
Sephiroth World Traveler

The day that Sephiroth lost to Cloud, he promised him something that he would never forget. " I will never be a memory" A certain god watching the fight happened to take an interest in our one winged angel and saw an opportunity to have some fun with other worlds and causing some chaos in the process. Join us as we watch Sephiroth go to new worlds, meet new people, gain even more power if that was even possible with him as he changes the world's he visits from what we all know them to be. ********Do not own any of this so don't sue me I'm broke as it is already******

Cr1ms0nReader · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 53

Waking up with Akeno still in his arms, Sephiroth couldn't help but let out a faint smile on his face when he saw her peaceful sleeping expression and how cute she still looked laying next to him. "I wonder if this is what love is?" muttered Sephiroth.

Unaware that Ddraig is already up for the day and heard what he said, she was happy for Sephiroth that he was starting to see what love was, and getting a chance to truly experience what it is and what it can do for someone. It was something that he never felt or got to experience in his last life, she always wondered if things would have changed differently in his old world if he ever experienced love and had a loved one of some kind. Maybe he wouldn't have done what he did and would have handled everything differently, but guess no one will ever know.

Sensing the movement in the bed Akeno woke up and opened her eyes, looking straight into Sephiroth's green eyes and the faint smile on his face made her dazed for a moment until Sephiroth gave a quick peck on her lips knocking her out of her daze.

"Good morning Sephiroth, someone's happy to see me this morning" Akeno says while she used one of her hands to reach for his dick under the sheets and ran a finger bulge in his pants he was wearing.

Feeling what Akeno was doing, Sephiroth couldn't help but shake his head at the actions of Akeno so early in the morning. "What did Rias and the underworld say when you saw her yesterday?" Ignoring what Akeno is doing letting her do what she wants.

Seeing that Sephiroth wasn't stopping her she continued what she was doing "She is still my best friend if that what your asking, but because I still have her queen piece inside me kind of a problem for here because even through I was technically released from her service I'm still taking up her peerage piece. If only there was a way for me to get it out without killing me" she said.

"As for what the underworld says most of them want your head on a stake because of what you did. You killed a pure blooded devil and injured a Satan not to mention you basically slapped the whole devil society face with your actions. I'm told that they are not to retaliate against you by Sirzechs but I have a feeling that many of them are going to disregard this order and either attack you themselves or send assassins after you so be prepared Sephiroth." Akeno said with a slight worrying tone at the end. She knows that Sephiroth can handle himself but she still worries for his safety as any girlfriend would when they hear that assassins are going after someone that they love.

"Hmph, I'll kill anyone that comes to attack me regardless of who they are. You don't have to worry about it. Akeno they will learn to fear me so much that the very thought of me will make them shake in fear." Sephiroth said in a serious voice, that almost made Akeno pity the ones that would provoke Sephiroth because their ending won't be pretty.

"Enough about that, are you still a part of the ORC then?"

"Of course, all of my friends are there so I don't see why I would leave it even though I am not a part of Rias peerage anymore, it doesn't mean that I'm cutting all ties with them silly when I was released from her service. Rias doesn't want me to leave anyway, we are still friends like I said." Sephiroth could only nod to this, glad to know that she didn't lose her friends because of his actions he would feel unpleasant if that was the case.

"Well I'm going to visit Yasaka and Kunou then, I feel it would be best if I don't go to a school that is controlled by devils at the moment considering what has happened." Akeno could only nod to this because what he said is true: imagine the one that injured a Satan and killed a pure blooded devil going to a high school where there were two other pure blooded devil as well. The underworld would lose their shit over the matter and might do something drastic to him.

"But before that we need to take care of something, don't we Akeno?" Asked Sephiroth to Akeno who had a small mischievous smile on her face "Oh what ever could you mean Sephiroth, what would the big and powerful Sephiroth need from little old me?" she said in a teasing tone. This whole time that they have been talking Akeno has been rubbing Sephiroth's dick through his pants and giving him a full hard on and now it's rearing to go and seeing that Akeno is the one that made this happen of course she has to take responsibility.

Sephiroth didn't say anything after that and attacked Akeno's lips fiercely, catching her off guard with his actions for but a moment before she responded back and kissed him back just as fiercely. This led to them a lot of moaning for the next hour in the bedroom making Akeno late for school but the way her face glowed after their love making session was well worth it in her opinion and she would do it again in a heartbeat.

Once Akeno left, he noticed that Raynare and Asia had already left for the day as well so he didn't get a chance to talk to them, so Sephiroth just created a teleportation circle for himself to Yasaka's place.

Once he arrived at her place "Partner are you going to share your full story like you did with Akeno?" Ddriag asked curiously if this is one of the reasons that he came here.

"Yes, I deem that it is only fair that I do this. I have a feeling that not doing this will lead to future problems if I don't do this as soon as possible." Ddraig could only thank the gods that her partner has some decent common sense to share his full story with Yasaka like he did with Akeno. "You are correct in your thinking partner, I speak as a woman myself that if you hadn't done that the consequences would be something you wouldn't want to face. It would seem that you favor the new over the old and trust me when I say that nothing is worse than a woman's wraith." Ddraig said in a sagely voice like she is teaching someone which in this case she was. Sephiroth only nodded to his partner's sagely advice.

While Sephiroth was filling Yasaka in his past much like how he did for Akeno and generally spending some time with her and Kunou, back at school something interesting was happening yet again.

When Akeno finally showed up at the ORC after her morning sex session with Sephiroth, she saw that there were some other people that she didn't recognize in the ORC. Not paying any heed to them Akeno just went to her best friend and stood beside her like she normally does, even though she isn't her King anymore technically she must still put up a illusion that she is when their are people she doesn't recognize nearby, she doesn't want her best friend to lose face if she can help it.

While the Rias and company were wondering why she was late and the weird glow that was radiating off her face they could only question her later on it and they needed to first deal with the two in front of them right now. If you could believe it, two exorcists of the church came to Kuoh town today to speak to them about something. The fact that someone like them would willingly walk into a territory controlled by devils means that this matter must be important.

"Right, so what did two exorcists of the church want to do in my territory? Especially when they suddenly arrive without proper notice like you two did hmm?" Rias says while folding her hands in front of her face giving off an imposing presence to the two.

"We came to inform you we are here on church business to retrieve the lost holy swords that the church created from the holy sword Excalibur. We know that the fallen angels have taken from three of the six swords that were created from Excalibur and that they came to this town with them. We sensed the aura that they give off here, we strictly wanted you to not interfere in church business why the visit." said Xenovia Quarta one of the holders of the holy swords and a young woman with chin-length blue hair with a dyed green fringe on the right side and brown eyes Her battle attire is her Church battle suit, which consists of a black, skin-tight, short sleeve leotard with pauldrons, matching fingerless gloves that extend to her biceps, and thigh-high boots, all of which are adorned with straps. This attire is worn under a white hooded cloak with gold and blue accents. She also wears a crucifix around her neck.

"Right what Xenovia said, we want to get them back as soon as possible before those heathens do whatever it is that they are planning with them." a beautiful young woman said in a cheery tone, she has violet eyes, long chestnut hair that is usually tied into twintails, each held with a blue scrunchy. She wears the standard Church battle attire with a matching clock like Xenovia, and she goes by the name of Irina Shidou, one of the holders of the holy swords.

"So you would think that I would help the fallen angels against you because of what your mission is then?" Rias said

"Yes, holy swords are something that your race is known to fear so it would make sense that you would help the fallen angels in stopping us to retrieve them." Xenovia stated matter factly like it was what is expected of devils to do.

Eye's glowed a little red because of her anger, she is currently feeling by their comment "I would never side with the fallen angels for such a thing and do something that would ruin the representation of my family or my dear brother, that you can be sure of." Rias stated with some slight venom in her tone.

"We are glad to hear that then, isn't that right Xenovia" Irina said while giving a cute expression to her partner, happy that it all worked out.

Seeing that they said what they had to the two were preparing to leave to continue their search but before they could get to the door to leave Rias said one more thing to them a warning "If you come across a man with sliver long hair and cat like green eyes, I would strongly suggest avoid him at all cost or at the very least be respectful to him otherwise…." was all that Rias said thinking that she said enough for a warning. She didn't care what they did in her territory but provoking a monster like Sephiroth could lead to severe consequences.

"Oh, and why should we be worried about him? We are extremely strong ourselves. What makes him so special?" Irina asked clearly interested now after hearing what Rias said.

This time Rias wasn't the one to answer but Kiba instead"He is technically is a fallen angel himself but he does his own thing most of the time so I don't believe that he is apart of whatever this is, but he is unbelievable strong that he could kill you in but a second if he chose to and their would be nothing that you could do to stop him." he said in a serious voice.

"Pft, like some heathen could stop me and my holy sword from killing them" scoffed Xenovia to the group, which made the group only shake their heads at them, almost feeling pity for them. If they were to provoke him because of their own ignorance they have no one to blame but themselves.

As they walked out of the room "President, I have something to do. Do you mind if I'm excused for a bit?" Kiba said

Curious what her knight needed to do she only nodded her head to him and watched as he quickly dashed out of the room. Leaving everyone wondering what is going on with him unaware of the significance of seeing the holy swords in person for someone like him given his past with them and the holy sword project.

Filing questioning her knight later about it, Rias turned her attention back to Akeno her ex-queen "So Akeno what's going on with you. You are never late and what is with this weird glow that is on your face that is making you look more beautiful? If you have a new skin moisturizer that does that you should share with your best friend no?"

Covering her mouth with her hand "Ufufufu, I was doing a new morning exercise that I just started recently that is why I was late this morning to school."

"And what of the glow that is on your face then?" Rias asked, wanting to know the secret behind, every woman wants to have flawless skin after all even devils.

"Oh that's just the result of my morning exercise Rias" Akeno said with a small grin behind her hand that they couldn't see with the way her hand was blocking her mouth. Hearing this Rias pouted seeing that Akeno won't be telling her but she would just ask her again in private later she will know the secret no matter what it takes.

It is then that Koneko said something "You have a strong smell of Sephiroth-Senpai all over your body" was all that she said and went back to eating her sweets. Everyone else had wide eyes when they heard this each having their own thoughts.

"Damn it that lucky bastard, I think I know what he did with Akeno." thought Issei on the verge of crying thinking of how lucky Sephiroth is that he got with someone like Akeno.

"No, they didn't, did they?" thought Rias while she stared hard at Akeno's face who was looking away with a small blush on her face of someone that had been caught in a lie. Once she saw this Rias knew that Sephiroth and Akeno had sex.

Koneko just didn't really care because she knew that Sephiroth would be able to protect her big sister like figure given his power and the fact that he wasn't a pervert was a plus in her books unlike that guy over there. "Maybe I can extort some sweets out of Sephiroth-Senpai for this, I do miss his head pats as well he gives me sometimes" thought Koneko while she was eating.

Moving on from this awkward situation that everyone was in at the ORC, we see Kiba caught up to the church duo near the gate of Kuoh Academy "Wait"

Hearing this the duo turned around and looked at Kiba wanting to know what he wanted, curious what a devil could want with them. "What do you want, devil" Xenovia said in a cold tone reaching for her sword ready for anything.

"I want to fight you with your holy swords," Kiba said quickly seeing that Xenovia was reaching for her holy sword.

Confusion clearly written on her face Irina spoke again "Why should we do that, we gain nothing by fighting you?"

"If you beat me, I'll help you in any way that I can in your search for the other holy swords. I know this city far better than you which will quicken your search" Kiba said while he was thinking something else. "I'll destroy those holy swords for my fallen friends and then find those other holy swords and do the same thing thus having my revenge"

Feeling that something was off with what Kiba offered them just now, Xenovia couldn't help secretly agree with what Kiba said about their situation. They are in enemy territory meaning that they can't get any support from the church like they normally would so limiting their ability to search. She trusted in her own skills and power so she knew that she wasn't going to lose if they fought but she couldn't help but feel like he has a hidden motive for approaching them.

"You make a valid point to some degree…. Fine then let's fight a quick unofficial duel then. I'll be your opponent and we can have Irina here be the judge for the fight. Obviously no killing blows otherwise anything else goes for the fight. Do you agree to these terms Devil?" Xenovia said unwrapping her sword of destruction getting into her stance for the fight.

"None at all" Kiba said getting into his own stance by summoning his own sword for the fight a black blade with a black handle while he was thinking in his head "I'm only targeting the sword anyway, I"ll give it everything that I got in hopes that my power is strong enough to destroy that accused blade once and for all"

"Get ready.... Start" Irina signaled by waving her raised arm down.

The fight was short lived because Kiba didn't fight like he normally would and used hit and run tactics using his speed to his advantage. He instead kept coming directly at Xenovia trying to compete with her in power and given the nature of her blade and her technique that was right up her alley giving her the advantage during the whole fight. It could be seen that anyone that knew Kiba that something was wrong with him, and they would be right since the fight started he let his anger over the holy swords cloud his judgement which in turn led to him losing the fight to Xenovia. Where he normally could have won if he had a clear head.

"You lose Devil so I would pray that you would keep your word?" Xenovia said while rewrapping her sword up but in a tone of voice that expected Kiba to back out of his side of the deal just like a devil would is what she thought.

While breathing hard on the ground with some cuts and bruises on his body looking up to the sky 'Damn it, I let my emotions get the better of me during the fight' thought Kiba while he responded that he would hold his end of the bargain. Hearing this the girls could only believe him, they walked away without saying anything else but not before they informed him where they will be when he finds some information.

While still laying on his back "Well shit, now what am I going to do president said we won't interfere and now I am involved." muttered Kiba but then an idea came to his mind in who he could ask to help him out of this situation without letting his king Rias know.

"I hope he is home right now otherwise I'm going to be in trouble" he said while picking himself off the ground and dusting himself off and limping to his destination in town.

Another one down I'll have another chapter up tomorrow at some point but I'm going to take a break and play some video games.

Getting ever closer to the end of this world then off to Bleach for lots of sword fight how fun will that be, so many fights scene going to happen I can't wait for it but don't look forward to writing it LOL.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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