

*Sexy crown Prince Alex has just returned from overseas. Being a lover of beautiful women, he flirted with nearly every lady he crossed paths with, including the palace maids depressingly* *His mother, the queen was getting fed up with his inconsiderate and unprincipled activities but that was the least of her son's concerns* *Find out what happens when dear Prince Alex gets to know a newly maid in the palace who is bossy and when he was forced to marry a princess who casted a spell on him so he could fall in love with her*

seunpeace17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


The thoughts of what's wrong with my mother occupied my head.

I wasn't even looking in the direction of where we heading to the palace.

What, how, when was the question popping into my head regarding my mum's health issues.

Still deep in thought, "Come out," The guard smirked at me as I jolted up.

I came out of the car and stared at the beautiful and serene environment I was in.

This was much different from my side.

The palace was much bigger than I expected, well it's a palace though.

'What am I thinking, expecting a palace to be like a plot of land?' My mind asked while I smiled like an idiot.

There was a large fountain of water facing the main building of the palace and everywhere was surrounded by lovely flowers.

There were more trees on the farther side and it was rumored that there was a lake in the palace which I would get to adventure soon.

Still observing the environment, the palace guards motioned me to move forward.

I did as I was told, walking into the palace as I took notes of the carvings on the wall and the well-sculptured images.

We kept on walking as I saw other servants as they stood and gazed at me while they whispered among themselves.

We got into a place which I guess is a kitchen cause I could see young girls of my age watching plates while some were busy with food preparation.

"Oh! She's here," A fat middle-aged woman came over to me, she was wearing a white and black gown with a white apron.

The guards nodded and left while I looked timidly.

"What's your name dear?" She asked.

"Em-Emilia," I stuttered.

" What a nice name for a beautiful girl like you," She smiled.

" Thanks, ma'am," I said bowing my head a little.

" I'm Julia the palace head of servants, so I will tell you what you're to do but first let me show you to your room and give you your uniform." She explained.

' Wow! Lucky me, she's nice,' I thought within me.

' Yeah, kinda expecting a grumpy old lady,' My mind said while I chuckled.

" Is there anything you want to say?" Julia asked staring at me wondering why I laughed suddenly.

"No ma'am," I said trying to maintain a straight face.

" Wow! She's beautiful and sexy," A maid whispered into one of her friend's ears.

"I'm pretty sure the prince will take her in immediately he sets eyes on her," Another whispered.

" Oh yeah! Just pray she won't accept him, well every girl will die to be in the Prince's arm," Another whispered.

'Not me,' I thought rolling my eyes.

"Enough of the stares and bickering and get back to work immediately!" Madam Julia shouted making everyone shudder as they resumed their work immediately.

"Now let's go," she faced me as she led the way out of the kitchen while I followed her like a little puppy.

On the way, I met a few servant boys that stared at me while one dared to wave at me.

Madam Julia glared at them while they turned their back immediately and continued with their works.

"Oh you are such a beauty Emilia, I envy you but you have to be careful," She chuckled starting up a conversation as we turned into a corner before seeing a couple of houses which I think are the servant quarters.

I wasn't able to come with anything since the crazy guards came unaware.

"I will but I don't think I'm that beautiful for anyone to look at," I said.

" Says who, you are more beautiful than those crazy girls the Prince hangs out with," She grumbled.

She turned immediately facing me while I stayed rooted to my spot wondering what went wrong.

"Your eyes match so much with your appearance," She smiled.

" Thank you, ma'am," I heaved relieved.

' I was thinking she was about to scold me, aren't head of servants supposed to be strict or something?' I questioned myself.

"I just like you," She said taking my hands in hers as we resumed walking.

She told me some more important things about the palace which I needed to know till we got to the quarters and was showed my room.

"Here, get in," She said after she opened the door.

I got in and accessed the room.

' Well, not that bad almost like my room at home,'

"It's nice," I smiled.

There's was a little bed with a chair and a small cupboard which we can keep our things.

"Stay here a bit, let me get you your uniform," Madam Julia said and left.

I walked back into the room and sat lightly on the bed.

I raced my hands on the bed glad that the bed was soft and it would be comfortable sleeping on it.

' Well maybe this isn't a bad idea, the palace head of servants likes me and she's nice to me, that's a big luck,'

"Emilia are you in there?" Madam Julia knocked lightly on the door, jerking me up from my thought.

"Yes ma'am," I answered scurrying quickly to the door.

I opened the door and Madam Julia gave me a gown which was black and had white edges on the collar and arm.

"Try them on they should fit you," She said as I collected the clothes immediately from her.

I wore the clothes and they perfect, it reached below my knee a little and wasn't too tight.

I let down my hair to repack it when I heard a gasp behind me.

"Oh my God! Your hair is lovely," Madam Julia said behind me as she touched my hair.

" Please ma I don't want to cut it," I pleaded.

"No one is telling you to, c'mon let me plait it for you and pack it," She said as sat on the patting telling me to sit next to her.

I walked quickly to her and sat on the bed while she plaits my hair.

In a few minutes, she was done.

I checked myself in the little mirror and my hair was nice, she did French braid on my hair and tugged them into each other.

"Thanks, ma'am," I said with a smile.

"So I Will be appointing your work for you," She stood up from the bed as I nodded.

" Please ma'am, I have a question to ask I'm just so curious about it, " I said biting my lips.

' You want to ask her why she's nice huh!' My mind said knowing full well that's what I wanted to ask.

' Shut up'

Don't blame me though, I'm a bit curious about certain things.

"Yes darling feels free to ask me nothing," She smiled.

" I-I uhm! Why y-you nice with me?" I asked nervously playing with my fingers.

Her eyes soften a bit and it looks like she wanted to cry.

' Now you see what you caused with your dumb question,' My mind said.

' Keep shut'

Well, this is a habit of me fighting with my mind always.

"You look just my daughter dear," She sniffed.

"Wow! That's great where is she?" I asked.

" She died," She answered trying to fight back the tears and my face fell.

My mind was right, I shouldn't have asked the question in the first place.

" She was the only one I got, loving, gentle, beautiful, and caring, I missed her a lot," She smiled wearily to herself.

" I'm sorry ma'am, I'm sorry for recalling such a painful moment for you," I apologized.

" It's okay dear, now let's get you to work and one more thing don't fumble cause I won't hesitate to be strict with you," She said seriously.

" I won't ma'am," I said lowering my head.

"Good," She said and walked out while I followed behind her.

I pray I'm not given a hard task, I'm way too lazy for that.

' I pray you to get a harder one ' my mind said.

' You are too wicked to your self you don't even like me '

Still battling with myself, I followed Madam Julia out of the servant quarters quietly.