
Chapter 3: Accept or Reject

The next day~

Carla set out to look for a job as early as 5am, she walked round the streets hoping a job offer Will come up, she visited Cafe's and companies in search of a job but nothing came up, exhausted she went to a cafe and order a cappuccino to relax a bit, she was sipping it quietly when someone approached her and sat next to her

she looked up and saw a man in his late 70's beaming at her .

what! so I've started attracting old people too! oh no

" sir please tell me what you want, staring at me like that is kinda creepy" Carla said uncomfortably...

" oh sorry about that your beauty is just so mesmerizing...Dear are you perhaps seeing anyone?!"

" No but why are you asking?!" Carla asked with furrowed brows, The man only smiled widely.

" Then you'll be perfect for my son, dear I'ld like you to get married to my son"

" what?!, old man are you crazy how can I get married to someone I know nothing about"

" But my son is very nice, he is also very handsome am sure you'll fall in love with him at first sight... you see am very old but my son doesn't seem to care about that he's scared of love and uses work as an excuse of why he isn't seeing anyone, but I want that to change"

" what am I supposed to do about that?!" Carla said and rolled her eyes uninterested

" well seeing your beauty I want you to seduce him and give me...I mean him a child" The man stated and Carla's eyes widened in shock.she was about to say something when the man cut her off

" Don't worry you'll get paid for this...am going to give you the sum of 20 million dollars if you can successfully seduce my son and get pregnant for him... but if you can't by the end of three months then you'll be given 5million dollars"

Carla's eyes widened in surprise this offer was to good to be true.

" so do you accept or reject" the man asked and carla bit her bottom lip , If she accepted her life will be settled but getting married to someone she didn't know was kinda risky!!!

what should I do!!!

Authors note: this is my first time writing, so please I need your support 😘😘😘