
Secret Of The Nightmares| Park Jimin Fanfic

"Why I'm supposed to suffer like this?" He was drowning in the deep ocean struggling to breathe. But it seemed he was trapped in the time lap. Every day brought a new trial for him and he entered a never-ending misery when he shut his eyes at the night as his nightmares about his past dragged him into the darkness but he wasn't aware that his nightmares had a secret which he wasn't aware of.

Rida_Kanwal · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 13

The whispers took a place in the meeting room when Mr. Kim announced about Jimin. While sitting on the chair amid the crowded meeting room Jimin was trembling his leg in nervousness as the flashback of the last time was wandering in his mind. when he had announced being mentally unstable in front of the same people and it was awkward for him to face their judging gaze.

However, despite all the nervousness he was feeling at the moment the thing which was bothering him constantly wasn't the weird gaze of people but the question that why Mr. Kim had allowed him to join the company which he had stolen from him. The company was the reason why he had to tolerate all the mental torture Mr. And Mrs. Kim had done to him then why he was being kind to him? Jimin wasn't able to understand.

"Mr. Park, you were the first person who had announced your mental illness and entrusted the company to the director Kim then what's the meaning of this sudden appearance? How can we trust you?" One of the shareholders of the company asked in a tone of disappointment and all the eyes were glaring at Jimin as he is a criminal who had murdered someone.

Jimin took a deep breath he gulped before starting to speak cleared his throat "I wasn't able to take care of my job at that time but now I think I'm capable to live an ordinary life like you all and I hope you'll help me to encourage myself" Jimin said with a straight face he ended his speech with a smile looked at Namjoon who was cheering him up.

"Of course Mr. Park we are always there to encourage you and I'm sure they all will do the same, Am I right Mr. Choi," Namjoon said looking at the shareholder who had raised the question with a very sarcastic smile on his face as he was disappointed the way Mr. Choi had talked with Jimin.

Mr. Choi smiled back. "Of course, we will support him," he replied and everyone gets agreed in the same Voice the meeting got ended and everyone left the room some of them greeted Jimin while the others weren't happy with his involvement. While sitting in his seat Jimin made Mr. Kim stop who was about to leave the meeting room.

"Why you're doing this to me? What do you want from me now?" Jimin asked in a serious voice glaring at him with his fierce eyes. He wasn't expecting something good which could comfort him but still, Jimin wanted to peek through in the depth of his mind so that he could save himself from his attack.

Mr. Kim turned back and a malicious smirk appeared on his face. "Are you afraid of me?" He asked stepped closer to him he leaned on the table he precised his collar. "I want my kids back and to get rid of you I've planned something big you hadn't expected before so just wait for the watch," Mr. Kim said looked at him with an evil smirk on his face. He then turned back and left the room while Jimin was now sitting alone in the room.

He was exhausted fighting with people who were way much powerful than him was nothing but a never-ending torment he wanted to get rid of. But it seemed he was stuck in a trap and the time had stopped for him. Lost in his thoughts he was staring at the table when his vision suddenly got faded he looked up and his eyes roamed all over the room suddenly he found himself sitting in that basement.

"Did I fall asleep again? Why I'm having dreams again?" Jimin thought. He got up from the chair once again his eyes wandered his surroundings. "Jimin please help me," A painful voice of a girl hits his ears and he looked at the girl laying on the floor covered in blood her face wasn't visible as the few strands of her hair were flowing on her face extending her hand she was begging for help in a voice filled with agony and pain.

"Who are you?" asked Jimin he heard someone's footsteps he turned back it was Dong Hyun again holding a sharp knife in his hand he was getting heading towards them. Jimin came closer to her bent down on his knees he tugged the strands of her hair behind her ears and the face had shocked him. With his widened eyes he crawled back. "Chae–Chaerin why you're here?" Jimin said. His lips trembled in fear his heart pounded faster than ever and the fear of losing her came into his mind and his body got weakened.

"Jimin please help me he will kill me, He will kill us both, Please do something, please Jimin please" Chaerin was begging pain was visible in her voice as she was crying her eyes loud.

Dong Hyun raised his hand to attack her Jimin came closer to her took her in his arms, "Don't kill her please don't kill her" Jimin yelled. He shut his eyes closed suddenly he felt the warmth of someone's hand on his shoulder he heard someone call him but the person wasn't a  stranger. He saw Namjoon in front of him as soon as he opened his eyes. "What happened Jimin–ah? Are you alright?" Asked Namjoon when he saw Jimin sitting on the floor and yelling as someone is going to kill him.

Jimin looked around him he was sitting on the floor of the meeting room and nobody was there except Namjoon. "Did you have a nightmare again?" Namjoon asked as he observed Jimin.

"Chaerin I want to see her, I want to meet her now," Jimin said while getting up he headed towards the hallway Namjoon tried to stop him he called his name but Jimin wasn't able to hear anything all he was thinking about was to see Chaerin as the dream had felt so real.

Walking through the long hallway Jimin hadn't realized how many times he had bumped with the people. He was madly running without even realizing that he could hurt himself. Jimin called the cab made himself sit in the backseat and told his address to the driver. He then took out the phone and dialed Chaerin's number.

"Hello, Jiminah, how's your first day going?" Asked Chaerin.

"Where are you now?" Chaerin received a question in return.

"I'm in the market," Chaerin replied.

"Okay send me the address," Jimin said to cut the call. Chaerin was confused as she had observed the worries in his voice she rashly send him the address and got busy in the shopping.






Taehyung was busy in a discussion about their next project along with Seokjin and Mr. Kim when Namjoon entered the room and made himself sit beside Seokjin. "I had told you to bring Jimin here it will be good if he takes a part in the next project," Mr. Kim said.

"I don't think he will be able to do anything until that bitch is haunting him in his dreams," Namjoon said clenching his jaw in a fit of anger.

"Want to happen why you look so angry?" Looking at him Seokjin asked.

"Jimin was sitting on the floor I've never seen him so sacred ever before as he was looking at that time, I asked him what happened but he told me he want to meet Chaerin then he left without explaining anything," Namjoon explained the whole situation.

"We need to take help of a priest so that we could get rid of her ghost" Mr. Kim suggested.

"No, Dad we already found someone who will help us, Soon everything will sort out once we meet him" Namjoon replied.

"Then it's good Jimin will be able to live an ordinary life," Mr. Kim said.

"Yes, of course, dad I will make it possible in any way I won't think twice if something wrong happens with him," Taehyung said glaring at his dad with his fierce eyes. He then got up from the couch and headed to the door. Namjoon and Seokjin were silently observing the tension in the room.

"You're angry with me because I steal Jimin's company or I didn't accept your so-called relationship with that jerk," Mr. Kim said making Taehyung stop at the doorway.

"Don't even dare to talk about Jungkook or I will forget that you're my father, I'm trying my best to hold myself back don't force me to lose my control," Taehyung threatened in a deep Voice.

"I wish I could forget that the third heir of the Kim family is gay," Mr. Kim said gave him a hatred glare. Namjoon who was trying his best to control his anger now got up and came in between them. "Enough dad you're crossing the line you shouldn't say something like this," Namjoon said. He held Taehyung's hand and left the room. Seokjin got up to follow them but Mr. Kim made him stop. "As an older son you should be on my side," Mr. Kim said.

"Since we have sides in our family," Seokjin replied, He then left the room. "Since that Jerk came in our family" Mr. Kim murmured threw the stuff from the table.