I can very well feel my hair grow whiter everyday I care for these little scamps. But as I replaced someone's fate I'm in the position to guide an aid them as their brother would.

My karma is off the scales bad, my guilt is about the same level but I do feel better caring for them, debts worth it's weight in blood and flesh lies beside me, two more human sized ones there is not desired.

The world hates the unjust as such it makes an active effort to kill those who massacre mercilessly, or not it's more of guide rather than a code. But if the world has chance to kill me it will grasp it and treat it as it's good fortune for several lifetimes regardless.

Leading myself back to my room I bring out three clone of them, taking them to class "we" listened. I'm taking notes while Jiang Xue and Little Tiger looks like their taking notes with me.

The clone of Xiao Wu is straight up sleeping. I copied it from real life and magic does not lie, it can be used on rainy day of a succession crisis but besides that this is the true pinnacle of magic.

The class wasn't too practical, but it did mention something in about the half-way mark when most people were attempting to seem like their taking notes but is just napping. Or just playing games, everyone's morals had long decayed it'll grow back in time, but now is not that time.

Around the half-way mark they talked about "Soul Cores", apparently it's a crystallization of your Martial Spirit and Soul Force, or bloodline, or etc. It's basically a mana container. But instead of increasing mana storage it increases the purity of the origin of The Soul Core and understanding of it's origin.

In simpler terms they make your attacks cost less and more deadly. Extra stamina and extra force behind my hits, very nice.

But it's just some fun facts to keep our attention on other things which doesn't apply to Full Innate Spirit Power kids like us.

Right now I'm just playing a guessing game of strength, my assumption is Quasi-Gods are basically 4th Rate Deities, Gods are 3rd Rate Deities, whatever going beyond that fit in the rest of the bill.

Just screwing with my thoughts with how monotone this teacher was. Best teachers of the state my ass this man is so boring.

The boring class finished at three O'clock, packing up all our notes and fake notes I pick up the fake Xiao Wu and leave to my room, everyone I assume is asleep.

So I went in The Time Realm and just wasted about the equivalent of a month on upgrading it, this will take a long time but it'll be worth it once it's done. Spending that much time upgrading it is annoying but I need to upgrade it manually.

Manifestation dies in it, more advanced Time Realms don't have this but this one does so until I get an immortal object I'm stuck with this one.

Being as dazed as I was I just didn't greet them, what greeted them instead was blank expression of a dead man, I'm so tired I don't even care.

Limping to carriage I sit down in the single man carriage, one of many carried by a special spirit beast I can't remember the name of, probably because I'm tired.

Couldn't even sleep, the road was too bumpy, when we got to the center of the camp I ran to get my keys and went to my room, feeling weightless as soon as I hit the bed.

But I can't sleep, my eyes were blazing with pain, I regret nothing staying up an extra night to upgrade that Time Realm a tiny bit more, using healing magic it's gone, the pain is gone and I lay in bed.

I was dead tired when I was brought to front of The Outpost, now I'm better I can review some of the sights.

Moving past the buildings, I looked toward The Facilities of The Camp, almost as luxurious as the main class of children for The Star Luo Imperial Academy.

And many military buildings being more apt to call it a military outpost rather then a camp for talented nobles, not that their ever exclusive to each other.

Sighing and sitting straights, I still felt tired, not my body but my soul this time, I'll need to put some mana drafting formations tonight, nah I'm tired that's tomorrow's problem.

Two more chapters until I'm debt free, good thing I only to write one more before I'm free. Lesson 1, don't promise something you can't deliver on. I also forgot some pieces of cultivation information such as a Soul Core but treat it as the main character not knowing them.

Also Yu Wu or Dai Yuwu is just Huo Yuhao but since their older brother kept them in line they're good brothers.

Also yesterday I messed up so next week I'll do four chapters this week and five next week.

Josephmemescreators' thoughts