
chapter 2: I resigned

" what!"

" yes sir! I can't do this anymore" Carla said and Ben face dropped and he looked at her sadly , he walked towards her and held her hands.

" Carla I still don't get why you'll work so hard when am here and willing to give you anything you wish for"Ben said . Carla couldn't say anything neither did she want to, she knew very well Ben likes her but she's not just into all those stuff, all she wants is to build a name for herself with honest hard-work just like her parents.

She slowly removed her hands from his grip and created a distance between them.

" Am sorry sir but I can't accept your offer, I'll be leaving now!" Carla said and without another second wasted left his office.

Ben just stared at the door and angrily kicked the table and threw all the files on top of it..

Carla left the bar and hailed for a taxi which took her to her shared apartment with her bestie Laura, who ran away from home because she was being forced by her parents to marry someone she didn't like all because of money. Carla paid the taxi driver and headed into the apartment, taking out her keys from her bag and unlocked the door before going in.

she sat down exhausted and closed her eyes.....

" hey when did you come in?!" she heard someone say making her fly off the couch in shock, she looked up and saw it was Laura and she grunted

" why would you scare me like that? and what are you doing at home at this time? aren't you supposed to be at work?..."

" hey girl calm down with the questions?!.. well actually, I got fired?!"

" what ?!why what happened?! what did you do?!" Carla said worriedly standing up...

" Again Carla calm down with the questions!. but anyways I didn't do anything our company is at the verge of bankruptcy since our boss signed a contract which turned out to be a fraud,..now he's firing people because he doesn't have enough money for workers" Laura said and carla slumped on the couch back.

" But we can live off your salary till I find a good job"hearing the words of Laura Carla hissed.

" well too bad we can't hope on that.... I've resigned!"

" what?! why?! ...Did you get molested again, I told you that job isn't suitable for you , you should have just dated Ben" Laura said and carla glared at her making her keep shut,she knew very well that Carla has big dreams and depending on a guy wasn't part of it.

" okay well it's okay, but we have to find a job soon am not sure my savings will be enough to take us through the month" Laura informed making Carla sigh.

" Yh okay, I'll try my best and you should too.. I'll go freshen up now" Carla said and left Laura stared at her friend with worried eyes, she knew nothing was impossible but for how long will her friend have to suffer all in the name of building a good name for herself.