
Seas of Wonder

Silas was born to one of the top clans of the dragon race, the Audric clan. Due to his disability he was kicked, literally, off of the the mountain where he was born. He was then met with his master who taught him everything about life and trained him to be independent in this tumultuous world. Even though he is blind, Silas wants to encounter the wonders of the world. Hello, please enjoy this book, this is my first ever piece of work I have a definitive plan on even if I don't really have an ending in the works, only the first part. I really wanted to craft the story around a blind person and what it would be like. This was kinda retconned after the drafting due to mana but it is still important to the character. I also really wanted to build a world around pirates. I'm greatly inspired by one piece in terms of story telling and world building, as well as the pirates of course, but I wanted to kind of create it like that. I'm going to try to create the cover for the book but I'll be using a place holder for now. If I can't figure out how to do so then oh well it is what it is.

Candor · Fantasy
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14 Chs


In the alleyway, Silas felt a lot more relief from the noise as it was dampened quite a bit. He could also still feel a bit of the lingering mana from the fountain. He retracted his mana sense to find a bit of inner peace. However, soon after that he felt himself knock into someone in this seemingly abandoned alleyway.

Two slender arms wrapped around him and he felt something soft against his chest, another moment later and he felt something soft press against his lips. The sounds of people running came after that and two male voices, "Where did that wench go, we were right behind her." One of the voices spat in anger. "15 gold that bitch did me in. She's going to pay." The other voice said in reply.

The sound of footsteps stopped and Silas could feel two gazes on him. "Hey!" The first voice yelled out. "You there get over here." Silas could hear that they were talking to him, being the only other one in the alleyway and activated his mana sense at full capacity due to the sudden and unforeseen situation.

A strong wave of pressure gushed out and soaked into the alleyway for an instance when he did that. This instance was enough for the two people before Silas to have a cold sweat rush down their backs and they took a step back. They were not foolish people and could see that an expert was before them, or so they thought. "I'm sorry sir, I did not mean to interrupt you!" The second man let out with a shaky voice. "We'll be going now." The second man grabbed the arm of the first man and continued walking. Then in a low voice he said, "Besides why would that stuck up pretentious piece of ass cling to a man on her own regard." The first man nodded in understanding as they began to run towards the other end of the alley.

For the first time Silas looked down at the figure that had wrapped itself around him. It was a rather tall woman who was covered in a flowing cloak. She had a hood over her head covering a thick head of curly hair that went down her back. The oversized and billowy cloak could not hide her figure however. She had dark eyes and a mature aura, and was definitely the most beautiful woman that Silas had ever seen, even in his lack of interaction with the opposite gender.

The woman smiled at him and laughed a little, "Thank you young man, I don't know how I could have gotten away if it was not for you." Silas could only reply with , "uh..."

She let out another laugh, "My name is Samastra mister, would I have the pleasure of knowing my saviors name?" Silas let out a breath and said more calm than before. "My name is Silas."

"Silas hmm, that's a good name. 'Tis a shame that you are only a fledgling." Samastra let out another smile, "I know I like younger guys but below a hundred is too young even if your human form looks good."

"Well, Silas, now that I owe you a grand favor, is there anything I can do to be of use." Samastra said quickly afterwards. Silas paused for a second at her previous statement thinking about many things in his head. 'Human form? How does she know? What is she?' Suddenly that smile of hers did not seem so harmless. "I doubt you need my help, however." She said at his pause. "You have a really strong mana sense, enough to scare off two guardians."

Samastra let out another coy grin, sinking deeper into his embrace, "I'm really interested, ah. Maybe I will just eat you up."

Silas felt his skin start to crawl, "Who are you?" Was all he let out trying to take a step back. Reluctantly leaving his embrace, Samastra put a finger to her lips, "You don't need to worry too much about that. Just tell me what I can help you with." She put her hand down and onto her waist waiting for a reply.

Silas stared at her in confusion and astonishment, his hand instinctively started rubbing on the ring strung from his neck. He was silent for a bit before he realized what he was doing. Samastra just stared at him bemused. "Do you know about formations." Silas finally said while stillbeing hesitant to this unknown person.

"Ohoh." Samastra let out a fake sob. "Unfortunately I do not, and I believe anyone this side of the archipelago will know either. Nor will they be willing to teach you, the laws are harsh you know. Instant death." She had a frown on her face, pondering for a moment. Silas let out an exhale and he had become deflated, suddenly not knowing what to do.

"However, there is a merchant ship leaving in an hour down at the harbor. It's the located in the closest dock to the guild. That boat will take you all the way to Aegis Island. After then the ban is lifted on the rest of the Archipelago and you can take a ship from there to another Island." Samastra said seeing his downcast expression. She then smiled again. "And if you are up to it you can travel to the other end of the Archipelago, on the Isla de Magia, the best formation school is located there and will be all you could ever want in learning formations."

Silas stared at her this time in shock and amazement as he absorbed what she just told him. "Seriously?! Thank you!" Silas let out excitedly. He hugged her on his own accord and then stepped back hastily. "No thank you sir." Samastra laughed, "But, you better get going, it's going to take a little convincing to let a blind man with no money get on a ship, unless you sneak aboard." She smiled again and waved him off.

Silas didn't say another word and stared at her for a second before leaving the alleyway. He was prepared for the noise this time and actively tried to block it out as he made his way to the dock. Samastra lingered in the alleyway for a while more, pondering deeply. 'What a foolish young dragon. What is he doing all the way down here and with no knowledge of the world nor helpers. Even if he is blind it should not be to this extent.' She frowned deeply. ' What is that brat on the mountain up to?'

- - -

Silas thought on the mysterious woman that he had just met words. 'She said the guild right? Isn't that where Ed worked? I should let them know what happened to him and about the Giant Drake. It's the least I can do.' Silas walked over to the nearest person and asked direction to the guild. He got pretty detailed directions and they said that the guild was the only ten story building near the harbor. Silas thanked him and went on his way

The person stood there for a moment longer and realized he just told a blind man directions by using landmarks and a ten story building.

Silas arrived in the Harbor District a few minutes later and looked out for the tallest building. He spent a few minutes looking for it even with his mana sense at full render distance. The building in question was a grand one with a large courtyard in the center and outside of it. It was a five point structure with four buildings on the corners and one tower in the back. The four buildings were connected on the second story through enclosed bridges. the buildings and the bridges went up eight stories while the tower went up the full ten.

Where the buildings were not connected there were archways leading into the large central courtyard which housed training grounds and lounge areas. Silas sat at the entrance and took a deep breath, he did not want to relive those recent terrible memories but he owed it to them, not only for teaching him the basics of formations but also for being nice people and aiding him on his journey only to die with regret.

I hope that building made sense... All of them connect on the upper floors so thats why it is termed as one building :)

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