
Seas of Wonder

Silas was born to one of the top clans of the dragon race, the Audric clan. Due to his disability he was kicked, literally, off of the the mountain where he was born. He was then met with his master who taught him everything about life and trained him to be independent in this tumultuous world. Even though he is blind, Silas wants to encounter the wonders of the world. Hello, please enjoy this book, this is my first ever piece of work I have a definitive plan on even if I don't really have an ending in the works, only the first part. I really wanted to craft the story around a blind person and what it would be like. This was kinda retconned after the drafting due to mana but it is still important to the character. I also really wanted to build a world around pirates. I'm greatly inspired by one piece in terms of story telling and world building, as well as the pirates of course, but I wanted to kind of create it like that. I'm going to try to create the cover for the book but I'll be using a place holder for now. If I can't figure out how to do so then oh well it is what it is.

Candor · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Adventurers Guild

Silas hesitated no longer as he stepped into the Adventurers Guild. He went to the left corner and into that building. The room was very spacious with a few couches scattered about, a set of stairs on the left, and a long counter in the back with many people standing in lines before it. The lines all went to five different people that stood behind the counter.

Silas stood in line a little impatiently as he just followed what everyone else was doing, he had no clue what to do but he had asked someone and they said that the people behind the counter represented the guild and to wait his turn. The line went quicker than Silas thought it would take and suddenly he found himself standing in front of the attendee.

"Hello sir, welcome to the adventurers guild. What can I do for you today." The lady behind the counter said with a professional attitude. Silas looked at her very seriously, "I have come to let you guys know about a Giant Drake being spotted in the closer regions of the jungle. As well as the death of one of the people who works here and his family." The lady had a shocked expression on her face. "A Giant Drake, really?" She asked rhetorically. "How far out was this beast. They haven't been spotted by humans in several years, this is very rare." Silas thought for a moment, "I ran at full speed for a day until I reached the edge of the jungle. Probably around a three days walk to where it was located, but that thing is just as fast as me. It could be anywhere now."

The lady pondered for a moment writing some stuff down on a pad in front of her. "And how long ago did was this beast spotted." Silas did not know how long he had been out of commission for but he thought that he heard the man from before say something about three days. "It should be less than five days but I am not sure, I have been unconscious for some time." Silas said with some uncertainty.

The lady wrote a few more things on her pad and nodded at Silas. "Thank you for letting us know, we'll have a warning posted and a team set out to exterminate this beast as soon as possible." She then gestured for him to step away and let the next person come before her.

Silas parted his moth slightly and then took another step forward, "What about your guy that works here, and his family?!" Silas said with agitation in his voice. "Oh, yes." The woman said nonchalantly, "What was his name, I'll see if he has any remaining family and let them know." Silas stood there in a shocked silence. "Sir, what was the name of this person?" The lady asked again after a moment.

"You don't care, do you?" Silas said in an angry tone. The lady just smiled back, "Every adventurer sign a contract that we are not at fault for any injury or death, while it is definitely disheartening you cannot say that I do not care. Death is a very common occurrence in this field, especially against a beast like a Giant Drake." The lady said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"His name was Edward. That's all I know him by, he was there with his wife Anne and his brother and sister and his son. All of them are dead, right in front of me." Silas spat out. The woman paused for a moment in shock. 'There's no way.' She thought to herself. "Do you know what he looked like?" She asked slowly.

Silas stood for a second, his anger dwindling. "He had a long black beard and a giant shield with him, that's all I know." After hearing his statement she stood up in shock. "That is definitely the Vice Guild Leader." The lady exclaimed. "Sir can you wait here for a bit, I have to inform my seniors of this right away." She said to Silas hurriedly before turning and running off into a room behind her. After that she left the room and ran up the stairs not paying attention to Silas at all. She had he notepad clenched in her hand as she flew up the stairs.

Silas felt her leave the floor and thought about all the time he had already spent in the Adventurers Guild. 'I've let them know about Ed, and I have to leave now to fulfill my wish.' Silas thought in his head before leaving the building swiftly. Outside of the Adventurers Guild's main entrance, Silas turned to face the building and gave a deep bow, his hands put together. "May you and your family rest in peace, Ed." He sniffed a few times and wiped his nose before heading out again.

The lady from the counter from before was named Jade. Jade ran up the stairs and into one of her senior advisors. She burst through the door and panted for a moment before looking up wide eyed at the man sitting behind a desk dealing with a small pile of papers. He looked up puzzledly at her. "Miss Jade, what's the rush?" Jade stood up straight and took a moment to collect herself.

"Senior Chang, I have news about the death of Vice Guild Leader Edward Teach." She said seriously, looking straight into his eyes.

Senior Chang stared at her squinting his eyes slightly, "Are you sure this is from a reliable source?" He asked. Jade shook her head, "I can't be certain sir, that's why I came to you. The man who came to me with this information said he was there when he was killed by a Giant Drake in the outer regions of the Jungle." Jade let out in a single breath. "The man is blind, or at least posing as blind and has a large black blindfold on his face. He's around six foot and has short hair. He's waiting in the lobby right now."

Senior Chang pondered for a few seconds before ordering, "You go send someone to look into this man for me. I'll go down and meet this harbinger." Jade nodded and swiftly exited the office. Senior Chang watched her leave and then straightened his shirt. He also then left the office and made his way to the floor below.

Several of the people waiting in the line as well as the attendees saw him come down and were somewhat shocked. Usually this Senior Chang would stay in his office and complete his work before leaving for the day. I was a rare occurrence for him to step foot in the lobby during business hours.

Senior Chang spent a few minutes looking around for the man with a blindfold from the stairs before realizing he was not there. He then made his way to behind the counter and asked one of the ladies if they had seen where he went. "I think I saw someone with a blindfold leave a few minutes ago." She answered him.

"Damn!" Senior Chang heard this and rushed towards the doors of the building and out of the main entrance. He looked left and right but there was no sign of a man with a blindfold on. He dejectedly walked back in and walked up the stairs without looking at any of the people on the first floor. 'Could it have been a fake report then?' He thought with his hand on his chin.

He then went up to one of the people working at a desk on the open floor. "Bret, I need you to find out where a six foot, black haired man with a blindfold has gone. I want it by the end of the day." The man at the desk looked up at Senior Chang. "Yes sir." With that Senior Chang returned to his office sitting in his chair with his hands massaging his temples.

Jade then burst through the door, and looked around confused. "Where is he?" Senior Chang just stared at her, "Gone, what do you have for me?" Jade stood there not saying anything. "Uh, I have confirmation that a man of the same description was seen being carried through the city gates a little under three days ago with very heavy injuries. He was unconscious when he was brought in."

Senior Chang's eyes lit up, 'So it probably is true. Now why would he leave the building like that.' "And just who brought him into the city." Senior Chang asked. "We are still working on it, she doesn't seem that well known." Jade replied instantly.

"As soon as you find her bring her to me." Senior Chang said with authority. "Set up an expedition as well. If it's true then we'll have to bring back Vice Leader's body back and hold a proper funeral."

Jade nodded and left the room. Senior Chang sat in the same position as before and silently thought to himself. 'If this is true then the whole city is going to erupt into chaos.'


Does anyone know about pirate history?

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