
Second Chance Apoclypse

Fire_Is_Hot · Fantasy
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New Beginnings part 2

After sobering up from his excitement Josh checked the date on his phone to see how many days were left until the apocalypse started.

On October 12, 2020 scientists had finally found a "working" antidote for Covid-19 that cured Covid symptoms with a 97% effectivity rate and was put into extensive testing but they failed to contain the patients they were testing the wonder drug on when it altered the Covid virus's genetic code mutating the subjects into undead which lead to a rapid spread on January 14, 2021 which was also my birthday.

"Hahah one hell of a birthday present that I got huh well whatever worked out well enough for me I guess Josh thought to himself".

"Well its January 12th 9:30 Am that gives me some time to blow my cash before it starts i guess". "Lets start with the basics and visit a store to buy everything i need".

"No reason to save money when you know the worlds about to end" Josh thought as he went to rent a storage truck. He did this for what he buys so he can put all of his items into his inventory without drawing attention.

{{{Authors note: Josh is rich in pre-apocalyptic world im doing this for convenience and to leave less plot holes due to the excessive shopping. He received the money from his parents and uncles inheritance he received after they died in a car crash}}}

Arriving at the store Josh proceed to buy mountains of spices, dried goods, drinks, water filters, combat boots, high end combat and hunting clothing and other essentials before he packed it all into the back of the truck with the employees help and left to the next round of stores where he purchased medicinal supplies ranging from antibiotics to bandages and wraps; also he purchased multiple swords, spears, combat knifes, and other combat related goods.

Deciding to take one last trip before he forgot to purchase what he deemed the most important Item for the apocalypse ***All Hail Alcohol*** after cleaning out multiple liquor stores entire stocks he returned home to sleep and decided he would spend tomorrow just enjoying the pre-apocalyptic society not worrying about what the feature holds.

{{{*** I am working on making longer chapters but am starting out with small chapters to refine my writting style and to show more chapters when people first view the novel to increase the chance of them reading but dont worry longer chapters are on their way ***}}}