
Seven Spirits Douluo

Fallen monarch of Western Empire, exiled and assassins sent for his head. But they didn't need to he was already dead with a spear through his throat. Sealing himself inside a cocoon he aims to reincarnate himself. Through this, he ends up in a land without battle chi or magic. The only things here are Spirit Beasts and Spirit Masters. ------------------------------------------------------ First time writing so there should be mistakes, please provide criticism so I can aim to fix it. ------------------------------------------------------- Temporary hiatus for me to adjust my sleep schedule. ------------------------------------------------------- I do not own anything except the main character in this fan fiction.

Josephmemes · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 12 Star Luo Imperial Academy

"Xiao Wu, Little Tiger, come here, stop sulking. We only have a half-hour to prepare ourselves for The Academy!" Watching Xiao Wu rush through his routines is normal as he's a energetic brother.

Knowing Little Tiger, he'll take some time through, we don't have that time so he's were rushing to get them done quickly.

My little brothers' voices squeaked through, "En!" Hearing the sounds of glassware and people stumbling around is runs through everywhere, stumbling through this, I moved to carriage prepared for us.

It was originally each of us, but a little "talk" goes a long way.

As I walk through the halls towards the entrance, I look through what I've been living for years, I will not miss this place.

But, the servants they keep around are pretty nice and efficient, the architecture being especially beautiful, very keen to the eye.

What isn't keen on my eyes is the palette, I would bet double or nothing on my mana reserves that the architect for the mansion wasn't the one picking the color palette.

Though I only... mildly dislike the palette mix I want to murder, I understand why someone would like it. Still it is not excuse for the wretch of colors.

Reaching the entrance as fast as possible, I see multiple statues of The White Tiger standing guard like common dog. Disliking a thing is normal.

Liking things is common, loving things is uncommon, and I love how the statues look, regal in posture and painted so vividly it's life-like.

One of the only things I'll miss, looking so good in this god awfully painted mansion.

Heading to the carriage we will be staying for the duration of the trip, The Head Butler is standing guard over the carriage of The Duchess, he's waiting for us, ready to welcome us for this trip.

"Young Master, you have arrived." Posturing himself so his eyes are staring at the ground. Hand held out ready to take my belongings. I give him my handmade snow globe I got from mother, inside it is all the treasures I've made and the tools I need.

My ridiculous wardrobe of clothing, and a few swords. Nonchalantly he packs us everything in the back carriage of this large carriage train. Finishing it then returning to his original stance.

Nodding at him, I walk into the carriage, fully aware that my belongings are safe. I can laze around and not worry about bandits taking it.

First them not knowing it's valuable to not just me for the "emotional" value of item and now influential my family is.

But that aside, I should really get to making that martial spirit, I probably will make a black tiger with white stripes. It'd fit well with Little Tiger's aesthetic, god forbid I make a golden tiger.

I'll do it later. Plus, I'll have time to make it at the academy, even with a more advance time realm, thirty minutes is too short of time frame to do much. My current one is only a hundred times faster and with no aging.

Making a martial spirit takes about twentyish years, now about fifteen years to make a martial spirit. Without the time realm I couldn't have made that many artificial spirit souls to establish my influence among high society.

But, with nothing else think about what should I do? I mean I need a spirit ring for further cultivation and I have no one to talk to.

Well, I don't like to waste time, but I'll just sleep. This body's young, I can do other things I normally can't now, like, say I don't know sleep.

I've cleared my trauma for sleep, and I've started eating instead of just using mana to grow my body artificially, my mental health has been improving.

Waiting, minutes slowly ticked by, seconds at a time he started drifting away. Slowly but surely he fell asleep. As his eyes come down heavy. His brothers in full-sprint runs through the halls.

Them both dressed in exquisite small suits that fits perfectly with their small frames. White and gold fitting with their family mansion's aesthetic, tassels held over their shoulders.

Theirs pants long as of their older brother's designation. Wary that woman would chase after them and "taint" their purity.

Their brown shoes made to be comfortable, but also manufactured in a way it's exterior is tough and easy run with. An side effect of this is, it's more painful when your hit with it.

Seeing an intersection, they split, blonde haired towards the entrance of the mansion, blue haired towards the garden to his mother.

Dai Hua Bin running through and to the carriage his brother staying in, simply nodding to his mother on the way their.

Dai Yu Wu sprinting past the servants is now the garden taking his hands and shaking his asleep mother's wrist.

Waking up quickly she opens up her eyes. Her eyes large and beautiful, and eye lashes long opens up as she blinks, her tone sleepy as she's tired, "Xiao Wu, shouldn't you be going to school?"

With tears in his eyes he tugged her arm harder, "I wanted to say goodbye. I won't be seeing you for years." Sniffling he hugs her arm harder.

Taking him into her arms, she comforts him, "Xiao Wu, though you won't be able to see me, be good. Help your siblings, I won't disappear, you'll see me again in spring."

Sniffling he hugs mother tighter, "Can you see us off?" wiping his tears off his face "En." Slowly moving him to her right side, she starts moving to the entrance of the mansion with her child hugging her thighs.

Moving speedily she comes to the entrance. But moving past to the entrance, her first child's eyes open.

Yawn~, huh I can yawn, neat. Hmm? "Little Tiger?" Oh, he's so cute, I can't wake him up. He really isn't in a comfortable position, I should move him to better spot.

Lying on my lap with his legs and hands tucked in like a little tiger, glad I had such a good reason to nickname him that.

This should be comfortable, taking him into my arms and letting him sleep on my shoulder. I hope this works.

Ahh, he's here. But I need to stay still to keep my Little Cub comfortable, "Big Brother!" My other brother's shouting woke me up from my stupor and he opened the door.

Looking down, I can see him with our mother, hugging her thighs as he looks toward me with brilliant smile, I using gesturing, I tell him silently to stay quiet.

Showing him his older brother sleeping on my right shoulder shoulder, "Please be quiet your brother is sleeping."

Both my mother and my little brother nods their heads as my mother prods Xiao Wu to enter the carriage, "Xiao Wu, when you get to the Star Luo Imperial Academy, do well and make me proud, do well and make your father proud."

With watery eyes he goes to her shoulder and cries into it, "Yes mother. Yes mother..." He repeats this over and over again.

Waiting for him to stop, I look at them hugging each other in wait to give my goodbye. Taking awhile he finally stops waving to her and stepping into carriage.

I motion for him to take my place, he goes and let's Little Tiger lie on his shoulder instead. I walk to entrance about to say my goodbye for this year. But my mother's expression suddenly turns strict, "Xiao Yu Hao, seeing you grow up in all these years. It's apparent your not a child."

Whispered in way only I can hear, though I don't worry, even if I'm found out I can just memory wipe everyone, with my baby brother unable to hear and my little brother asleep.

"So I beg of you, if your emotion attachment to my, to those sons of mine, help them grow up. Even if it's all fake, help them as a favor to the woman that helped to come into this world."

That voice is weak as if begging me to do it, though I'm pretty sure she's begging me, I need dash that.

She's my mother and she doesn't need to beg her son, "No, I will do that even without needing to promise you."

"I see you as my mother, my fake mother is The Duchess of the house and the one that birthed me in my past life was cold and apathetic."

My standing didn't need to said, my true mother was her and her alone. My past life was cold and every second of my life spent on glories for my empire, her warmth, the promise of the warmth of a mother was the only thing that initially stopped my suicide.

Not matter now cute my brother is, endangering or not helping them makes no difference to me, I've got no attachment and simply letting them be hurt is better than hurting them myself as I've done before.

She pauses but holds my wrist tighter, "Then I ask you promise me again, even if I leave the world promise me they'll still be okay. Promise me that they'll live without worry."

In a low voice I whisper something no one but my mother hears, in my native language I swear my oath, "I as The Fifth Emperor of Arcanum, I promise my mother, I shall protect my brothers till my death."

Nodding my head, she smiles and let's go of my wrist. Stepping back into the carriage and closing the door, looking in I see one asleep brother and a wild Xiao Wu pouting at me.

Smiling broadly and lifting my old look I had everyday as an emperor, he stops his pout until I pinch his cheeks.

He doesn't expect me to do something different, I've done it so much it's like a reward for me, he of course just pouts again and looks toward the front of carriage to ignore me.

Smiling I sit down and start sleeping, lying on his shoulder as I fall asleep. After all waking up to his face would be amazing as he's so cute.

As time moves as a gear does and like a gear stops for a clock, sleep claims him. Hours passing as water does in stream, the carriage train hadn't had any mishaps coming to The Academy, going in slowly, parking at the entrance of The Academy.

Gloriously standing there, The First Emperor of The Star Luo Empire's statue stands, holding up a book in one hand, the other gripping a saber held over his arms.

As noble children come from their carriages and swarm in to become spirit masters, all eager for the opportunity it brings. Their parents, mother's and fathers come following them.

One of the greatest of these carriages, coming inside their we can view three sleeping boys, two of them lying on the smallest one's shoulders as they sleep.

The first to come awake, he with clarity no child should have wakes the others. Coming out they witness The Greatest School of The Star Luo Empire.

Golden gates and library filled with knowledge aplenty.

Towers standing there with hundreds of dorms filled with luxurious rooms, class rooms outfitted with only the best of teachers and best facilities.

The two gates held open as it welcomes the children in, in front of all it's majesty is the three young boys, the tallest of them taking the other two in as they marvel at the glory of their school.

Step by step, they come in.

Fell asleep writing this, and I am using manor wrong, I thought mansion and manor were the same, their not. Writing lesson 1, take notes when writing.

Jot down the plot and make sure all words are in a correct context, while being easy to read.

It's funny because I don't follow this rule.

Also I forgot how the school looks, so it may deviate from canon.

Josephmemescreators' thoughts