
Second Prince

My name is Lyra Blackwarm, I'm 20 years old a college student and an author.. but right now.. I'm got kidnapped with my own character that I made!

AyamGoreng · Fantasy
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7 Chs


his eyes stared silently at me and none of us started the conversation, come on you two! don't be quiet like this, I better hear the sound of frogs rather than having to hear the sound of your breath.

hm ... or maybe they are thinking about the meaning behind my beautiful name. hehe.. well, I started to like this silence.

"So your name is Uri, correct?" He holds his chin while thingking, so you think that my name is so beautiful right? Come quickly praise me, it's great to hear praise from the mouth of an arrogant person like you. "what a shameful name. " what the-

"I think I heard wrong just now. " he bowed his head with an insulting smile on his lips, " but you really is have a dog name. " he give me a smirk.

"What the hell are you saying!" this time it felt like my head felt hot and my chest felt tight, right now I really angry at him, "that's definitely not a dog's name! Even dogs don't have names like that!"

"well, of course dogs don't have names like that, " he smiled, " 'cause they even have a better name than you." he chuckled at me, and even Evan covered his mouth to keep from laughing.

OH MY GOD!! I really want to slip his legs and then deliberately set my feet into each of their faces! I've never been humiliated like this! how could you equate my name like a dog's name. so mean..

"stop this joke, all of this just waste of time. " he sighed. You're the one who's started this! you damn prince!

"Instead of spending time talking about that silly name, I'd better do something useful." What's with him? he who started mocking the name that I painstakingly made, em ... even though I actually got it from the internet but still! he's not polite to say me like that.

you insolent prince!

just go far far away, so that I can't see you or even smell your scent. just hearing your name honorably makes me want to puke.

instead of leaving here, he stopped before holding the door handle. "Oh, don't forget to bathe her, Merry." after he closed the door, then I realized ... that he really thought of me like a dog.


I don't know how long I've been soaking in this tub, while thinking about how I can strangle him in his sleep. this hatred made me want to flank his head in my armpits until he passed out.

who doesn't hate being humiliated like that! first, he kidnapped me and took me to a strange place with a dilapidated building that could collapse at any time, then second! he chained me like a wild beast who could eat his head round, and if I could do it I would have done it earlier. then third! he even considered me like a dog!

no wonder a lot of people hate this insolent prince! he's suitable to be a villain. if there is a test to become a villain, then he will be the number one.

"That insolent prince, really makes me heart attack if he always pisses me off like this" I muttered under the foam. when you think about it, bathing like this feels good, the soap smells nice, and the water is warm. like being spoiled at a spa.

even though I wanted to act like a mermaid in this big tub, but Merry's presence here actually made me unable to move at all.

I've never bathed together with other people like this! even though he actually just stood there. Moreover, he just kept quiet like effigy.. mybe just a little trick to break the awkward atmosphere between us, and I need someone who might be my chat buddy. seeing how the prince and Evan treated me like that, it wouldn't end well if they became my chat buddies.

Wait a minute, why did I even think about it ?! if it is true that they are in the world that I made, then I am in a different world ... why am I even thinking of looking for friends to chat with instead of getting out of this world?

Well even so, I have to make a plan. at first I have to remember what story I'm entering right now. even though I already know the name of that impudent prince, but still I don't remember anything ... and again, for some reason that name makes me feel uncomfortable.

Adriel huh?

"Is there anything I can help, Miss Uri?" She's very sharp, just know there're many questions in my head. "um .. your name is merry right?"

"yes, miss. you can call me anything" Well, maybe you want to be called by the name of a dog like me? "nah, just Marry. I want to ask you something. " there's no time to play, I must immediately gather information from anywhere.

"yes? " although he answered it calmly, I saw his hands holding each other so as not to tremble, why are you afraid of me? Just look at two annoying people before, they even laughed at me. "Do you know the real name of that impudent prince??" maybe knowing his real name would make me remember a little of the book he came from.

"Of course I know, ma'am." ouh .. now he calls me ma'am, not miss creatures or anything, "he's the second prince of the western kingdom, Isolde. prince Adriel Frederick Yair de Walker. "

adriel huh? Right, the name really reminds me of something and it pisses me off.

wait, she said that this is western kingdom, and why this place is even hotter than my house where the air conditioner is broken.

"you said western, no?" without realizing I leaned closer to the edge of the tub to hear my answer. "Is the West really this hot?" if the west is this hot, how about the east? maybe my feet will melting.

"Ah, not ma'am. right now you're in the east area. precisely in ..." Instantly he stopped talking and closed his mouth tightly, what's wrong with her? he even bowed his head like that, like someone who has made a mistake that makes his head a bet.

I think I should provoke her first, "look Merry, do you still remember what Prince Adriel said before?" I stretched my body back, "Ah, do you mean your name is like a dog's name?" why did she say it with a plain face like that? !!

"NO! the other one" I spontaneously looked at her annoyed, and then she start thingking again. Does she think hard? though her face was like a child who was asked whether the first one to appear was an egg or a chicken, but still waiting for her to remember it was too long.

"ahh~ that, he called me damn God. " I'm sighed, "do you know what it means?" I grinned proudly. "that means ... you were insulted by him?" he replied in a stuttering manner.

WHYYY!!!! I'M CREATED THIS WORLD, BUT WHY?!!!! Why are the people here not respecting me at all?!

"No that 'damn' word, but the 'God' I mean." I tried to hold back my anger in chest. "If the prince said that I'm a God, then I have such the power."

"I know if you don't want to talk out of fear that the prince will behead you or something, but I'm here to help, remember?" I looked at her trying to convince. "but if none of you tells about your problems, how can I know?"

"aren't you a god? You should know our problem right?" his eyes turned glazed and could just spit out all the tears in them, "Oh! tha-that, When I arrived at this place it seemed like I was losing my strength, so I couldn't read your minds." why am I even nervous like this?

"so you can read my mind?!" oh .. looks like she was eaten by tricks, "of course, if my strength back. it'll easy. " I'm smirking.

instead of feeling helped and showing a face full of happiness because there was a kind-hearted god who would save this dilapidated kingdom, he instead showed a face of fear towards me. " ah ... it's like i said, if my strength returns i can read your mind, but now i'm just an ordinary person who was kidnapped by the kingdom of nowhere. "

"and of course, this's just our secret. " hear me say that, she straightened her body confidently. "just us? " she asked to be sure, I nodded.

"well.. " several times he averted his eyes from me, "prince Adriel was exiled to the eastern region which is still part of the kingdom of Isolde. we, his servants, were exiled because we were under his aegis." hm.. poor of you guys, if I were you maybe I'll kill him with poison or something teribble 'cause of his arrogant nature and of course because of him that all of you got to life in this nowhere place. such a pity.

"because he ... has been accused of killing the empress. "

What the chicken balls, he did what?!


the wind blew so slowly and warmly, it made me won't to leave this comfortable couch.

the sun is shining warm and the wind is increasingly cold, it seems the sun will set soon. Am I at home? This smell reminds me of someone, the perfume I like. I miss this..

No, this is not him ... even though they use the same perfume, but I feel this is not him ... who? who uses the same perfume as him? I want to see that person, I want to kick his ass...

I slowly opened my eyes. I saw it blurred, but I'm sure in front of me is someone .. he seemed to going somewhere, I couldn't see him clearly. What is this? why does it feel like my eyes are swollen like this.

Even though I can't see clearly, but I'm sure I've seen his hands move towards me ... my mouth can't speak, my hands feel stiff and my body is petrified ... I can't move.

he touches my cheek, strokes it softly ... just as he often does when I have nightmares, he will do the same.

is that really him? does he hear me? I can't move, I can't scream, it's like I'm dead, but unfortunately I'm still breathing ..

I'm scared ... so scared.

Shortness of breath in my chest, my whole body went numb except for my cheek touched by him. am i going to die?

for a moment I felt my head being patted by him softly, I saw his lips say something .. but I could not hear it. my eyelids close slowly, if I closed my eyes.. is he still here? or he will go like others? are you going to leave me too?

He didn't answer, but he just smiled at me ... warmly.

I want him to reply to my words, not just smiling like that ...

but, because of that little smile, my heart feels calmer. For the first time in a long time, I thought that I would have a good dream tonight.


"WHAT HAVE YOU EATEN, GIOO!! IT'S TULU-... food.. eh? " .. am I just sleeping? ah~ as I thought that that hilarious dream about that prince bloody eyes..

"fu~ that impudent prince.." I lay my head back on the pillow, "who do you think that impudent prince is?" HEH?!

heh? who?? Who is there? Why is there someone in the room? wait a minute! big place and lots of luxury stuff like this, this is NOT MY ROOM!

"after delirious carelessly, now you even insult me ​​like that?" those red eyes and black hair with that brash attitude?? prince Adriel! s-so~ I'm not dreaming? all of this shit, just real?

and how can I done sleep here? Didn't I just sleep at the sofa under the window? Can I even sleep walking now? It seems like I have to confirm something.

"Hey you! " he was surprised when I yell at him, "me? " he pointed himself. "yes, of course you, who else?" I replied

"Who do you think you are to order me like th-" before the prince could finish replying to me, I pulled his hand, "Wh-What are you doing?!" he was surprised and tried to pull his hand back.

"just give me a sec, I've to confirm something. " without thinking I directed his hand and slapped his hand on my face.


aw.. it's hurt. so.. it's not just my dream or something, I really is got kidnapped to another world by this.. impudent prince..

huh? why does he see me like that? why was he surprised like that?

"Prince Adriel, miss Uri!" at the same time as Evan entered the room, Adriel let go of my hand in a flash, "wh-what is it, Evan?" he stuttered, what happened to him?

"what's wrong with you, your majesty? your face looks pale. "he said attentively towards adriel, When I looked, Adriel's face did look panic and pale ... was he sick? geezz ~ what do I care about. " ehem.. I'm fine, Evan. say what makes you so enthusiastic. " even so he spoke calmly, truly symbolizing the royal family. but whatever it is, I won't admit it.

"I have an idea," he said with a face full of divine light, "what if you take him around your noble palace, who knows Miss Uri can remember everything" No. This is a bad idea.

I don't want to walk with the cold-hearted prince and has rumored that he killed the empress with his hand!! I must reject it!


" NO! "

That voice. Prince?

"I won't. " he said that suggestion with a face full of rejection. Good! thank you for representing me. I have to carry out my plan to win the trust of all your subordinates, so that I can incite them to betray you, hehehe .. what a good plan to apart from you, so that I don't become a victim of murder ... damn, because Merry said that horror story last night, it made me imagine a terrible thing.

"I have something to do after this, Evan. You can replace me to take him around. " NO! my plan can be ruined if you do that, "but, Your majesty it's better if you do this, because you're the main character in the story. " NOOO!! it would be even worse if he accompany me around.

But, wait! is he said main character in the story? am I misheard?

" I don't care about that story, I won't walk together with someone who has a dog name like her. " he said while looking down on me, Ah! damn it! why he always pisses me off.

"What did you said?" this time I was really upset and only thought of one thing, "what? " he crossed his arms, "That you have a dog name? " he stressed her voice. This little Rat.

You know, when someone really annoys you and there must be someone to wake him up ... then don't use sweet words like an adult, just do violence like a thug.

although he had felt this before, but it looks like his little brother in there, had to be kicked twice. I don't care how much people call you the worst than the worst, but when you look down on me like that. I will not hesitate to kick your crotch, damn it!

"Yo-yu-you little witch.. " I heard his voice getting smaller and smaller, and finally he fell.

"Your majesty!!!!" Evan's screams were shrill in this room, " How could you do this to his majesty?! " is he angry at me? how funny.

I glanced annoyed and crossed my arms in front of my chest, "So what? Are you going to cut off my head ,because I was just being harassed by the words of a prince who should say honorably to a woman?" after I said that, Evan was silent and look at me with a look of disbelief.

"than you scold me for the prince's mistake, you better tell me how do you know, that all of you was from the story I made?"

That should be my question since the first time they brought me to this strange world, how do they know if I made them?