

Oblivious to all those hateful looks., Kathie reached her seat

Then, kathie saw Amy who is eyeing her suspiciously. Amy is Kathie's girl best friend (author's note : not the secret love...coz our FL is not a lesbo . Don't get any wrong ideas according to the novel name)

Then Amy enquired her in a whispering tone - "why did you do this Kathie..!? Am sure you did this on purpose. Can I know why is it? .. Don't tell me you did this for sid ..!! Even I saw that those people are bullying him. I know you have feelings for him...now tell me."

Then Kathie who is nonchalantly reading her book lifted her head and said to Amy - " It's nothing like that you know . I am just doing my duty as a class representative." though she is feeling nervous in her heart .

When Amy was about to retort ....the bell rang indicating it was time for lunch break.

Then Kathie tried her patent diverting technique - " you know I have brought your favourite dish for lunch today." She knows her best friend is a foodie..

Being a foodie , Amy who was in serious mood before changed into her cheerful mood and exclaimed " yo...!! I know you are only best friend...I love you so much..Now hurry and give me your lunch box. oh, and by the way ...take mine from my bag."

Seeing that her best friend is successfully diverted , Kathie sighed in relief... Because she know that Amy will not spare her if she knows that she did that for sid. Although she knew she had feelings for sid...she don't have the courage to accept them and she keeps on denying them.

while she was in a daze ... Joe , who is one of her friends noticed her and he came towards her in large strides... and shouted - " why did you do that..!? you know how tough is advanced mathematics. "

Listening him , she came out of her daze and laughed loudly seeing that noone except for Amy and Joe is there in the classroom and she said " haha ....you deserve it...haha...."

when she said those words , Amy laughed while eating her favourite dish and he frowned..." you know I hate advanced mathematics and you don't have to be cruel towards the whole class... only some people are making noise "

Listening to him...she said with a smile on her face " I am just being responsible for my duty as class representative. That's not my fault though..I only reported them to the incharge...how come I know that he will make such decision "

He immediately retorted " what will happen if you not follow your so called duty duty as class representative for once "

Amy also said..." yeahh....exactly..." though she is feeling something is going on in her best friend's mind

She once laughed and said.." you know me right...!? I never run away from my duties and by the way , there is only 15 minutes left for the break ...being a slow eater , will you be able to complete your lunch..!?"

He glared at her and said " Okay , you win....now I am going to have my lunch in the canteen . do you both want anything...!?"

Kathie and Amy looked at each and laughed.

" I am already having my favourite dish...what will want now..." Amy replied . Although she is a foodie, now she wants him to go away so that she can talk to Kathie in private

" I too don't want anything..." kathie replied and when he was about to go " oh...by the way...all the best for the test tomorrow.." she lightly giggled.