
Seven Spirits Douluo

Fallen monarch of Western Empire, exiled and assassins sent for his head. But they didn't need to he was already dead with a spear through his throat. Sealing himself inside a cocoon he aims to reincarnate himself. Through this, he ends up in a land without battle chi or magic. The only things here are Spirit Beasts and Spirit Masters. ------------------------------------------------------ First time writing so there should be mistakes, please provide criticism so I can aim to fix it. ------------------------------------------------------- Temporary hiatus for me to adjust my sleep schedule. ------------------------------------------------------- I do not own anything except the main character in this fan fiction.

Josephmemes · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 10 Seven Cardinal Spirits

Waking up at midnight is not a pleasant sensation, I'll you that.

But I was fine with it, as my little brother that woke me up, his voice is so high-pitched but he is pretending it's deep, he's adorable, but unlike usual his voice is shaky "Big Brother, I can't sleep."

Awakening to his slightly shaking face is literally heaven, he's like a little lion cub, "We'll if you'd like I can stay with us." I'm sure it's nothing, it should be a bad dream or something.

I watched he tucked himself into the blanket and under the bed sheets hugging me, his blonde hair swaying as he moves himself to more comfortable position.

"Big Brother, I had bad dream, " See? "there was this old witch lady that told be that was The Holy Ghost God's brother, over and over again."

I don't worry but to comfort him I bring my arms around him at this, I add warmth to my words, "Well, if they come to attack you, you'll be fine, after all you are strong and my brother."

A little red in his face he slides between me and my baby brother, he went up to my neck and hugged me, using my shoulder as pillow, I don't move as he starts slowly falling asleep, I can't not stay awake for this, I may wake my brother up if I fall asleep.

Watching his adorable face, I pick out the place with the most baby fat to pinch when he acts especially cute or pouty, if it wasn't for them I'd reincarnate in another world where gods don't exist.

I could reincarnate them with me but their soul isn't strong enough, so the risk is very high while the reward is merely the chance we'll be in a world without gods.

The "gods" are just figures of worship. Most of them are detached pricks that only help their followers, the other just incite chaos because that's how they became a god, through chaos. There not a threat when left alone.

Shaking my head, I clear those thoughts out. There's no point to thinking about this when I have two adorable brothers besides me.

Picking one of his locks of his hair, I hope the burden of being The White Tiger Heir doesn't get to him.

Watching his face, breathe in, breathe out. Aww, such cuteness. Looking at him now till the rest of the night.

Like that, eight more hours went by and night went past.

Without change, he "woke up" at nine, he didn't need a clock, he has magic. Picking up his part of blanket he's under he covers the two brothers and wraps them up well.

Opening the curtains unlike usual when the servants do it, I peak outside and see snow, it's December, were going to Star Luo Imperial Academy soon, but Shrek is better.

We definitely didn't have that study for nothing, it'll be worth it when we go to Shrek, opening the curtains fully as dim light passes through going into our room shining on my brothers.

I smile at this, it's so pretty, Little Tiger's golden locks seem more radiant while Xiao Wu's eyes seem even bigger than they are.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, sleepy heads." Both of them are light sleepers so at this they wake up. Xiao Wu pouts at me. Little Tiger, he bares his teeth, but only one of them is grown so only one of them is exposed.

My smile grows two sizes at this cuteness, "Come on Big Brother, why do we have to get up so early?"

Xiao Wu adds on, "Yeah, Big Brother why can't we sleep more?" With them trying to sound indignant, their even cuter.

Of course I flash a smile at this, "Well, you see I have few things to tell you about before we go to The Academy."

"You know, my secrets you always pester me about." Both nod their head understandingly and wades out of bed preparing their routines for waking up.

The bathroom is for two people, so I wait for them to be done as I go to the large wardrobe filled with many suits and outfits, looking through them, searching for the perfect for the occasion.

I picked out a less formal suit for my baby brother and a more formal outfit filled with many folds of lapels for my little brother. I take a slightly different outfit from the wardrobe next to it.

It's like my little brothers but instead of where it's white it's blue and where it's gold it's deep blue scales, I commissioned it for myself so I'm particularly happy with it.

Of course every single one of these are filled with enchantments that can stand from any hit from anything as long as that thing is not a god. Mine also shrinks because I can't have people asking questions on why my "master" would commission a small suit for child when he's so cutthroat.

But am I, a cheapskate? Yes you are, for mana you really are, don't question yourself anymore you'll hurt yourself doing it.

But now, my plan can be put into actions, I will finally have my first four spirits of my Seven Cardinal Spirits ready. It's like my former Empire's system of seven main subsidiary houses under our own.

But man were they far away from each other, the final one is on the opposite side of continent, it's fine, when I go to Shrek I can get it, Shrek starts in spring. The turtle's their for winter, if I stay there I ran go to the coast and kill it for it's ring.

Establishing my spirits have been a journey because of these type of things, having to transport each and collect each individually.

The Four Guardians are an fundamental part of this. Being my spirit is The White Tiger, any other spirit just wouldn't fit in

The "Seven" in my Seven Cardinal spirits represents now many I intend to get, three slots for now, and if I find more I want, I'll make another, either of a copy of it or of the beast I want as my spirit.

Seven times more time needed to cultivate is fine, I have enough mana for magic to fight in my stead, I can fake my spirit power with illusion magic when my brothers question me.

Speaking of his gift will definitely come though today, my baby brother's spirit isn't as active or strong as our spirit, I can't have him get depressed.

I'll give him The Star God's Comet, after I reveal my identity to them, I can give it to him, after all he should trust me with how much care I've put into him.

But that said, I need to tell them my plan first, go to The Star Luo Imperial Academy, then, go to Shrek Academy Inner Court.

Ding! Ah, their done, "Big Brother! It's your turn!" Running out, both my brothers are almost naked, wearing just underpants and so I hand them their clothing.

Staying silent before they wear them. Chuckling after they wear them, I tell them where to meet up, "Go to the turf maize and go to the center, I got my secrets to tell you and I want no one else to eaves drop."

Both nodded their adorable little heads, and off they are again. Smiling I go take my shower and wear my suit.

The man folds up his suit placing it on his bed and walks to the bathroom ready for the shower, taking with him his underpants.

Then, taking off his clothing he prepares himself for the shower, walking in the luxurious room where there lies a shower head, he walks up to it touches it to turn up the heat with his magic.

And he starts showering. Doing it for a few minutes, he's done. He turns off his magic and walks away after drying himself with magic.

Wearing his suit quickly he strafes past the servants to the one the head servants in charge of food, "Can you get me and my brothers some cake, were going to the turf maize!" Nodding his head he smiles as he gestures towards a refrigerator I think.

It is one of the many things I started selling using my connections, plagiarizing from the many great otherworldly inventors, except they weren't and just plagiarized it from it's actual inventors.

But that aside, I nod back with a smile as I take it with some glassware and run off to the turf maize.

Running, dashing, jumping I run through the manor as I rush to the center of turf maize, finishing the manor's obstacles I rush through the maize. Having magic, I memorized every path.

Finishing through I see my brothers sitting in comfy chairs lined with silver, Xiao Wu is shaking his body waiting for me while Little Tiger is tapping the table while laying his head on his arm. Yawning, adorable.

Slowing my movement I add a layer of magic on top of the maize so anyone viewing this will only see us talking about The Academy and how great it is, so theirs no concerns there.

Confirming I had set it up, I hollered out, "Hey, who wants cake!" Both their heads shot at this. Xiao Wu being straight forward took it from my hand and gestured for us to join him.

Little Tiger jumped out of sit at this, as he sat down afterward and cuts the cake, taking a slice, giving each us one as he and Xiao Wu gobble it up.

Pushing my plate back I hold up my palms pushing them in front my face.

Smiling I bring up my points of my plan, "So, if were going to The Academy next week when do you want to leave The Academy?"

Little Tiger raised up his head and answered, "When were ten, can we go to Shrek Academy? After all it is the best academy on The Continent!" There was shine in his sharp eyes as he said this.

My smile on my face was evident but I couldn't suppress it when he said this, all my planning all my actions prepared for the future to get them to go. All I had done in preparation to sway them, my parents did with multiple steps ahead of me.

"Well, Xiao Wu what do you think?" He nods his head intensely, but is still more focused on eating the cake on his plate with his fork.

I smile at his I decide to reward myself today, "Xiao Wu?" Raising up his face, I see on it chocolate cream and a cherry, I take my finger, swiping up all the cream and placing the cherry on it forming a swirl.

I move it around as he's eyes zoom to it every time, I move it right but instead, fooling his eyes it's on his nose, though he's prepared from me doing this every time, he's still too young to be competing with me.

With a quick swipe he takes cherry into his mouth and wipes the cream off his nose. Pouting at me, "Big Brother." Such cute indignance, my little brother and myself both smiles at this.

Swearing in our heart to protect him.

Useless child characters can be useful in context but if their not they must be endearing, so their not seen as dead weight to be thrown off. If not, they need to have the potential to be useful, writing lesson 1.9.

I'm going to start doing these and see if anyone that reads these will implament these in their stories, I've seen maybe two or four fanfics that has good writing, one of them is dropped, the others are wish-fulfillment.

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