

*Sexy crown Prince Alex has just returned from overseas. Being a lover of beautiful women, he flirted with nearly every lady he crossed paths with, including the palace maids depressingly* *His mother, the queen was getting fed up with his inconsiderate and unprincipled activities but that was the least of her son's concerns* *Find out what happens when dear Prince Alex gets to know a newly maid in the palace who is bossy and when he was forced to marry a princess who casted a spell on him so he could fall in love with her*

seunpeace17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs




' What did you just do!!" My mind screamed.

' Oh no! I'm going to die today '

I just fucking slapped the Prince, am I crazy!!!

I was terrified with what I did, why didn't I control myself.

' Oh God! Oh God!! Save me!!'

The Prince was way beyond shock as his face was red with anger and his hands rubbing the place I slapped.

His grip loosened on me and I tried to move away quickly from him.

"Where the fuck did you think you are going?" He bursted angry as he moved closer to me.

' Oh no!'

I moved back a little taking my steps backwards till I got stop by the wall.

"I'm sorry My Lord," I said trying to hide the sarcasm in my voice.

"How dare you?" He roared as he hovered on me pinning me on the wall making me shake.

I was getting nervous but I won't let him see I'm weak for him.

I stared into his eyes and it screamed furiously.

' Wait! Is this your first time getting slapped, if yes then I deserve an award,'

I never thought he could be this angry but he started it first.

How dare he wants to steal my first kiss.

My lips were virgin and I'm not ready to give it to a crazy dumbass like him.

"You fucking bitch, you should be happy I wanted to kiss you, every girl in this Palace will be dying hard for that opportunity, you are nothing but a fucking whore who's trying to hide her real self and behave like a saint," He spat venomously as I began to boil with anger.

' What the...'


I gave him another thunderous slap.

No one, I mean no one has dared talk to me in this manner and I won't accept it for a crazy Prince even though it would cost me my life, I would always stand on my right.

He was taken back with the slap as he moved back holding his cheeks still shocked.

" You have no fucking right to call me names, I'm very much less interested in you, you tried to kiss me against my own will and you stand here blaming me for it," I spat angrily.

His facial expression was way more shocked as his eyes became dark with anger like he wasn't expecting me to talk back to him.

" Do you realize who you are talking to, I can fucking make you rot in the dungeon," He threatened but I wasn't paced with his words.

" Of course I know who I'm talking to, The spoilt arrogant and cocky brat who calls himself a Prince and wants nothing to do with his kingdom," I smirked.

" You are playing with your life girl," He chuckled evilly coming closer to me.

"Don't you dare move close to me, I will scream you're a rapist," I warned as I moved away from him trying to reach far from his reach.

He stood rooted to his spot, speechless realizing what I said.

"What gave you the effrontery to think you can open that crazy mouth of yours and talk to me," He spat angrily.

' What am I going to do to escape, somebody, help me,'

I was about to run to the door when he grabbed my hand.

How come, he was still standing there.

"Somebody help!!!" I screamed but he covered my mouth quickly.

" What fucking games are you trying to play with me," He said angrily as he began drawing me to his bed.

"Leave me alone!" I tried to say but his hands were still on my mouth and I tried to wriggle from his hold but he's way too strong for my liking.

We got to his bed and he pushed me hard on the bed.

I stood up immediately but he hovered on me quickly.

"Please stop!" I begged.

"You should have known that before you opened that crazy mouth of yours,". He said placing his hands under my waist pulling me closer to him our body making contact and I hated the feeling my body was giving me.

He pinned my wrists and it hurts like hell.

"It hurts!" I whimpered as a tear slide down my face betraying me.

His face softened a little seeing the tears on my face and he stood up from me immediately.

I sat up immediately holding my wrists marks already on it.

"Get out!" He ordered and I left immediately without saying a word.

' To Hell with him!'


I've never got slapped in my life and I was shocked when a mere maid did this to me.

I was fuming with anger as I talked harshly with her even though I regretted my words but was more than shocked when she spoke back to me.

Anger evident in her voice, she had quite a temper and wasn't scared at all she tongue-lashed me with her words and even accused me of raping her.

It was all my fault though, I knew it, I shouldn't have tried kissing but she was way so tempting that I couldn't resist myself.

No girl has made me react that way ever before.

She made me dislike her with her attitude, she wasn't even scared I could do anything to her regarding I was a Prince.

What crushed my heart was the tears that escaped her eyes when I pinned her on the bed.

I regretted my actions and let go of her immediately.

"Fuck!!" I said angrily as I kicked the edge of my bed.

I was still angry as I sat on the bed trying to focus on something better but my mind kept going to her.

"How dare she?" I muttered.

I have to teach her a lesson she would regret but for now, I don't want to see her face ever again.

I sighed as I took my expensive iPhone and scrolled up my contact.

I need someone to relieve me of this anger.

I had lots of sexy girls contact and my mind went on Jenny.

I dialed her number and she picked on a go.

"Hey, baby!" She chirped happily.

"Are you at home?" I asked immediately.

"Yes baby," she almost screamed.

"Okay give me some minutes,  I'll be there," I said as I took my sunshades.

" I can't wait!!" She screamed and I hung up.

She was one of my chicks and good in bed.

I took my latest Ferrari sports car key and went out of the room.


Emilia ran out of the Prince's room and went to the servants' quarter immediately.

"Emilia! Emilia!!" Ava called as she ran up to her while Emilia tried to clean the tears on her face.

"Emilia why are you crying what's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"I don't want to talk about it," Emilia sniffed cleaning the hot tears on her face angrily.

"Is it Madam Julia? You know you can always tell me what's wrong with you I will be there for you always," She said as she wiped Emilia's tears with her thumb.

"No she's not the one, Madam Julia can't hurt me like this," Emilia sobbed.

"Then who?" Ava asked.

" The Prince," Emilia said with teary eyes.

" OMG!! what did he do? Did he touch you in any way you don't like?" She asked almost screaming as she checked Emilia's body.

" No!!" Emilia said.

"Let's go to your room, so you can talk better," Ava said as she held Emilia's hand drawing her to her room.

Ava closed the door behind her as Emilia sat on her bed cuddling herself with the little pillow while Ava sat beside her patting her back gently.

"So what happened?" Ava asked as Emilia closed her eyes shut trying to shut down the angry words the Prince said to her.

"He tried kissing..."

" Is he crazy must he try that with every single lady he comes across with," Ava said angrily.

" I didn't let him though but I-I-I..." Emilia stammered playing with her fingers.

" You did what Emilia?" Ava asked rubbing her back slowly.

" I slapped him," Emilia said breathing out deeply.

"OMG EMILIA!!" Ava gasped closing her mouth with her palms.

"He called me names saying I was a bitch and a whore and I slapped him again," Emilia said as she fisted her palms getting angry again.

" How dare he call you those names?" Ava said angrily.

" I'm so scared Ava, I slapped him and he threatened me, will he hurt me?" Emilia asked nervously as she held Ava's hand.

"He won't the Queen knows him as a nuisance, if he does anything to you don't hesitate to tell the Queen, She's a good person and judges rightly," Ava said confidently.

" Are you sure?" She asked her gazing into her eyes.

" Yes, I am, and by the way you deserve an award for slapping the cocky Prince, first time in history," Ava chuckled.

" I thought so too," She smiled but soon became worried again.

" C'mon Emilia, he won't do anything to you, don't let him spoil your mood," Ava pouted.

" He can't!" She smiled.

" Then let's do something interesting outside," Ava chuckled standing up from the bed dragging Emilia out of the room as they both giggled.

5 hours later.


I drove my Ferrari into Palace as I parked in my garage.

I had my separate garage where my cars were.

As I said earlier Jenny helped me enlighten my mood as I forgot totally about the crazy maid.

I got out of the car when a servant boy came to me and bowed.

"Your Highness, the Queen requested you join her in the dining room, " He said.

" Okay! " I said as I walked proudly into the palace and went to the dining room.

My mother was seated on the high chair always in her full glory.

"Evening my dear!" She greeted with a smile.

"Good evening mother," I said as I sat on the chair, throwing a few grapes into my mouth.

"Hope you had a nice day?" She asked.

"Of course mother," I smirked.

Mateo walked in and said something into her ear while she nodded.

"Good evening My Prince," Mateo greeted as he sat on the left side of my mother.

" Good evening Old man, " I smirked.

" Alex!!" My mother warned.

"What?" I chuckled.

" Be mindful of you talk to elders, "She glared at me while I rolled my eyes.

The maids started serving dinner and my mouth was watery.

I started eating immediately the food got to my front.

' God bless this cook! '

I took a spoonful of coconut rice in my mouth as I chewed it happily savoring its flavor.

"You are the new maid, Aren't you?" I heard my mother ask.

' Yes, I am. Your Highness," I heard a familiar voice say as I looked up immediately.

' What the hell is she doing here? '

I choked on my food as I began coughing badly.

"Here drink this water," Someone offered a cup of water to me.

I looked up and it was the same crazy maid with her angelic face.

I stared into her green eyes while she stared at me too.

I coughed once more as she patted my back slowly and I got the same shocking feeling calming me down immediately.

"Here drink this water, My lord," She said bowing her head lowly.

I collected the water from her and gulped it down my throat immediately and she smiled.

' Oh my God! She's hell way beautiful!'

"I will take my leave, Your Highnesses," She said bowing again and was about to leave.

"My dear, what's your name?" My mother asked her looking amused.

' What now!'

"Emilia, Your Highnesses,' She bowed as I stared at her.

"What a nice name, you will be my son's personal maid from now on," My mother said and she was shocked.

"What!!" I said almost jumping off my seat but I smirked when a thought came into my mind.

"I-I...." She was lost for word may be trying to look for what to escape from me.

"No argument, You will be his personal maid and get prepared for the royal meeting tomorrow you'll be by his side telling him what to do," My mother said finally.

"Yes, Your Highnesses," She smiled and stared at me while I smirked at her but she rolled off her eyes at me.

' She even rolled her eyes, she's way too bossy for my liking'