
Second Coming of Gluttony: The Regend

Striving to achieve and surpass what the previous bearers of the mantle, Sasaki Kojiro had achieved. Always striving and living by the sword.

LazzyD · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 5

A/N: Sorry for the lengthy chapter but Im sure you'll love it. I've decided to go past my sleep schedule and deliver the 5th chapter. I still hate the second season of the manhwa. They ruined the art.

The monster quickly fled as Kojiro sighed before returning to the convenience store and picking out his favourite flavours. "Oh they even have grape pocky! Woah is that mango? Strawberry and even Melon?" He took a few boxes and placed them into his pockets before offering a grape flavoured pocky to Yun Seora "You should try it. Grape's my favourite flavour." Yun Seora placed the tip into her mouth before nibbling it and soon began munching away like a rabbit. Kojiro rushed everywhere packing whatever he needed into Yun Seora's bag.

Soon later Kojiro and Yun Seora had made their way to metal bars. Before Yun Seora touched the bars as it rose only to fall back down again. Kojiro chuckled as he pointed tot he red button. Yun Seora quickly pushed it as they made their way into the room.

Inside there were multiple people and the monster who had a woman and a kid in its arms. Kojiro could only watch as the man refused to open the doors. It was his choice in the end and Kojiro had no right to tell him what to do. The woman and daughter soon had their heads chomped and bodies ripped apart as the monster soon parted. Yun Seora watched in horror while the only consolation she got was an offering of grape pocky.

Soon enough the rest of the survivors had arrived at the silver haired man's gate. Kojiro had no intention on learning the name of someone who most likely would die in the near future. However when it came to what he was trying to do. His elegant form broke, it reminded him of a certain vow he made to his dead sister. A little sister who died simply because of the family name Sasaki. Raped, humiliated and tortured before being killed simply because she was a Sasaki. That was one of the only times that the Monohoshizao had been used against humans.

However it seemed the gold mark had gotten to them before him. His grip on the handle of the Monohoshizao loosened as Yun Seora remembered the long blade. It was beautiful a long blade with a blue handle lacking a guard and gold crescent accents on the handle. The way it gleamed in the light against the monster was beautiful. The way it was guided elegantly was beautiful, not a single wasted movement as blade utilise it's long length.


All this time Kim Hannah watched her two invitees surprise her and even do ridiculous things. With Seol Jihu scaring off the monster and even worse that Sasaki Kojiro who had fought off the monster and even caused major harm to it. The second mission was commencing and Kim Hannah could only hope that his quality would stay consistent.

Soon enough Jihu started activating all the traps while deflecting the projectiles, Kim Hannah watched along with the others as soon they looked at an even more astonishing view. Sasaki Kojiro was simply walking by the traps as they triggered, making minimum amount of movements to avoid them while chewing on pocky.

Kim Hannah sighed, If Jihu was an bet then Kojiro was simply an uncontrollable factor. He did what he wanted and would succeed anyway.

Kojiro was training more like, sure he looked casual and was dodging everything by hair width. He was training his Mind's Eye, the skill was something he decided he'd prioritise on. He hummed to himself as he ducked downwards only to realise he should have moved sideways to dodge the other projectile better. No matter, he would learn from his mistakes.


Soon they arrived at the fourth floor and Han was there waiting.

Behind the teacher's podium stood the 'Guide' from the assembly hall, still wearing that butler outfit of his. Everyone stared at Han as if he was some sort of a phantom.

"I congratulate you on successfully arriving on the fourth floor. I have to ask, did you enjoy the proceedings of the first and second periods?"

His leisurely and bright tone of voice roused anger in the hearts of almost everyone present. But, they knew there was nothing they could do, so they simply had to swallow it back. Still, the breathing of the bespectacled, middle-aged man quickened noticeably. However Kojiro brought out a box of pocky. "You look like you need a snack." The guide looked and took it with a thanks.

"I'm here to give you all great news. There is only one mission remaining in the Tutorial."

"There's another one?"

"Yes. But, there is genuinely no reason to fret. The reason being…."

The ends of the Guide's eyes arched upwards.

"…The remaining mission, it can actually become quite easy and enjoyable for everyone."

"Easy and enjoyable…?"

"Yes. As long as you stick to the rules. All of you."

When the Guide emphasised the words "all of you" a dangerous smile crept up his face.

"Shall I start with the explanations, then? Ah, the mission this time is a little more complicated, and that is why I'm here. Besides, those announcements are so robotic and impersonal, no? Ahaha!"

For some reason, the Guide seemed to be in a really good mood.

"Overall, this mission's goal is similar to the ones you had to go through until now. You are tasked with reaching the sixth floor via the fifth floor. However, there are a few more additional rules to consider this time."

The Guide picked up a piece of chalk and drew a small circle on the blackboard.

"This is a coin."

Kojiro took in everything as he and Yun Seora shared the box of mango pocky.

"Have you heard of treasure hunt?" The guide looked at the silent group who spoke nothing except for a Kojiro who gave a thumbs up and a smile.

"Fine. I shall finish the explanation and disappear from your sights as soon as possible. On the fourth and the fifth floor, there are many such hidden coins waiting to be found. You all are required to find and amass as many coins as possible before nightfall."

He then began writing on the blackboard again.

1. The usages for the coins:

—Entry fee

—Lucky draws

"There is a place on the sixth floor where the gate leading to the Paradise is scheduled to open."

The mere mention of entry to Paradise caused a small commotion to rise up.

"Unfortunately, there are no free lunches in the world. You will have to pay the appropriate entry fee. If you plan to enter the gate, you will need one hundred coins as the usage fee."

"One, one hundred? You need that many?"

"Actually, that's not a lot."

Han shook his head.

"The total number of hidden coins is 3000. With a little bit of leg work, finding 100 should be a cinch."

Han spoke up to here, before letting out a gasp of "Ah!"

"Now that I think about it, there are coins hidden in this classroom too…."

Suddenly, the sound of a chair being slid across the floor could be heard. A woman stood up and took a quick stride towards the podium, then began rummaging through it. It was none other than Yun Seora. Soon, she straightened her back and sure enough, four yellowish coins rested on her palm.

She tossed two towards Kojiro who snatched them out of the air while munching on his pocky. He lifted the legs off the table off the ground as he grabbed four more on each leg. Two more were tossed back to Yun Seora.

"On the fifth-floor library, you will find an item draw machine."

"Item draw?" Kojiro's eyes sparkled "Gacha."

The guide soon mentioned the hour of the deceased but Kojiro had long ceased to listen after his brain had processed the word "Gacha" It took Yun Seora precisely 15 taps and a screen in front of his face to snap him out of it.

[Sender: The Guide]

[1. Rules of the treasure hunt]

—Classroom 3-1 will be set as your safe zone from here onwards.

—The period between midnight till tomorrow midday will be designated as the Hour of the Deceased.

—The phantom, "Gaekgwi", and the Deceased are unable to enter the safe zone.

[2. Requirements for gaining access to the sixth floor]

—Access will be granted with the 'sixth-floor key' that can be drawn on the item draw machine using 199 coins, or by paying 499 coins at the door.

[3. Requirements to activate the gate]

—The gate will appear in the middle of the sixth floor, 30 minutes after the access has been granted.

—When the access to the sixth floor has been granted, the metal barrier on the second floor will be removed immediately.