

After Joe left the classroom , while Kathie was having their lunch , Amy said - " Kathie...I need to ask you something.. and you should promise me to be honest....okay...!?"

Listening this , Kathie felt nervous... even though she is nervous , she have to answer her friend's question . So she sighed inside and said..." Hmm...I will try to be honest .."

Amy then continued - " you did that for Sid ...right...!?"

Kathie knows that she will be asking this question...so she nodded helplessly

Then Amy said " I know you did this for him and I know you have feelings for him . But, why don't you admit those feelings and he has the right to know your feelings...right..!? even though there is no guarantee that he reciprocate your feelings."

Kathie knows her friend is right but she somehow couldn't accept these feelings . she then said - " I know you are right...But I don't have the courage to admit them and tell him about my feelings . even if I somehow managed to accumulate the courage and tell him about my feelings and if he rejects me and hates me for holding such thoughts....what should I do..!?"

Thinking about this Kathie felt depressed...and she couldn't help but think about the situation..

Seeing her Friend who is depressed , Amy snorted and said - " okay then , please don't be disappointed..I won't ask about this again . But please don't make such a scene for him in future ..okay..!? because scoring more than 90% in advanced mathematics is tough and moreover it's too tiring.."

As she heard what Amy said...Kathie couldn't help but giggle -" okay ....we will see next time ..okay..!? but anyone who will bully him will not escape my wrath okay..!?"

Seeing that her friend came to her normal state , Amy also erupted in laughter.... soon they both laughed until they couldn't breathe...

Soon after their classes are completed..all the students dispersed from the class ..

But when Kathie was about to leave the class...she heard someone gossip - " why does she have to do that..!? even though we make noise in the class ... what's her problem with that."

Soon after someone said that , Joe interrupted " she is the class representative....it's her responsibility...you know...!!"

The one who earlier said those words is none other than lily ...whom Kathie hated most...she is a double tongued person . even if someone is behaving badly , she doesn't bother . But , when someone acts pretentiously , she hates them to the core .

Hearing Joe defend her.. Fred , who is the main culprit behind all this ruckus , came forward and smirked -" so what if she is class representative , she doesn't need to do this.."

Fred used to be the topper of the class before Kathie took admission . He always wanted to defeat her , but even if he tried so hard ... he couldn't defeat her. so he kept a close eye on her . he somehow came to know that she has some special feelings towards sid . After knowing this , he know this is the only way he could defeat her . so he always finds a way to bully Sid ; just so that she couldn't concentrate on her studies .

He didn't expect her to be this strong . Even if he continued to bully him.. she didn't let down her guard . He couldn't help but admire her even if he hate her .

Kathie know that Fred is doing this on purpose . so , when she heard his words , she turned back and glared him and said -" oh...now you will teach me what I should and what I shouldn't do..!? " she laughed out loud

Hearing this ...lily and Fred scoffed while Joe burst out laughing.

after seeing that her best friend is not following her , Amy turned around and shouted " Kathie , are you going to come by yourself or I should drag you out " oblivious to all the situation that's happening there ..

Kathie smirked and left with Amy . Joe also followed them leaving both Fred and lily standing there