

"Don't you how to behave in the class..!? Now I'm going to report all the people who were making ruckus in the class to the class incharge." Kathie roared to the class and was charging out of the classroom

But at that moment.....someone yelled at her - "who do you think you are...!? you are just a mere student like us . Who gave you the right to report us to the incharge . If you think by reporting to the incharge may scare us...!? Then, well..,let me remind you...we won't be scared.."

Then Kathie stopped in her track...and she yelled back - " oh...now you are shouting at me. Then let me remind you , that I am appointed as the class representative. I have that right to report troublemakers to the incharge And one more thing ....hmm...just leave it...you will see later on"

By shouting all these words Kathie stormed out of the classroom

kathie , a 15 years old girl who is in her tenth standard in a renowned school in city V . She is from middle class family. So, she was forced to work hard from her childhood . But she never complains because she love to know new things and to excel in her academics .

From her childhood, she is very studious . she does not participate in any extra curricular activities. even if she has free time...she just reads books to gain knowledge and only sometimes she reads comic books to ease herself from the stress.

when she left the classroom...everyone went silent. They know how ruthless kathie is . she would go to any lengths to keep the class silent . of course this is the top section of the grade , and they are little more disciplined than the other sections.

when Kathie went and complained to the incharge , he immediately believed Kathie and he stormed towards the classroom and questioned all of them but none of them answered

Then the incharge felt angered because the class was not answering

so he glared at them and said - " okay.., since you are not answering me...I take silence as agreement and I thereby announce that the class will have an advanced mathematics test tomorrow in the morning...and whoever scores less than 90% will be suspended for the next week"

Saying this he left the classroom

Then slowly Kathie made her steps towards her seat

guys...it's not a real story....and I hope all you like it

kathiecreators' thoughts