
Seven Spirits Douluo

Fallen monarch of Western Empire, exiled and assassins sent for his head. But they didn't need to he was already dead with a spear through his throat. Sealing himself inside a cocoon he aims to reincarnate himself. Through this, he ends up in a land without battle chi or magic. The only things here are Spirit Beasts and Spirit Masters. ------------------------------------------------------ First time writing so there should be mistakes, please provide criticism so I can aim to fix it. ------------------------------------------------------- Temporary hiatus for me to adjust my sleep schedule. ------------------------------------------------------- I do not own anything except the main character in this fan fiction.

Josephmemes · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 11 Star God's Comet

Xiao Wu has his lips quivering, looking like he's almost about to cry, realizing I may have pushed too far. I with this realization in hand, can feel the guilt bearing down on me ten times more than before, because unlike before, I know it is directly my fault.

So guilty, I didn't even notice he's crying because he has finished his cake and I did that, Little Tiger did pay enough attention and quickly upon noticing this, placed another slice on his plate.

His frown dipped down and became a smile, taking up his fork again, he became engrossed in eating the cake. Breathing a sigh of relief I give a nod of gratitude to Little Tiger.

He nods back, more focused on looking at his adorable little brother further. Each bite of his accumulating more cream on his face, it isn't much but it as it adds up I can feel my ring finger twitching again.

Feeling the need to do something, I take my fork and start digging into the cake, being chocolate cake it's chocolate flavored. Extremely creamy and packed with intense flavor. Bitter, sweet, simple, complex. All at the same time no matter how paradoxical.

The spongey cake filling, being really soft but maintaining it's structure.

Though tasty, each bite doesn't compare to his cuteness thus doing little to distract me, so as I start thinking of other ways of to distract myself I've already eaten half of the slice of cake.

Stopping myself, I realize I still haven't given Xiao Wu's gift for his birthday, I prepare my gift, shifting it's conceptual existence to my hand using magic a conduit. Ready to give to Xiao Wu as soon as he finishes that slice of cake.

Waiting patiently until he's done, I try to distance my eyes from his cheeks, on it chocolate cream, and a cherry. I can't, I really can't stop myself as I reach out my left hand. And take all the cream and the cherry, forming it into a swirl with the cherry on top.

Then, with swish I popped it with precision with into his mouth, these cherries being a result of a food type spirit master they don't have seeds. Thus, capable of being swallowed directly.

As such he swallows it all, and with that, turns around then pouts in the most adorable face I know, "Big Brother, why did you do it again?" I know it's not question.

So I won't answer with a normal answer, I've done this before and knowing he might cry I need to appease him, otherwise he'll cry and then give me the silent treatment for today.

I'll probably die from this.

I don't know what would actually happen but knowing now attached I am to him I might kill myself, I won't, but I might.

Last time, he did that a month ago, I burned down a few cities in The Sun Moon Empire. Titled Douluos came to stop me, I took my rage out on those more durable punching, I mean opponents.

They'll definitely send a Quasi-God to try to attack me, winning is not guaranteed, but if I win I'll definitely have to bullshit even harder than usual.

Of course Little tiger just looks up with a blank face; as if to say, really? Did you do that again? Shaking I head I understand my conundrum of tarnishing my image every I do this.

But have to, he's too cute. But, seeing him about to cry, I needed to do something.

Chuckling nervously, I start preparing my apology being I'm both guilty and I don't want to reveal more of my manifestation's abilities, placing my right hand down on the grass and warping The Star Spirit on the ground.

"Well, Xiao Wu, I'm truly sorry I did that, you were just too cute," I may only see his back, but it straightens as I see his chest puff up in pride at this, "As such, I will give you this, as both an appeasement for my actions and a gift for your birthday."

Picking up the large rock, in my hand lies a ethereal comet which I hope will get him to talk to me again, "I have this, here." Standing up and placing The Comet in my arms. With stars in his eyes I pass him The Comet.

His eyes still shining he asked in the cutest voice, "Big Brother what's this? Is it a star?" I deftly smile at this, it's just, too cute. "Your not wrong, it's a shooting star, more specifically a comet. My master gave it to me."

Pausing for a second to puff up my chest, "This is tool spirit and my master, he's the Deep Sea Douluo!" The shock on their face is amazing, Xiao Wu twirls around immediately, eyes open wider, even Little Tiger is not exempt from this.

The cuteness is overwhelming!

Little Tiger in excitement shot up and out of his seat, and started shouting, "The Deep Sea Douluo, the one from the dead lineage that uses new not seen before arts! That one?" I quickly nod my head in confirmation.

"He's my hero! He helped daddy save so many people and rescued him from the evil Sun Moon Empire's clutch!" I know I shouldn't for the risk of exposure, but my heart is beating fast and my smile growing wider.

He doesn't know who my "Master" truly is, as such he doesn't know he's idolizing me, my heart can't stand this, it's going to burst out of my throat.

But my smile dims when I realize they won't always be so innocent, thinking of a mindless slaughterer as heroic and me as a hero.

I throw these thoughts down the into the void where they came as that's for future me, not right now, right now their so innocent and perfect.

"Really? If you want you can meet up with him in the future." His smile is so wide, I regret not offering this chance earlier, "Yes please! When can I meet up with him."

Oh, I know why I didn't. Though I'm disappointed I must, "Sorry he only meets people he respects or believes to be important." Image, if I didn't need image I could get this done.

His excitement droops down as he falls back into his seat, oh the pang of pain that struck my heart.

Xiao Wu even stopped eating cake after Little tiger sat down, explaining our relationship further to clarify it, "His secret arts let him do many things, and as his disciple he gave me a limit of three favors per week stacking up."

"As such I used one for gift for you, now Little Tiger, what I meant by that, is he doesn't want to meet people, they can reveal his heritage as former spirit beast adopted by a human clan."

"But more importantly the favors I get, they can be cashed in for anything, money, spirit rings, spirits even. I cashed one in a few years back for The Tool Spirit, he named it, Star God's Comet."

"Naturally I chose this one because you liked it, and when you said four years ago you wanted a shooting star as a spirit I chose this one. This can be used with your body spirit and grow ridiculously strong."

Both their faces are shock as I waited for any lingering questions, "Like, how strong can I get?" Xiao Wu who's worried about his spirit came forward and asked.

"The same strength as a Spirit Guidance Device made by a level 10 Spirit Guidance Master. We all heard the devastation they can cause from our father."

I feel as if I had made a mistake telling them this as they freeze up at this revelation, with reverence and fear they look at the spirit. The apparent destruction of strong-hold of The Empire held over them and the possibility of him being able to do the same to the opposing side.

Xiao Wu is hugging it gently as if it would explode, but also relentlessly showing it off, "I forgive you Big Brother." His smile is too cute and beautiful, I can almost feel blood running out of my nose.

But, there needs to be much more cuteness to get my nose to bleed, "Big Brother why don't get one?" I feel his tingling sensation going through my body weighing me down.

His mouth is pouting and his little sharp teeth is going past his and lip and out of it, "Umm, I wasn't able get one for you."

His pupils swell and he looks like he's about to cry, looking at him, Xiao Wu also becomes sad, of course Little Tiger starts crying because of this.

Laying his face on the table to hide his tears, they fall one by one out of his eyes, I hear sniffling as his tears falls down to the table but damn does it feel like it's falling on my heart.

"It's ok, I understand how much more you like Xiao Wu, he's really cute. I don't fault you for it. You just don't like me because, because, because..." He's sniffling and crying loudly.

Please stop this train wreck, I really need think of a plan to get him out of the funk he's in... Oh I got it.

Taking my arms and pulling him out of his chair and into them on the ground I use my right hand to take ahold of his head and left hand to take ahold of his back, "I'm sorry, but for now I can't give you one, I forgot to commission one until two years back."

Still crying I push further, "Ah, but don't worry, it'll be done in a year or so as my master had gotten better at it."

Sniffling again and again he slowly stops crying, I sigh in relief as the guilt quickly starts to creep away from my heart. As he completely shuts off his tear duct.

When he's done closing it, his eyes are still red.

But as he stands up and sits on his chair with those drab dreary eyes, a shine emerges in it.

Nudging Xiao Wu he goes close to his ears and whispers something. The both of them, then takes a piece of cake into their mouth as they smiled, and simultaneously said, "Thank you Big Brother!"

Immediately after that my nose started bleeding, the drops with haste quickly turns into a stream, "Big brother?" That is definitely cute enough for my nose to bleed, "Xiao Wu, Little Tiger, I'm fine. Little Tiger just eat the cake, Xiao Wu absorb the spirit. I'll come back when I get some medical attention."

Seeing them still worried I comfort them more, "Don't be worried this. Hadn't happened many times before, when have I not been okay?" They nod their adorable little heads reluctantly, and I start running off so I can get my bloodied nose treated.

Hearing them slowly munching on the cake in background, that definitely was the major factor in plastering a large smile on my face while running ahead.