

*Sexy crown Prince Alex has just returned from overseas. Being a lover of beautiful women, he flirted with nearly every lady he crossed paths with, including the palace maids depressingly* *His mother, the queen was getting fed up with his inconsiderate and unprincipled activities but that was the least of her son's concerns* *Find out what happens when dear Prince Alex gets to know a newly maid in the palace who is bossy and when he was forced to marry a princess who casted a spell on him so he could fall in love with her*

seunpeace17 · Fantasy
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10 Chs



It's been a week I've been working in the Palace and to be candid it wasn't easy at all.

Well, I haven't encountered the so-called Mr. Arrogant - The Prince.

It's not as if I'm bothered with him just wanted to meet him in person.

I heard he went on a trip to enjoy his life and hang out with women.

' Such a disgrace to this kingdom, I wonder how the queen managed to give birth to him,' I thought within me.

I've made new friends in the palace in the last few days I resumed as a servant.

Mila and Mia were sisters, they looked so much alike that you'll mistake them for each other.

I call them twins even though Mila was just a year older than Mia.

Then there comes Aria, your typical model, she was tall slender,d had wavy brown hair. She was beautiful too that I mostly wonder why she would waste her precious time working as a servant in the Palace.

Ava was the quietest among us and very reserved, she avoids trouble most of the time and helps me with my work always.

Sophia was also part of our gang of friends but she kinda has some crazy characters which make us cat and rat.

She's way too blunt for my liking and I wonder why we were still friends maybe because she's generous at times.

I was in the garden busy with the clothes Madam Julia gave to me. It was for the Queen.

I had washed it earlier in the day and it was evening already, so I was packing them neatly in the garden.

I was singing, well singing was my habit even right from home.

Madam Julia didn't even complain about it and always praise me.

Still engrossed in my work, I heard a louder cough making me turn back immediately.

My eyes were shocked as my mouth dropped.

' Oh no! Can't be!'


I Just came back from my trip, I went to California to spend some time with my friends which my mother didn't approve of.

I disobeyed her stubbornly and went on my own accord, I can't be this grown-up and my mum should be controlling me around like a kid.

I hadn't even rested after my arrival and was called by my mother.

We had a heated argument, which I ended up storming out of her chambers angrily.

I wanted to calm down a bit, so I went to the garden to have a fresh breeze.

I approached the garden and my ear caught a melodious voice.

'My God! What a voice!'

I was so curious to know who was singing well it was a female but I wanted to see if she was angelic as her voice is.

I searched the garden until my eyes caught a small figure on the grass squatting.

Well, She wasn't that small as I thought before I moved closer to her.

She was folding some clothes and I took my steps carefully to her without interrupting her.

She backed me so she won't be able to know I was behind her, I watched every movement of her.

My eyes trailed on her little hands as I watched how she folded the clothes neatly with her delicate fingers.

I was dying to see her face just staring behind her made me knew she was extraordinary.

So I coughed, hoping she would hear immediately.

But she didn't she was too engrossed in what she was doing.

So I decided to cough louder and she stopped immediately turning to face who did that.

I froze to my spot when my eyes came in contact with hers.


Her eyes were emerald green which can bore into the soul of someone.

Her face was beyond perfection and my eyes went down to her lips.

' Fuck!! They are full' I thought weirdly.

Just what I like in a lady.

She was also shocked like she wasn't expecting me to see me too but she immediately masked it away putting on a straight face.

"Hi!" I said trying to lighten the awkward moment between us.

"My Lord!" She said bowing her head not wanting to look at me.

I rolled my eyes, I don't like this tradition.

I bent to her level and used my finger to push her jaw up lightly.

Immediately my hands came in contact with her skin, I felt a spark in me.

Her face was red slightly as she stared at me.

Our eyes making contact once more.

I could watch those green eyes ever.

"You are new here, aren't you?" I asked wanting to be sure.

I was blaming my eyes for not seeing her since.

"Yes, Your Highness," She answered.

' Oh! No wonder!'

" Nice to meet you I'm Prince Alex but you can call me Alex," I said as I offered my hand but she just stared at me.

She stood up immediately and packed the clothes and ran off.

"Wait!" I said as I tried following her.

"My Prince!!"  Mateo called behind me.

" What!" I answered annoyingly as I turned back at him glaring at him.

"The Queen is calling you," He said.

"But I just left her not quite long," I fumed as I turned trying to see if I could see the maid again.

" She's waiting for you," He said and started walking off.

I need to know about the maid.

I walked up quickly to Mateo, " Do you know the new maid that just ran off."

"She's new, c'mon let go," He said patting my back.

' I need to find her,' I determined.

Fuck!! I don't even know her name.


Emilia ran off as she stopped behind the building where other servants were.

She heaved relievedly, She breathed deeply.

She just made an encounter with the handsome prince and she felt like disappearing in his front earlier.


"Hey what's up Emily?" Aria asked as she walked over to me.

I nodded still trying to hold on to breathing.

" What's wrong?" She asked worriedly looking at me.

" No-Nothing!" I said trying to breathe well.

"You look like someone who saw a ghost," She said staring at me.

" Th-The Prince. I saw the Prince, he came over to me and talked with me," I said almost too fast.

" Oh my God!," She chuckled.

Mila chirped in, " Hey girls!".

" Mila, Emilia met with the Prince and she's acting like a ghost," Aria said laughing.

" It's not funny," I said rolling my eyes.

" Did he wink at you? Or touched you?" Sophia said out of the blues.

I rolled my eyes and walked off, carrying the clothes along with me.

" Emilia!!" They called out.

"I want to go and meet Madam Julia," I screamed back walking off immediately.