
Second Coming of Gluttony: The Regend

Striving to achieve and surpass what the previous bearers of the mantle, Sasaki Kojiro had achieved. Always striving and living by the sword.

LazzyD · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 4

The door seemed to almost break as the fierce pounding continued, and it issued a harsh metallic protest. No, it was better to describe that the door would break, very soon.


Even seeing with naked eyes, it was difficult to believe that this was really happening; the thick metal door was struck only twice, yet it caved in as if it was made up of paper. Several thick metal hinges were hanging dangerously loose, ready to fall at the slightest impact.

Many people rushed to block it but Kojiro's passive ability [Mind's Eye] told him that he shouldn't get anywhere close to that door. Chairs and a pulpit soon found themselves stacked against the door. Kojiro had his hand ready to draw his blade at any time.

Soon enough the pounding stopped but Kojiro's Mind's Eye just wouldn't stop telling him something else was wrong. He would observe for now, the only exit had been blocked and there was no way out now. Soon enough the contracted started swarming the invitees as if they had found the answers to their problem.

All of a sudden the floor boards creaked and the ground rumbled. Kojiro spent no time pulling the Monohoshizao out of its scabbard. The extremely long blade glinted under the ceiling lights, he stepped onto the ground ready for anything. He had realised from the start that you could only rely on yourself.

The wood exploded and shattered as a thin long rotten arm reached and grabbed the head of the woman whom he remembered as Yi Seol-Ah. Everyone grabbed her legs as she was dragged into the whole from where the arm came. They were all pulling but it was futile as soon a sound of a scream came from Yi Seol-Ah as a pile of red liquid splashed onto everyone.

Everyone fell down from the lack of a countering force as one particular man groaned before noticing a slender leg missing the body in his hands and all mangled.

Sasaki was looking for exits and potential escape but came up with nothing at the moment.

A monster so grotesque soon appeared resembling a human with an unkempt hair swaying around and an eye socket taking up half its head. The monster initially targeted the man who was now known as Jihu or Seol. Kojiro watched as the monster ran from Jihu and instead targeted him.

Jihu soon saw the hole and ran while Kojiro felt fear, at least until he banished the thought from his mind, a quote that would banish fear, a quote passed down from generations. It was the source of his calm and his innate ability [Vitrify]. Everything boiled down to ridding his fear by faithfully believing in said quote. "You fear nothing if you simply see an obstacle as just another swallow."

[Fear effect has been cancelled]

Kojiro calmed his mind as he observed the monster for any split movements so he could counter. His sword style was based off technique, technique over power. The monster bent his legs as Kojiro readied himself as his blade pointed forward. The monster immediately sent one of its hooks at Kojiro, Monohoshizao gleamed as Kojiro reacted in time to shift the trajectory off before charging in.

The effects of Mind's Eye had also been passive as his mind was perfectly calm and he analysed everything with deadly accuracy. The monster was surprised at the sudden forward lurch due to its own strength as Kojiro charged forward. More hooks were sent but most were predicted or were slow as Kojiro deflected each and everyone one of them with meagre strength.

Unknown to Kojiro a certain person who had been hiding was starting to observe him. The hooks were sent flying as the Monohoshizao moved swiftly through the guidance of its wielder. Kojiro focused as he realised one of the hooks was missing and was mostly likely heading from the back.

He trusted his instincts as he lunged forward while dropping as the hook that was meant to pierce him, instead pierced the monster. It roared in pain as it stared at Kojiro who had got into close range with the monster.

Kojiro swung his sword down as he executed the Tsubame Gaeshi. While it was believed to be the Tsubame Gaeshi, every Sasaki Kojiro in history had known that it was not the case, and the Tsubame Gaeshi was nothing but a cheap imitation of the real one hence the real and unknown one was called "Hiken-Tsubame Gaeshi"

The Monohoshizao struck down with might as the monster shifted its head back only for the blade to come up with the same speed slashing its chest. The monster screeched before running away. Kojiro huffed a bit as he glanced and made sure the monster was gone. His Monohoshizao gleamed as blood dripped from the edges onto the tip before pooling onto the floor.

Kojiro stood up with the same amount of elegance as before as he slowly made his way outside. His footsteps were silent as he had trained to walk elegantly without any large clacking sounds yet why was there a small tapping sound of footsteps behind him?

He turned his head around before looking at the small girl. "Why are you following me? Actually before that why don't we introduce ourselves?" The girl nodded before Kojiro introduced himself "This generation's Sasaki Kojiro, I've taken up the mantle of Sasaki Kojiro now just call me Kojiro. How about you miss?"

A small voice came out "Yun Seora" Kojiro gave a smile before a message arrived on his phone.

[Mister Kang Seok, Mister Yi Hyungsik, and Mister Jeong Minwoo have arrived at the second-floor waiting area.]

Yun Seora soon grabbed his sleeve before she asked again "Do you mind if I follow you? I have information that would be helpful." Kojiro nodded I don't mind just be aware that I can't guarantee your protection at all times but if you can keep up I have no qualms."

Yun Seora soon pointed in the directions of the target area. Kojiro soon stopped her as he placed his arm in front. "Why are we stopping?" Kojiro looked at the convenience store "I see pocky. I haven't had those in so long."

A rock soon smashed its way into the window as the monster soon arrived at the place only to see its worst fear.

Kojiro smiled "Ah I see the swallow has returned."


[!] [Fear effect has been cancelled]

[Sense of Subtle Elegance]

[!] [Accuracy and greater hit chances have been improved.]