
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Others
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40 Chs

A tree story

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the narration of the story of your servant life.

It began eons ago in a weak and backward world, Earth. I was a normal even if somewhat sociopath, guy back then. Student in a prestigious college and writing my thesis at 22 even with the little emphasis I put in my boring studies. Unfortunately or fortunately depending of who you ask, I didn't live to complete it.

One day like any other, I was in my car and for once was abiding by the speed limitations when a truck if it's still can be called that, taller than a four stories building and as large as a stadium appeared and ran over my car. This kind of thing shouldn't have even be able to get on the highway less coming near me without my notice.

Anyway, I died that day and it was hell that was waiting for me. I couldn't see or hear anything. I couldn't move but still possessed my haptic feelings. They were even greatly improved. My body was overflowing with energy but I couldn't use it at all in my paralysis.

Heat, cold, pain, and other all my powerlessness were my companions of that time. Periodically, I will fell like I had my hands and feet cut but they will grow once again to once again be cut. Or when, rats like thing will dig in my flesh to feed of my body.

Beyond all this suffering, the worse to deal with was the eternal boredom. I even began to find a solace in these moments I would be tortured as they proved that I still existed.

We have talked about my dark past long enough. I will talk about when dawn came in my life.

It happened suddenly without prior foreshadowing. I could see again, I could hear again, I could talk once more. I still couldn't move but I was thankful. You never learn to appreciate the little things before losing them. Before me was an angel in white, even her three eyes couldn't change my gratefulness to my savior, my messiah. I couldn't understand her and apparently she couldn't either so I calmed myself and listened.

Two days later, I knew in what situation I was. I was reincarnated as a tree, a bonsai tree in the lake, I'll call it that, of a traditional Japanese garden. I was surrounded by Koi fishes. My previous torture were elemental changes, parasites or my savior "tending" to me. Savior which I now remember as Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, the Rabbit Goddess. A shame that it took me so long to recognize her but an eternity in hell will do that to you.

I couldn't understand her as she wasn't speaking a language known to me. But I could see she was a devastated young woman. Unfortunately, I was never a really empathetic person and my stay in my personal hell didn't help so I ignored her after promising myself that I will remember her grace and pay her later on in my capacities. Have never been the kind to owe to someone else.

It took me the better part of a year to learn her language, since she only came to me once a day and rarely talk. In the meantime, she had twins so I assumed that she should have recently eaten the Chakra Fruit.

One day, I tentatively talked to her and beside her original surprise, I soon became her confident. She named me Jinki, Jinki Ōtsutsuki for me being a tree and being her friend. She talked to me about her friend Aino sacrifice, her husband callousness, humanity stupidity, her own home, how she was only once a servant and now revered as a goddess, how she should still complete her clan mission, her naive dream of peace and much more.

I listened silently and that's how I learned about the world out of this planet. Multitude of races vying for supremacy, the Ōtsutsuki clan being at most a mid-ranked power in the known universe, weak in front of full pantheons of gods, individuals with enough personal strength to destroy powers stronger than the Ōtsutsuki with a flick of their fingers. A world I yearned for and I had the mean to get it. I had Natural energy the energy used in the cosmos.

God Trees were means to get load of Natural Energy at once safely. Once all that energy changed to chakra an appropriate sacrifice would ensure that one could smoothly store and use a great deal of the Natural Energy.

That and Senjutsu are different. Senjutsu allows the use of diluted Natural energy where the right usage of God Tree give access to unaltered Natural energy in a short amount of time where one should have been petrified by such an amount.

Natural energy in its raw form was capable of miracles, from creating to destroying worlds in second. And due to me being a tree, I was close to Natural energy as close as God Trees but without their abilities.

Kaguya in her despair chooses the opposite way of getting quantity instead of quality. Unfortunately, her children were born with chakra. Thus, she gave chakra to me in huge quantity to test the effect of extracting chakra from a living being. She aborted her project when I showed intelligence. A naive and kind woman. I encouraged her to start it once again. I "helped" her suppress her inhibitions for the greater good, the good of her sons.

Years passed and I noticed how Hamura and Hagoromo grew wary of their mother who because of her insecurity against their father, humanity and the world in general didn't share her plans with them. When they discovered it, it would be too late. I could have meddled but I had other plans.

Some years later, Kaguya succeeded someway. She took back the peculiarities her chakra induce in me (chakra coils and the like) without killing or maiming me. I gained new abilities and mobility was one of them. I was delighted. I could use chakra without the negative effects, use senjutsu and best of all use pure natural energy even if it was a great deal more difficult.

When she wanted to do the same on her children, they rebelled due to Gamamaru half-baked prophecies and the lack of communication in the Ōtsutsuki family. They soon fought and even with Kaguya immense power, her lack of battle experience, the weakening of her Natural energy after her "surgery" on me and her anger due to yet another treason would ensure her defeat.

She asked me for help. I chose to not help her but to keep the name she gave me as a token of reconnaissance to her. It was the last straw keeping her sane and I broke it. Not really proud now that I think about it. Just before being sealed she used her meager reserve of Natural Energy to create a being tasked to help her: Zetsu. I was amazed. Natural Energy was really great.

I started travelling, exploring this new world given to me. Soon, I started my plans.

Chakra, sage energy and natural energy. Three types of powers I have to completely master to enjoy this life to its fullest. For chakra, my otherworldly knowledge, Kaguya way of using it and Hagoromo and his sons teaching would ensure that I became unrivaled.

For sage energy, I would have to wait for Hagoromo, Hamura and their followers demise to take possession of the sage regions. For Natural Energy, I was forced to put it on hold for the time being.

Getting to learn Ninshu was easy as they were teaching it to everyone willing to learn it. I practiced it religiously. I developed my own Senjutsu in the meantime but it wasn't at the level of the Six Paths Senjutsu. Hagoromo could mimic some of natural energy feats with his Creation of All Things Techniques and I wasn't there yet. But my Ninshu was unparalleled. I could read and edit the minds of anyone weaker than me.

Soon Hagoromo and Hamura died off. I recuperated their corpse and their Dojutsu after editing Zetsu mind. I then went to perfect my Senjutsu when Indra and Asura were playing tag.

No sage regions was left unscathed by me besides Mont Myōboku, Shikkotsu Forest and Ryūchi Cave that I spared to keep a semblance of future knowledge. I did steal all their techniques nevertheless. They weren't the best around, far from it. The Monkeys, Foxes and Dolphins were the best when it came to Senjutsu and they even touched upon Natural Energy. Unfortunately for them, they didn't weaponize it as they were also believer of Hagoromo philosophy.

I studied for more than two hundreds years before overcoming everyone past, present and future in Senjutsu. I only went out to collect Asura and Indra reincarnations corpses. Each time their was some peculiarities. Only Indra sharingan abilities were a good reason for my efforts.

This led me to my next study. Chakra and bloodline limits. For chakra, it was easy. I just had to acquire different jutsus and decorticate them thoroughly to learn their essence. And my mind reading ability made it too easy.

For bloodline limits, I discovered that they were just that, limits. Natural energy could lead to mutations where one would get many benefices but the drawbacks was that there was a limit to it. Limit that is reinforced in each generation unless elders generations intervene. That how the Rinne-Sharingan and its degradation came to be.

For the Byakugan and Tenseigan, it was more tricky. One could give one self bloodline limit by manipulating Natural Energy but one could also use it to alter a natural mutation.The Byakugan is an intrinsic part of the Ōtsutsuki race. When it was overloaded with Chakra and Sage Energy and under pressure from the Rinne-Sharingan, it mutated and gave birth to the Tenseigan. These conditions are hard to complete for other so getting Hamura Natural energy was the key to unlock it.

I then delved in the creation of artificial bloodline limits in a world without any native bloodline. My first success were the Kaguya clan kekkei genkai which required Kaguya cells and the Yajushi clan from which hailed Jugo. Unfortunately, they were mentally unstable and even my prowess in Ninshu wasn't enough to cure them. I tried many others kinds of bloodline limits. Dojutsu and advanced nature transformation kekkei genkai were the most succesful.

For nature transformation kekkei genkai, I quickly give up on it after created a Kekkei Tota. It wasn't versatile enough. I did create tens of them nevertheless like Ice Release, Lava Release and Crystal Release.

For Dojutsu, I tried to modify the Byakugan and created the Jogan. After that, I contented myself of giving Indra Sharingan abilities in each reincarnation to random test subjects like controlling blood and the like.

But the bloodline limits I liked to create the most are unique ones. Inserting some Ninshu ability in the blood or my greatest one breaking oneself body to molecular level and reconstructing it as one wants. The later was created in my quest to gain an human body without losing my tree body perks.

I acquired test subjects for these experiments by throwing summoning scrolls all over the planet and its moon. It helped me in keeping myself informed about the world. I erase their memory afterwards and send them back.

So I was talking about how I wanted an human body. It was mostly a question of personal preference and me reminiscing about the pleasure of flesh. I could have just created an husk and possessed it but I didn't want to separate from my body nor be so vulnerable.

I then thought of jutsus like the Transformation Jutsu, Beast Human Clone Technique and Imitation Beast Ninja Arts. I then recreated them but they weren't enough. I then delved into molecular control and DNA coding and using Natural Energy to design my body I could transform into anything down to the DNA. I had also gained a pseudo immortality as I could regenerate from one cell if given enough time in a natural energy filled place.

I took a break of some centuries after that. I traveled everywhere and nowhere. From the planet core to other stellar system, I went everywhere and did everything. I met strong beings and fought some, killed some, and fled from some. I learned new things and was stunned by the technological advance of some places.

My holidays were interrupted by the Senju death in the second ninja war. It made me remember someone I was overlooking: Isshiki Ōtsutsuki and his group of slaves. I quickly found them and dealt with him.

After thoroughly searching his mind, I personified him and went to the Ōtsutsuki headquarter. There were still some beings stronger than me there but my disguise worked just fine. I learned many things from them and became stronger than all those I could sense but I didn't dare attacking them.

I could now gather Natural energy from planets away. There was also a kind of battery that could store excess Natural energy. It was a jewel of technology.

I went back just in time for Kaguya liberation from her seal. I went to her before she could go on rampage and used my Ninshu to calm her mind before asking for her forgiveness. She was angry but what could she do? She accepted to give up on human and let them to their fate. She decided to travel in search of the meaning of her life. I stalked behind her for some years before she finally started smiling again. It felt like I was taking advantage of an innocent girl but nothing like experience to make someone mature.

Eons later I became the strongest in the known world and could make Natural energy do my bidding. And Kaguya Ōtsutsuki now the undisputed Universe Empress, has accorded me the right to remain indefinitely in her personal quarter.

On this note, see you.

I hate Webnovel

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