
Sephiroth World Traveler

The day that Sephiroth lost to Cloud, he promised him something that he would never forget. " I will never be a memory" A certain god watching the fight happened to take an interest in our one winged angel and saw an opportunity to have some fun with other worlds and causing some chaos in the process. Join us as we watch Sephiroth go to new worlds, meet new people, gain even more power if that was even possible with him as he changes the world's he visits from what we all know them to be. ********Do not own any of this so don't sue me I'm broke as it is already******

Cr1ms0nReader · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 54

Upon arriving at Sephiroth's house, Kiba was greeted by Asia who let him in knowing that he was here to Sephiroth. Sadly she had informed him that he wasn't home and she didn't know when he would be back. It had been a while since even she last saw him. After waiting for a while inside Sephiroth finally came home to the villa.

When Sephiroth got back home after visiting Yasaka and Kunou, he was interested in why Kiba was here, but figured it must be something important.

"Kiba, why are you here?" Sephiroth said getting straight to the point while he scanned him and noticed that it looked like he had been through a fight semi recently.

Fidgeting a little bit under the stare of Sephiroth, he worked up his courage and asked "I need your help with finding the three holy swords that have recently come to Kouh town." Kiba then went to explain the meeting that they had with Rias and the church duo and today. Not forgetting to mention his duel with Xenovia and his relation to them. He didn't want to lie to Sephiroth since he sees him as his friend and teacher of sorts as well, he is someone that he respects a lot.

After hearing everything that happened today, it got him thinking 'maybe this has something to do with what Kokabiel plans and starting a war again.' Sephiroth thought

'Your probably right partner if what we know of what his end goal is then this seems like the perfect scenario with church, devil, and fallen angels all in one place. Get them to kill each other and then you have yourself a race war again' Ddraig said after hearing what Sephiroth thought.

'My thoughts exactly, maybe I can use this situation to my advantage' he thought while Ddraig couldn't help but to laugh to herself when she read what he had planned. They quickly had a mental conversation while on the outside Sephiroth was in what looked like a thinking pose and Kiba was starting to sweet a little thinking that Sephiroth might not help him.

When you stop to think about it, Sephiroth has no reason to help him. He is the one that caused himself to be in this situation to begin with not to mention that after what just happened with the underworld, it would make sense that he would distance himself from this situation.

After what seemed like forever to Kiba finally Sephiroth spoke up "I'll help you but it will have to wait for a day or two. I have something to do" while both he and Ddraig knew that he had nothing to do but he wanted to act only when he knew that Kokabiel's plan started to some degree if he wanted his plan to work.

Standing up and bowing to Sephiroth "Thank you for your help Sephiroth, I won't forget it. I'm going to be going then, contact me if you find anything" Kiba then left the house to start his own search for the holy swords.

Once Kiba had left Asia and Raynare came down from upstairs. Asia said that she was going to start dinner for them all and that left Raynare and him in the living room right now. "Lord, Kokabiel contacted me recently to…." Sephiroth just raised his hand to stop her from speaking any further. "I know already just go about your own business Raynare" she could only nod to this and went to help Asia in any way that she could for dinner.

While Sephiroth caught up with what Asia and Raynare have been up to elsewhere Kokabiel had a bad feeling that someone or something was going to hinder his plan that he had in motion, but he shook it off thinking that no one knew what he was truly doing here in Kuoh town except for a select few that were on his side. He was completely unaware that his plan was doomed to fail and the reason for it is because a certain person wanted a certain fallen angel to owe him.

*2 days later*

It has been two days since Kiba came to his house to ask for his help and Sephiroth was currently on an outing with Kunou in town visiting some of her favorite shops. If you're wondering why he is here and not helping Kiba like he said he would it's because he needs Kokabiel's plan to start before he shows up. Not to mention that he could of found Kokabiel and the swords anytime that he wanted if he used his senjutsu to scan the city, his training has paid off and now Sephiroth can cover all of the town and unless your a master at senjutsu you won't be able to hide from his senses.

It is when they left their third candy store that Sephiroth got a magical call and who else could it be but from Asia who explained what was going on currently at Kuoh Academy with Kokabiel, some stray priest that called himself Freed and a guy named Valper. After letting Asia know that he was coming, he then ended the call and then turned to Kunou who was staring at him curious what the call was about and from who.

"Kunou, I have to go take care of something let me teleport you home…" But before Sephiroth could say anything Kunou interrupted him "No, you promised me you would spend the day with me. What do you need to do that you have to leave me already?" she said, putting up a sad face to him.

Feeling a little bit guilty hearing and seeing the face that Kunou is making "I need to go help Asia with something real quick shouldn't take long" Once Kunou heard who he had to go help she got excited because she likes Asia a lot and hasn't seen her for a while. "I want to go with you then"

Trying to think of a way to dissuade her to not come, Kunou spoke again "Is it dangerous what you're going to help with?"

"Not for me it isn't" he said like he was stating a fact.

"Then I'm coming. I trust that you will protect me right, Onii-chan?" then she unleashed a special attack to Sephiroth puppy dog eyes, not even the mighty Sephiroth could resist such an attack from Kunou. In the end he gave in and agreed to take her but in the back of his mind he heard a faint laughter over what just happened to him.

Short chapter today but I'll do another either later today or one for tomorrow for sure at some point.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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