
SCP system in the multiverse

We Secure, Contain and Protect. Being first sent to the marvel world, it was rather easy since S.H.I.E.L.D and Hydra generous sent their troops as cannon fodder. First world: Marvel Other world as undecided

Asorath · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

SCP-054, Battle over the Water Nymph

Ana Pov


'I don't get it. Why would grandfather get a random weakling to fight in our name? The Tournament of Chikara only comes once in ten years, yet we have a great fighter as well as a caring man to fight for us. I must not let this insect into the Tournament.' I thought as I listened to my grandfather chatting and explaining the rules to the black-haired rat.

"This rule will be more important, killing will be allowed in the area of the fight." My grandfather spoke as silence fell upon this car.

'Ha, I guess he's too much of a coward to fight in something like this.'I looked outside the window as we approached my home. 'It's too bad a filthy animal will touch such precious things.'

"Is that all? If so, I can fight for you." I looked at him with shock. Why is he not quitting after hearing the part where my grandfather said 'killing is allowed?

"Haha. That's great." Grandfather cheerfully replied.

"I have two more questions."

"Go for it."

"One, when is the tournament?"

"In 2 weeks."

"Two, what happens if I take first place?"

"Well if you can take first place, I suppose I can throw some more rewards in there."

"Grandfather! You cannot be serious!" I shouted as I turned towards the arrogant bastard, "And you! "

"What about you? What is with your attitude? Of such of your dislike towards me the moment we meet, we must be eternal enemies of our past life hmm?"

'This bastard'

"This bastard."


"That's what you thought of no?" He said with a smile. "Anyways, Keep talking – someday you'll say something intelligent."

I had enough. I lunged at him while I pulled back my fist, ready to punch him as soon as he is in range. I saw my grandfather from the corner of my eyesight. His face was panicked while he looked at the piece of shit, but when my attention went back to him, he was gone.

"What?" In his place, a piece of paper lies on the set. I picked it up and read it. It said,

[I'll be back in two weeks. Also, stop acting like a female dog]

I felt a vein pop on my forehead while my grandfather laughed at me.


Satori Pov


Man, I hate that kind of person. It's so annoying to even try to talk with them. Anyways, I can summon a SCP again after the Goddess changed its rules of it.

[Detecting host wanting to summon daily SCP]


My fingers moved closer to the y until they touched the holographic screen.

[SCP-054 Water Nymph has been summoned. SCP-054 is located in Alaska]

[Beginning rewards: {1 S-rank researcher}, {1000 D-rank prisoners}, {50 B-rank workers}]


Narration pov


"Move, move, move!" one of the remaining 20 A-rank soldiers shouted as many C to B-rank soldiers into a transport to fly to Alaska. All the soldier was dressed in the same armor except there are color stripes to tell what rank each one of them is. Red for A, Blue for B, and Yellow for C.

[Image here]

"What's happening?" Natasha asked one of the red striped soldier as she was separated from Nick and Clint.

"Classified information. Return to your room until further notice." The soldier dismissed Natasha as he boarded the plane.

"Tsk." Natasha clicked her tongue. "You know we are guests your leader has invited right?"

"Temporary guest." The soldier shouted while the plane takes off.

Meanwhile, there is another group that got reports of the anomaly in Alaska. It was Hydra and they wanted to use it for their own purpose.

"Zola, how is the anomaly working?"

"It seems like a water figure, most of the time appearing as a woman." The AI replied to the man. "The report says that it only appears in the night time as well as only comforting people in need. So far, it has shown no hostility."

"When is our main troops arriving on the target?"

"Soon. However, the SCP Foundation still makes a dent in our walls we have to remove. Otherwise, the dent will break the wall." Zola warned the man as he walks off. "The SCP Foundation will be there as well. I suggest you be careful"

The SCP Foundation has already arrived in Alaska and was ready to remove the public water fountain in a large forest park as construction workers. All civilian has been removed from the park as the SCP may be of danger to them. Soldiers surrounded the park, hidden by the trees and shadows.

The fountain was carefully removed as transported on the ship, but just when the worker set the water fountain down, an explosion could be heard. Hydra soldiers were rushing into the park.

"It would seem like Hydra has no intention of hiding themself anymore." The man in black and red turned his head to an armed SCP soldier with a red stripe and the soldier responded with a nod.

|| = radio

|Stand by for Titanfall|

Suddenly a loud sound could be heard from the sky as 7 large objects fell from the sky and landed with a boom. The crash caused dust to fly everywhere as 7 large eyes glowed blue from the smoke. The Hydra members were frightened by the sight of 7 titans emerging from nowhere to be seen. The Titans shot the respective weapons without warning, obliterating and tearing through all enemy forces through the dust and smoke.

Many more Hydra troops arrived with Exo-Skeleton, Exo-Suits, and many more vehicles like tanks and such.

The Ion Titan, TC-9823/Slone, and the Ronin Titan, VC-1524/Ash, were working together splendidly while taking minimum damage. The Ronin was the agile one, swiftly moving and often using his sword to slice whatever stand in his way. The Ion abuses his shield ability, sending every shot that was aimed at him and send it back twice the speed.

The Legion, OS-0152/Blisk, and the Scorch, BR-2722/Kane, was the heavy Titans and were ripping through armored tanks like paper. The Legion even stuck his cannon inside of a tank and blasted it inside out, while the Scorch melted one.

The Tone, KG-5366/Richter, and the Northstar, UG-1241/Viper, was talking down enemies from a distance while the Tone engaged in close combat from time to time.

"Hoho, they are really not holding back huh. I guess they know that I'm here. Nick must have told them." Satori scratches his chin, thinking Nick Fury is doing a good job. Now Hydra knows the power of the SCP Foundation and will be desperate to stop the Foundation in its tracks. "Drop them."

The same A-rank soldier tapped his helmet, talking to the Drop-Ship. This time, 10 objects could be heard falling from the sky and hitting the ground.

|Stand by for Warhammers|


Am I so shameless that I would stone myself? No!! It's because you guys don't stone me!!!!