
Second Prince

My name is Lyra Blackwarm, I'm 20 years old a college student and an author.. but right now.. I'm got kidnapped with my own character that I made!

AyamGoreng · Fantasy
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7 Chs


since I was little, I lived happily with my two siblings. We understand each other, and of course fighting is one of the routines, with my parents who always look affectionate make us look like we were like a happy family like the drama my grandmother often watched at her home.

I am a little different from them, starting from how they can be better than me in terms of education or our faces that have no resemblance at all.

because I thought that I was not diligent at studies that made me stupid, and my face was more similar to my Asian mother than my father who was European. so I thought everything was like what I was thinking.

that we're Happily Family.

yeah, like a fairy tail.

Until one night, my father came home all reek of alcohol.

at that time I was willing to stay up late to show him my trophy in the poetry competition between schools, and of course, I didn't know that he was drunk.

I carry the Trophy and hope for even a little, that he gives me a praise. However, it seems I did it at the wrong time. he looked at me with a look of annoyance, as if I was the cause of the reason he came home so late at night drunk. even though I was still in elementary school, I felt that his gaze was not good.

before I could step away, his hand swung towards me and without realizing I was thrown far back.

it all happened a few seconds before my mother appeared carrying water from the kitchen, even though she had reminded me to stay away from him because his feeling was in a bad state. Even though I didn't listen, I didn't think it would end like this.

he pointed at me with a lot of curses and insults. I was so surprised, I could not even cry, despite hearing so many heartbreaking words.

at the same time, I thought that, this happy family was not for me.


"don't daydream and answer my question, you damn God!" This damn prince awakens my daydream, is there no courtesy in this world to talk to gods like me? he even called me damn God.

"stop calling me like that, you insolent prince!" I snapped back with my arms crossed in front of my chest, until whenever I don't want to lose to someone like him.

he saw me surprised because I cursed him back, "i-insolent?!"

"Well yeah! you are insolent! how can I hear your question if I'm treated like this!" I glared at him, "how can a royal family treat his guests like this. "

"You never even registered as my guest, why do you expect to be appreciated when you are the one who ruined my life" Ah!!! why does he always bring up stories that I don't even remember or even never made at all!

I have to think, how can he be afraid of me even a little. very annoying if I was yelled at by my own creation. If there is something that he he will bend his knees to me. "if I'm the one who ruined your life, why did you brought me here?!" I must fight him!

"I brought you here, 'cause I have a request for you. " He asked for help but with such a killing look, is it really true that he asked for help or threatened me?

"I want you, " he pointed at me, "to make me be an emperor. " in a very confident tone.

"why should I. " I immediately answered, his face was shocked, " of course it must be you! because you made all this, that means you can change it too. " I don't even know which story I'm in, why he is so sure that I can chance his missarable life?

Think Lyr! you have to think!

if he believes that I can change his life, then I can take this opportunity to ...

go home.

"What? you can't?" he crossed his arms and one of his eyebrow raised. this little rat, always on my nerves.

"then give me a paper or anything that i can write" I'm shout, " and look what God can do. "I smiled with satisfaction, even though I don't know what I can do by writing like this.

Please forgive me God!

I brought your name so that I could go home and meet my beloved Bed and of course Tulutulu.

I used to read comics like this before, that he would change the world he made by writing the story again ... but I forgot what the ending was like.

"as you wish." he glanced at Evan as if he gave him the code to get the item I asked for.

we are silent and not talk to each other, even though once in a while our eyes meet each other's eyes, at that moment we will look away from each other annoyed. until finally Evan came and opened the thing they called paper here.

"do you call this paper?" I glanced at him hoping he explained the paper and pen that I had to use right now, "so, do you want to write it on your hand?" he glared back at me.

"how can I write on this fluffy paper, you dumbasses. " I muttered to myself, "what? " he replied me.

"oh it's no-nothing! " why am I getting nervous like this? "I just get too used to write on.. this.. fluffy thing.. " do I look disgusted right now? how can I write in this completely uneven surface?!

"haah.. " he let out a heavy breath, "Evan, get that paper to her. " he frowned, I looked that Evan shock about what this insolent prince said.

Evan hurried out of the room and returned with a rolled-up paper, thinner and smoother than the previous one, this is just the paper I'm saying, even though the quality is better in my world than what's here.

"This is paper! " I say with a better expression than seeing the previous one, "instead of the fluffy .. uneven paper. " just remembering it makes me shiver all over my body.

I have fear, either horrified or even amused me, I do not like inanimate objects that are in the form of feathers. seeing something hairy on inanimate objects makes me feel weird, and I don't like it.

"yeah, according to the price. the price is high, the quality will also be high. " he said as if asking me to write by risking my life in every word, "so write it properly. "

why did I create a villain who is cold, heartless and annoying like this. of course I have to make a criminal like that! the reader will not be satisfied, if not met with villain who are heartless and like to bring down the main character.

damn it! I don't know what to write on paper that is worth the price of my life. when I panic like this, I can't think straight. Keep calm Lyr.. Keep calm.. I have to make calm of my mind... start with imagine if that impudent prince..

would bend his knees in front of me and would like me so much that he forgot his goal of becoming emperor, wait! what nonsense i blabbering for, stupid. that's impossible for him who is hungry for the throne, there's no love in his history.

hm.. what can be written as a trial huh? maybe remove the robe so that I can see the muscles again ..

"heh?.. " I look at my paper, but there is already writing on it, "EH! " I wrote these stupid things without even realizing it?!

'I hope the robe is torn and shows his blessed muscles'

and for what reason I write those words?! even add the word 'blessed'!

I don't even dare to see the prince at this time, even though my desire is very big ... but my sanity refused.

I don't want my stupidity to be a reason so he can insult me ​​again, but I can't delete it, should I just write it off? or should I just tear the paper? no no no no! This paper is worth my life, I can be beheaded without respect in the middle of the desert. I have never even felt what love is?! why do I have to die in vain at the hands of my own character, it will not happen!

"let me see what you write in there. " the prince walked over to me and opened his hand to see the results of my work, NO! he can't see the writing that risked my pride.

"No! " I deftly refused

he was a little surprised by the reaction, but instead he replied with a sigh, "give it to me, I have to read that. "

"no-no! it's just trial, you don't have to see it. " why is my voice trembling like this?

"precisely because it's a trial, it must be seen how the results from your writing" He replied

"NO!" I couldn't help anymore, but I didn't accept that he would see this accidental writing.

"oh c'mon, I don't care about your bad writing. I just want to see what you wrote there. " he still insisted, "or.. you write something to corner me? " the expression on his face changed, and before I looked away from his face, he immediately snatched the roll of paper from my arms.

"you.. " he pressed one of his eyebrow, "really write this? " and then look at me. I don't know what gaze he currently gives me right now.

in the name of the great Thor, I really love every muscle in your body, but it seems like from now on I have to stop adoring muscles because of my fallen pride.

"so.. you want me to undress?", he looked at me with a look as if to say, 'do I have to follow your stupid wishes? '

Oh my God! it feels like I want to jump from a balcony. there was no way he would do such a thing, even though just the three of us in this room. but it's still so embarrassing! if possible I want to throw my face far far away

" okay. " he answered briefly, clearly and concisely

and of course that answer shocked me, but I hoped for the same thing, "you what?! "

"your majesty!" Evan's panic made me believe that my ears had not been misheard, because often these ears are not useful when needed.

"it doesn't matter as long as she want to help me become the emperor. " he's opened his robe slowly, Geez! even his shoulders make my heart beat abysmally, this can't be continued anymore!

"ah! no! it's not what it is," I closed my eyes, though several times peering through the gap in my fingers, "like I said, its just trial. "I say it even though my heart says differently. I hope that he immediately showed the majesty of the muscles of his body, that calmed my soul.

" hm.." his gaze was filled with suspicion, right now I can only smile like a fool. please don't chop my head off.

"Haah... I don't know what you are thinking right now, " he Sighed, then pulled his robe back over his shoulders, damn .. my chance. "but it looks like you need time to calm yourself down" finally he understood what I felt right now.

He Glanced at my feet, "You can untie her, Evan. it looks annoying. " then sit in a chair next to the window. only now did You think that this chain was annoying?! I've been asking for this damned object removed from me . "yes, your majesty. "said Evan and that he untied the chains that bound my feet.

"You can clean yourself first, Merry will help you" He said it as if there were no problems between us, I stood up annoyed. "Who do you think you are to order me like that, huh ?!"

"just a damn God who ruined my life" he frowned when look at me. that piss me off, the way he call me like that. "stop calling me like that!" I shout, "I have a name. " I stressed my voice.

"Really? " how could he question such thing? of course all beings in the world have names, even Satan has his own designation. "of course. " I replied arrogantly

"My name is-" before I could finish speaking, the door suddenly opened, "forgive me your majesty, " he did not even have time to bow respectfully, "we have a problem. " he said with breathless gasping.

without questioning what the problem was, this prince Adriel immediately stood up. "show me. " He following where the guard directed him, but suddenly he stopped right in front of the door.

"Evan help Merry to take care of this damn God. " he even added the word 'damn' to call me? if I really is a God, I'll curse you to dust.

cursing huh ..?

it reminded me of the first time he met him, he accused me of cursing his life to be difficult like this ..

even though I didn't mean to do this to him, he just did his role ... just like the other characters.

compared to the main character, the evil character seems to be the reason for how a story can live. without a villain like him, the heroes would not exist in this world. Stop this guilty feeling! Back to the problem's here!

if my writing doesn't affect to people in this world, then I have to find another way. what if I write in to myself, is this an effect?

'I wish I have wings'

hm.. does this cross the line of stupidity? is it because at the same time I'm thinking of angels, so I want to have wings like them? maybe I'll look elegant and amazing with those wings. oke.. , my stupid thinking starts poisoning my sanity.

"Miss? "Evan's voice surprised me, and thankfully he woke me up from my subconscious. " ah y-yes? " I answered him

"mm.. I'm sorry for the trouble before. " he bowed his head, " I advise the prince to tie your feet, miss." oh?! apparently not that brash prince apparently.

"I'm very sorry about that, if there's anything I can do for you ... " he untied my legs with regret on his face.it made his handsome face look sluggish and contorted, no! things like this can't make that handsome face disappear!

"it's okay, Evan." I pulled Evan cheek to make a smile on his face, "Just apologizing is enough." then I gave a sincere smile that I could give him.

Did I say the wrong word? Is my face like a fool now? why Evan saw me like that? Evan please !! say something! don't just keep quiet like that. Your gaze makes me feel weird.

"Mr. Evan, I'm sorry for my intrusion. as ordered by His Majesty, from now on I will help Miss Creatures" even though you said with a sweet face, but why did you come along to call me like that? don't follow their folly.

not! I can't show my presence in this place, I don't know what will happen after I tell my name or something.

but if they keep calling me like that, my ears will explode and my sanity will disappear.

"Don't call me like that. " I Glared to them, and stunned everyone in the room, okay it seems my sanity is starting to fade, I'm acting out of common sense again. "I have a name." I crossed my arms annoyed.


I should keep quiet and monitor all the process, that possibly can make me return to my world! so why did I fight back and show myself like this??


that voice?!

the cold voice that pierced my neck from behind, filled with vengeance and curses at me. that voice was none other than this little brat. Brat in a prince body.

he stared through his curling eyelashes, a gaze that seemed to look down at me .. assumed I didn't have a name. "what is your name? "

so what made everyone stunned was not because I was angry, but because he was here, with unpleasant air along with his shadow.

I slowly lowered my hand ... Ah shit! I just wanted to act like a God who can destroy your kingdom anytime, you damn it! however each time he appeared, he destroyed all my acting.

I don't know what this guy looks like, bad feelings always upset me when I see and heard his name.

I feel guilty for making him a villain, but at the same time there is a feeling that he deserves to be cursed like that.

"my name is.. " I'll not sink into his command or my fear with him, therefore my name must be able to stand and shine alone, "Uri."

Uri, means Light.