
Secret Of The Nightmares| Park Jimin Fanfic

"Why I'm supposed to suffer like this?" He was drowning in the deep ocean struggling to breathe. But it seemed he was trapped in the time lap. Every day brought a new trial for him and he entered a never-ending misery when he shut his eyes at the night as his nightmares about his past dragged him into the darkness but he wasn't aware that his nightmares had a secret which he wasn't aware of.

Rida_Kanwal · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 14

Chaerin was sitting on the bench in the park while waiting for Jimin when a cab stopped on the road and Jimin's eyes wandered his surroundings. "Jiminah," Chaerin yelled earned his attention. Jimin ran towards her he was gasping his eyes were red. Before Chaerin could ask something Jimin embraced her passionately.

She felt the warmth of his tears on her shoulder his firm grip around her back had merely increased her concern. "Jiminah please tell me what happened you're making me worried about you," Chaerin asked worriedly.

"I had a dream I usually have," Jimin started to speak, "But for the first time I saw her face and it was you," Jimin told her in a trembled voice.

"So what it was just a dream maybe Sunmi got angry so she did this to you," Chaerin said chuckled at his cuteness couldn't stop herself from adoring him for his childlike behavior. "Jiminah they are nothing just mere dreams you don't need to be afraid of them," She said.

Jimin now detached himself and started to speak again, "Today I got afraid not because of my dreams or I saw Dong Hyun I got scared because I felt the fear of losing you, I realized that how much you're important to me, I realized that I love you so much, so much that I couldn't even imagine my life without you promise me that you will always stay by my side promise me that you will never leave me alone promise me that you will love me for the rest of your life," Jimin's every word was filled with compassion making her heart throbbing against her ribs faster like never before.

How long she had waited to hear those three words from him how long she had waited for being the person in his life whom he would love with so much passion and today her long wait was finally ended. She now could estimate why he had come to her from afar the fear he was feeling now had been a part of her life since the day she had decided to love him forever.

She made herself stand on her tiptoes her fingers held his fingers tightly and a deep intense gaze took a place, "I promise you Jimin I won't leave you alone I will love you for the rest of my life I promise you that I will always be on your side no matter what," Chaerin replied her eyes were shedding the tears she was grateful for today to determine to do anything for saving the love of her life.

Jimin caressed his fingers in her hair and his lips moved in the arch of a smile as he had a feeling of serenity after seeing her face. Chaerin was smiling as well she wiped his tears "Now give me a huge smile," She said. Jimin flashed his eye smile to her. Holding each other's hand they started to walk casually.

"How was dad did he say something to you?" Asked Chaerin as the random thought came into her mind.

"He can't change he still trying to get rid of me, I wonder what he is up to this time," Jimin replied.

"Did he tell you something?" Asked Chaerin.

"He said he planned something big," Jimin replied releasing a long breath.

"I don't understand why he doesn't accept you, sometimes I feel ashamed of him," Chaerin said taking a deep breath to get rid of her anger.

"Let's not talk about him," Jimin said putting her hand near his chest.

"Yes, It's the best option," Chaerin said, "Anyway Jungkook is coming home to tell us about Sunmi," She informed as Jimin wasn't aware of his visit.

"Hobi will return in Soul as well with his friend who will help us to vet rid of Sunmi," Jimin said.

"Then it's mean soon we will get rid of all the problems," Chaerin said suddenly Jimin's phone ring interrupted their conversation.

He took out the phone and found the unknown number on his screen.

"Hello...," Jimin said.

"I think it's been long to make you forget my voice,"  A heavy manly voice replied and his hand started to tremble as the voice from the other side had shocked him and all the cruel memories of the past wandered in his mind. His fear reached its peak when he recognized the voice of Dong Hyun who had ruined his life and was somehow responsible for Sunmi's death as well at least in his mind. "D–o–n–g Dong Hyun," He could barely say his name and it was enough to make Chaerin shocked as well.

"I've heard that you're something trying to find out you shouldn't, but don't worry I will tell you everything once I see you in person," Dong Hyun said and an evil laugh echoed in his ears Jimin bent down on his knees as his feet were getting week and he had no energy left to stand. His heartbeat was elevated his hands were trembling in extreme fear his palms were sweaty and he was feeling chest pain forcing him to struggle to breathe.

Chaerin couldn't understand what she should say to him as she knew her few words couldn't calm the storm inside him, "Jimin let's go home," She said shook his shoulder but Jimin didn't respond he was staring at the ground with his eyes widely opened.

'Jimin please get up and let's go home," Chaerin said helping him to get up on his feet back. Jimin could hardly walk to the cab Chaerin had called for him and they both made themselves sit on the backseat and headed to the home.






Jimin ran towards the restroom as soon as they both arrived at home he locked the door and leaned over the sync started to throw up. He was constantly getting the flashback of that night when Dong Hyun's cruel act had spoiled him for the rest of his life. His evil laugh had reopened the old wounds he was trying to remove for fourteen years. He had never felt so angry as he was feeling at the moment staring at himself in the mirror he was cursing the moment when he had decided to go with Sunmi he never felt hatred regarding his parents but today he had loosened all the patience he broke the mirror through his hand and the few droplets of the blood started to drip down the floor but he didn't care at all. The wounds on his soul were much more painful than on his body He bent down on the floor and busted out in the tears.

"Why he was supposed to suffer like this? Why his parents didn't trust him? Why he was fated to go through all of this? Why even he was getting so much hate?" His mind was asking many questions but he had nobody to answer them. While knocking on the door Chaerin was hearing his painful crying. Her heart was aching she felt so helpless that for a moment she wished for burning the entire world for the sake of him.

Jimin cried until he got exhausted today he was feeling as he was still a ten years old Jimin who was still stuck in that basement and needed his mother to hug him. But she had left him alone long ago, He had never felt so alone as he was feeling today. Anger, pain, hatred, and fear, his every emotion was at their peak and he was desiring to kill every single person who was responsible for making his life miserable.

Lost in his thoughts he was sitting in the restroom still shedding the tears from his swelled eyes. leaning his head on the wall he was staring at the broken pieces of the mirror he was holding in his hand. "Should he kill himself or not, Will everything disappear once he gets rid of his life? "

There was a fight inside him but Jimin couldn't decide what should he do. Every cruel memory was roaming in his mind and scratching his soul. Hearing the voice of that devil was too much to bear for him. Chaerin now brought the hammer so that she could break the lock. She was afraid that Jimin might have done something wrong with himself and merely the thought was making him shiver in fear.