

*Sexy crown Prince Alex has just returned from overseas. Being a lover of beautiful women, he flirted with nearly every lady he crossed paths with, including the palace maids depressingly* *His mother, the queen was getting fed up with his inconsiderate and unprincipled activities but that was the least of her son's concerns* *Find out what happens when dear Prince Alex gets to know a newly maid in the palace who is bossy and when he was forced to marry a princess who casted a spell on him so he could fall in love with her*

seunpeace17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

06: WEIRD.


I tried to get the picture of the new maiden out of my mind but it kept popping in.

I rolled side to side on my bed, till the sharp rays of the sun shone brightly in my eyes making me wake up annoyingly.

I rubbed my eyes with my palms as I yawned lazily getting up from the bed.

A servant girl was already in my room doing her chores.

The new maid kept coming into my mind and I wanted to see her again badly.

" Do you know the new maid that started working in the palace?" I asked the young girl in my room.

I guess she would be around 14.

"No, your highness." She answered.

' Why don't I call the palace head of servants and ask from her,' I thought.

' That's great!'

' Go call Julia for me,' I said to the servant girl.

"Yes, your highness," She bowed and scurried out of the room quickly.

I sat on the bed waiting for Julia to come as I placed my palms on my face.

"My Lord, You called for me," Julia said as I smirked at her.

" Yes, I did," I answered while she stared at me wondering what's on my mind.

The little servant girl resumed her work but no need when I wanted the new maid to finish up the work in my room.

"You can go," I said to the little girl but she looked frightened.

"My Lord, did I offend you, I'm not done with the works here," She trembled as she went on her knees while Julia glared at her.

I rolled my eyes getting sick of the way they treat someone like a god.

"You did nothing wrong, I'm just easing you off your work, now go!" I ordered and she stood up and went out of the room quickly.

" I realized that a new angel has joined in the palace," I smirked while Julia gave a puzzled look.

" I don't understand what you are saying, My Lord. " She said bowing her head a little.

" Oh c'mon, I meant the new maiden that joined, I would like to see her, " I said staring at her.

" Oh, Emilia.. "

" Emilia is that her name? " I asked curiously.

"Yes, she is the new maid we have in the palace now," She said.

"Go bring her here, she will continue with the work here, " I said waving her off.

" Okay, your highness, " She bowed lightly and left the room.

' Great! '

I stood up from the bed smirking evilly and went into the bathroom.


I was still washing plates in the kitchen when Madam Julia barged into the kitchen getting everyone puzzled.

She searched everywhere with her eyes looking for someone probably so I continued with my work.

"Where's Emilia?," She asked making me froze.

' What's wrong now

' Not like she's gonna bite you and stop acting like a moron,' my mind said.

I rinsed my hands and walked quickly to her.

" Here I am, ma'am," I said bowing my head a little.

I was getting sick of this bowing head of a thing but I don't have a choice.

Do I?

" Follow me!" She said sternly and I gulped down my saliva as I walked behind her.

We got out of the kitchen and walked past the royal chambers.

We met guards in front of each room.

"The Prince asked of you," She finally said.

I got shocked dead in my tracks.

" Th-The Pr-Prince!!" I stuttered.

"Anything wrong," Madam Julia asked scanning me with her eyes.

"No ma just a bit surprised why His Highness is asking for me," I said anxiety clear in my voice.

" Just be careful with him, that's all I will say," Madam Julia said as she turned to her left.

' What the hell does he want'

' Are you scared of him? Thought you were the bold and arrogant type' my mind asked.

' Will you shut up now, please! We are talking of a Prince now and I still need my life if I mistakenly talk harshly with him '

' But you quite know you will blast him if he does anything wrong with you ' My mind said.

' Go and sleep!'

"Here we are," Madam Julia said loudly shaking me from my thought while I froze and stared at the well-designed wooden door in front of me.

I was feeling very awkward and nervous as I played with my fingers and bit on my lips.

"Get in," Madam Julia said jolting me up.

' Can't he look for someone else except me '

I looked at Madam Julia with eyes that said I didn't want to go in.

"You'll be fine, Just be careful with him, he's a bit cocky," She chuckled and patted my back and left.

I glanced to my right and my eyes landed on the guard who stood rooted to his spot and my left also there was another guard.

I breathed deeply and opened the door slightly peeking inside.

I didn't see anyone so I got in closing the door carefully behind me.

' wow!' I gazed.

His room is very big, we could make four rooms out of this if it were my house.

' I thought the Prince asked of me but he ain't here!'

I studied his room well feeling a bit comfortable since no one is there.

His huge king master bed was neatly arranged and the leather seat seems quite inviting.

I quickly did the work that was left undone cleaned everywhere.

I've been standing in the kitchen since morning without sitting so I took it as an opportunity to seat on the sofa chair.

At least they won't behead me cause I sat on a Prince chair.

' To Hell with that!'

I looked once more around me and still no one.

' Yeah I will just seat and stay vigilant, immediately the door opens I will stand up immediately and act as if I'm cleaning the chair'

' Nice plan!' My mind complimented me.

' Well I didn't come to the palace to work and die, I need some rest too '

I yawned and sat on the seat and oh my freaking goodness the sofa was damn soft should I say fluffy instead.

I leaned back a little and closed my eyes with a weird smile on my lips.

10 minutes later,

' Wake up! Wake up!! dummy head, you only said you will seat now you slept off!' My mind informed me and I sprang up.

' Oh no!!'

I opened my eyes and looked everywhere wondering if no one was in the room but my eyes averted to the figure on the bed sitting and watching and I became horrified.

"Oh my God!" I muttered standing up immediately not knowing what to do.

" Well! Well!! Seems the new maiden had a nice nap right?" He smirked.

' Fuck! The Prince, was he watching me or what'

' How will you explain yourself now?' My mind asked.

' Keep Shut!'

I closed my eyes shut and breathed deeply.

" My Lord you called for me," I said as I walked up to him nervously.

' Emilia you're such a dumbass! Apologize First'

The Prince looked amused as he stared at me and I became sick immediately.

I stopped in front of him and bowed my head not wanting to look at him.

"I'm sorry that won't happen again," I begged as I bowed my head lower.

' knee down, must I teach you everything' My annoying mind told me.

' Get the fuck! He should do whatever he cares, I'm not kneeling, it's not as if I committed a murder, I just sat on the damn seat,'

' Here you go again being so stubborn' My mind said annoyingly.

" So what's your name?" He asked behind me.

When did he make such a fast move immediately?

"Em-Emilia!" I said nervously as he moved closer to me from behind.

' Be bold and stop acting nervous, if he sees you as a timid and nervous girl, he will use that opportunity to get you,' My mind informed.

' Yeah, thanks!'

" You know I've been wanting to see you ever since I met you in the garden," He said huskily and tempting and I swallowed hard.

" And now I've gotten you, there's no escaping," He said devilish.

I gasped when he turned me to face him, his hands on my waist and my legs went weak immediately.

Our eyes made contact with each other as we stared each other off.

His gaze went to my lips and I gulped as he pulled me closer to himself our body making contact.

' Emilia are you crazy or something, did you lose your mind!! What if someone tries to walk in and catch you two like this,' My mind literally screamed.

I tried to free myself from his stronghold but he held me tightly in place.

" C'mon don't deny it, we both know that you want me," He smirked.

' Are you kidding me!'

" No, I don't, please get your hands off me," I said trying to struggle away from him but it was effortless.

" I could make you beg for me," He said seductively as he tugged some strands of hair beside my hair.

My throat became scratchy but I dared not cough.

His eyes came back to mine with words I can't describe, he lowered his head his lips close to mine as I felt his hot breath on my skin.

' Do something for Christ's sake Emilia or are you carried away by his charm,' My mind battled with him.

He moved closer to me and I was getting angry already.

' How dare he!'


' What did you just do!!" My mind screamed.

' Oh no! I'm going to die today