
Sephiroth World Traveler

The day that Sephiroth lost to Cloud, he promised him something that he would never forget. " I will never be a memory" A certain god watching the fight happened to take an interest in our one winged angel and saw an opportunity to have some fun with other worlds and causing some chaos in the process. Join us as we watch Sephiroth go to new worlds, meet new people, gain even more power if that was even possible with him as he changes the world's he visits from what we all know them to be. ********Do not own any of this so don't sue me I'm broke as it is already******

Cr1ms0nReader · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 52

After their fun night together, Sephiroth dropped Akeno off at school where you could notice that she was walking with a funny gait in her step while walking to the ORC to meet up with her former King Rias, but she was positively glowing right now with a bright smile on her face making many of the other students wonder what had happened to her. A select few knew what would do that to a girl or should they say woman now.

After dropping Akeno off, Sephiroth teleported himself to Grigori headquarters to find Azazel because he needed some help with his second sacred gear, the chaos cup. He still wanted to try and boost it to decrease the time limit but he wanted an expert to overlook the process and help him in any way that he can. While he is extremely intelligent given his IQ he wasn't a scientist so something like this required someone that was and Azazel is the only one that he knows that is into sacred gears.

Upon arriving at the entrance, Sephiroth calmly walked into the building and walked toward where Azazel was after he sensed his unique magical signature. While he was walking many of the fallen angels in the headquarters starred at him and were whispering who this guy was since they didn't know him at all. It was then that someone worked up the courage to fly in front of Sephiroth and question him on who he is.

"Excuse me sir but who are you and why are you here?" a gorgeous woman who had strong looking violet eyes with long purple hair and large breasts wearing a business attire suit for women.

Staring at this gorgeous woman with a stoic expression on his face, showing that her beauty wasn't effecting him Sephiroth answered her back in a even tone "I'm here to see Azazel, he will want to see me"

"Oh and who might I ask are you that he would want to see you without a proper appointment? I'm his secretary Penemue and I know that he doesn't have any appointments scheduled for this time period?" Penemue said while crossing her arms under her massive bust pushing them up making them look that much bigger if that was even possible.

Ignoring what she is doing "I'm Sephiroth Crescent the one who beat Sirzechs Lucifer" he said while crossing his own arms of his chest waiting to see what her reaction would be. He didn't have to wait long because her face showed her surprise and shock after learning who this person was. Someone that could beat a Satan of the underworld was someone that she couldn't afford to provoke given her power level and status in Grigori.

Getting over her shock quickly she then thoroughly scanned Sephiroth and couldn't help but marvel at how handsome this guy was, especially those piercing green eyes of his, she wouldn't mind being staring into them for a long time. Compositing herself quickly "I see Mr. Crescent, I'm sorry that I didn't recognize you"

Sephiroth just waved off her last comment "Now that you know, I assume there isn't a problem anymore right? also call me Sephiroth."

Giving off a nervous laugh "But of course not Mr. Crescent, I mean Sephiroth. Please follow me and I shall lead you to where Azazel is, he should be in his lab doing whatever he does in there." Penemue then gestured for Sephiroth to follow her up the stairs to where her boss was.

Once they were out of sight the rest of the fallen angels that were in the lobby of the headquarters burst out in gossiping about what just happened and who they just met in the flesh. Many of the people couldn't believe that, that was the guy that beat Sirzechs and his family all on his own. Especially because they couldn't feel his power at all so many of them believed that the things that they have been hearing are lies but just as many figured that Sephiroth was so powerful that they just couldn't sense his power at all. Anyway word was going to quickly spread that Sephiroth was at the Grigori headquarters in the next few hours because of the amount of fallen angels that were there at the time but that was a problem for another time.

Upon reaching the lab that Azazel was working in, Penemue knocked on the door and unlocked the door so that they could walk in without bothering to get permission for her boss. She figured that making Sephiroth wait wasn't the smarting thing to do. When Sephiroth saw Azazel he was currently working on some weird looking purple gem.

Giving out a small cough Penemue got the attention of her boss who when he looked up was surprised that Sephiroth was with his secretary but he collected himself quickly and gave a big smile and stopped what he was working on and made his way over to the two.

"Sephiroth my boy for a long time no see, how have you been. Get into any fights recently?" Azazel asked already knowing that Sephiroth beat Sirzechs and his family just a few days ago. He motioned with his eyes for Penemue that she could go and she took the hint and left with a small bow and closed the door behind her but not before giving a small lustful smile at Sephiroth.

Azazel could only shake his head at his secretary's actions. "Azazel, I'm here because I need your help with my sacred gear the chaos cup" Sephiroth said getting straight to the point of his visit.

"Oh and what pray tell do you need from me then?" Azazel asked curious what Sephiroth wanted from him. Sephiroth went to then explain what had happened when he tried to boost the chaos cup with Ddraig's power that one time and the consequences that she felt and his possible theories on the whole situation.

After Azazel heard everything he was quiet for 10 minutes as he process the information and organized his own thoughts on the matter, "I say you try again this time though much like you said with Ddraig you direct the power this time and see what happens, after that we can then make some conclusions"

Sephiroth nodded his head agreeing with Azazel "Is here fine then?" Azazel just nodded his head, being one of his own personal labs the security here was top notch plus he also had no reason to harm Sephiroth so Sephiroth didn't have to worry about an attack from him. Not that it would succeed anyway given Sephiroth's power and abilities.

Sitting into a meditation pose on the floor Sephiroth began the process while Azazel pulled out some weird looking machines so that he could monitor the situation with the chaos cup. Much like what happened last time when the energy of the boost went toward the chaos cup it drained a massive amount of mental energy but this time the target was Sephiroth instead of Ddraig. While the amount that it took was ¾ of Sephiroth's full amount, it was the pain that his heart endured that was the real problem. It felt like he was getting stabbed and his heart would explode at any moment.

When the whole process was done Sephiroth was left panting a bit because of the pain and was tired as well, he was the weakest that he has ever been since his arrival in this world. "Partner are you okay?" Ddraig asked when she saw and sensed Sephiroth's condition.

Looking at his boosted gear "I'm fine just a little bit tired and in a little bit of pain nothing that I can't overcome" he said back trying to reassure his partner that he was fine overall.

"Wow your one tough cookie kid, not many could handle what you just did and stay conscious or alive for that matter. The amount of power that you were pumping toward your second sacred gear was so much that I thought your heart was going to explode in your chest for a moment." Azazel said with a whistle at the end showing how impressed he was of Sephiroth.

"Enough about that, what did you find out Azazel?"

"Seriously no respect for your elders huh. Anyway it's what we thought while it does decrease the time limit if you're in control, the strain that it puts on your body and mind is the problem here. Unless you can somehow strengthen your heart I would recommend that you don't do this anymore otherwise if you're not careful you could die." Hearing this Sephiroth wasn't surprised because it felt like that would happen if he kept doing this in the future.

"So what if I had the heart of a dragon instead then, what then. Do you think that I would alleviate that possibility of my heart exploding on myself?"

Thinking about it for a moment in a thinking pose "I don't see why not dragon's are known to be extremely powerful so it should be able to handle the power but how are you going to do that through?" Azazel asked curious how Sephiroth was going to do something like that.

"Simple, Ddraig I want you to take my heart and change it to a dragon heart" When Azazel heard this he smacked his head forgetting that the holders of the boosted gear and divine dividing could do this, he just saw this not that long okay with Vali when he got himself a new arm.

"Do you really want to do this? This isn't going to tickle if that's what you're thinking. It is going to hurt like a lot that you might just die from the shock of the pain that you go through." Ddraig asked in a serious tone of voice showing how serious this matter is.

"Yes, just give me a moment to recover and we can start now" Sephiroth didn't want to wait and just get this over with and figured that with Azazel here he had a better chance of living through it.

"Wait are you seriously going to do this now of all time in my lab, what if I say you can't do it here then" Azazel says with a clear smirk on his face and arms crossed over his chest.

"Would you really not like to gather the data of something like this, when would you get a chance like this again in your lifetime?" That was all that Sephiroth had to say because he knew that Azazel was just joking because if he knew scientists like he thought he did Azazel would never miss this chance to see something like this.

And he was right Azazel caved the very next moment after hearing what Sephiroth had to say the scientist in him had to see the process and record it to the end. "Fine let me set up some different machines while you restore yourself." Azazel then busied himself while Sephiroth recovered for the transformation.

That night was painful for Sephiroth, the things that he went through was something that he couldn't even describe into proper words to transform his heart to a dragon heart. The shocking thing was that he didn't even let out a single yell during the whole process he kept it in showing how fierce his determination and will was. But his face showed what he was going through and Azazel couldn't even imagine that pain that Sephiroth was going through, mind you he saw Vali's transformation for his new arm but it wasn't for something like a heart like Sephiroth so the pain couldn't even be compared if what he knows is true. He really upped his respect for Sephiroth for going through this whole thing without letting so much as a word come out of his mouth.

The process took all night for Sephiroth and he almost died from shock a couple times but he powered through it in the end and lived through the process one of the very few that ever did in the long line of hosts that Ddraig has ever had. His body was drenched in sweat and he looked like he had been through hell but he lived and that is all that mattered in the end.

"Partner it is done now you have a dragon heart it will provide many benefits to you increasing all of your attributes and strengthening all of your body because of the dragon blood that it will be producing now over time you will have skin almost as tough as a heavenly dragon's scales and your organs will be more resistant to just about everything. You will be a dragon in human form basically, you are now part fallen angel and now part dragon losing your human side. There will be more benefits but for now that is the general gist of what you gained" Ddraig said to Sephiroth proud and happy that he survived the process.

"I see, well we will have to figure that out later but first, Azazel did you enjoy what you saw"

Having a big grin on his face Azazel answered him "But of course it isn't everyday that you get to see something like that right."

"Right, well there is one more thing that I wanted to ask you before I left. I know that devils have the peerage system but do the fallen angels have it as well?" Sephiroth asked

Surprised that he would ask something like that Azazel decide to indulge the boy a bit since he let him see and record something new "Yes and no, I'm been working on something similar to the peerage system that devil's use for a while now and I"m almost done with it but it will be a bit before it is done. Why do you ask kid?"

"I want one, what would you need from me to get such a thing from you?" Sephiroth knew that he couldn't force Azazel for the new peerage system that Azazel was making otherwise he could fuck with him and give him a faulty version of it. He rather approach this diplomatically first then result to force if talking fails.

"Hmmm, I don't know I will have to think about it for a bit. But for now there is nothing but that doesn't mean that something won't change in the future so keep your spirits up kid okay" Azazel said with a laugh at the end. Sephiroth just nodded and bid farewell to Azazel and thanked him for his help and teleported himself home to get some rest.

When Sephiroth got home he teleported straight to his bedroom but found that there was someone in his bed already sleeping, curious who it was he lifted the covered and saw that Akeno was sleeping in his bed with a see through black lace nightgown on without a bra on and only panties on her curvy hips.

Sensing that someone had removed the blanket on her, Akeno rubbed her eyes and looked to see Sephiroth staring at her with a small smile on his face to which she returned with her own big smile. "Care to join me Sephiroth-kun?"

"In a moment let me shower and I'll be back in but a moment" Sephiroth then quickly showed off the sweat he had on his body and changed into some pajama pants without a shirt on and joined Akeno in the bed. They didn't talk when he returned and just embraced each other and fell asleep in the bed in each others arms basking in each others warmth.

I want to saw fuck ya I made it to a million's view never thought I see the day.

Also I did another chapter because I was just in the mood and a lot happened in this one so enjoy.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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