
chapter one: intro

A car can be seen speeding through the city very fast until it came to a stop due to traffic.

" what's wrong now?!" The man said to his driver annoyed.

" erm sir it's traffic" the driver said scared, his boss was a cold and ruthless person and he was scared of his reaction. But he go none instead his boss brought out his phone and made a call.

" Hello commissioner... save the pleasantries, why are your men creating a traffic jam!!" his boss said his voice getting thicker in anger.

" I don't care if you're searching for someone, get the road cleared immediately because if I end up getting late for my meeting I don't think you'll be able to bare the consequences" his boss said in a threatful tone and hung up and without any other time wasted the road was cleared up and the driver drove as fast as he can like his life depended on it... which it did!

His boss was none other than Diego Miller, he was 26 of age with good looks with a powerful aura, Diego was the youngest, richest and most popular business tycoon In all of B nation and was feared all around the world.

Diego arrived at the conference room and without any further moment went straight to business as usual.

~At a bar~

" come on sweetheart! let's have some fun!!" a man can be seen holding a waitress's hand pulling her closer to himself ...." let go!! leave me" the waitress yelled and immediately picked up tray and smacked his face hard with it, the man growled in anger and let go if her staring at her with bloodshot eyes.

" how dare you!!" he yelled and wanted to slap her but someone held his wrist...the waitress who closed her eyes opened them as she didn't receive what she was expecting. she looked up to see her boss Ben holding the man's hand.

" you dare to hit her after what you tried to do?!..well try it and I'll report you to the police with evidence" Ben said looking at the CCTV camera and the man dropped into cold sweat and apologized to the waitress before leaving.

" thank you Ben" the waitress said softly

" no problem it was the right thing to do" Ben said and patted her shoulder before leaving.

The waitress was Carla mandres an orphan who works at the bar for a living but each time nearly gets molested if not for Ben's interference. she sighed knowing what she had to do and went into the changing room and dropped her apron and picked up her bag before going into Ben's office and dropped a piece of paper on his desk making him look at her in confusion.

"sir am resigning"
